Christophe Rigon / Soto² 🪸 - Scybernethician Profile picture
Cognition/Modeling, 2d cybernetics & enaction, techno-hermeneutics, epistemic & creative cognition, self-design & lived bio-logic. Meaning & sense making.
Christophe Rigon / Soto² 🪸 - Scybernethician Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 27 17 tweets 2 min read
[ The Collective Drift Towards Erroneous Conceptions: the example of Memory ]

The "cognitivist" mentality (computo-representational functionalism) has allowed AI to cause our collective memory to drift towards erroneous conceptions, Image which are nevertheless crucial for understanding cognition and the mind, that is to say, consciousness and our own perceptions of ourselves.
Jul 26 6 tweets 1 min read
[ Academic Discourses on Normativity as a Second-Order Gesture ] 😉

From the normalization of normativity (the normativity of normativity) to self-normativity.

An interaction in 4 steps with the automatic doxa (LLM + RAG): 1. What is "linguistic normativity"? How could it be related to "vital normativity"?

2. Is it legitimate to speak about vital normativity without speaking about linguistic normativity?

3. Are there any philosophers who integrate both vital and linguistic normativity?
Jul 25 5 tweets 5 min read
[ Scybernethics Meta-Thread: Terminology 2 ]

"Mind as a Gesture":



"The Mind-Mind Problem (MMP)":…………
"Second-Order Rationality²":


"Place of the Synthesis":



Jul 25 16 tweets 3 min read
[ Knowing - Cognitive Sciences - Trends and Perspectives, Varela, 1989 ]

1. Information

"Information, I would say, is like a modern phlogiston that would explain the structure of knowledge by relying on a pre-existing order of things. The keystone of cognition is precisely Image The keystone of cognition is precisely its capacity to express meaning and regularities; information must appear not as an intrinsic order but as an emergent order of cognitive activities themselves.
Jul 24 6 tweets 1 min read
[ The Advantage of the 1P Disciplined Perspective ]

The first-person phenomenological perspective has a great advantage over the classical 3P-Only/Cartesianist scientific point of view: being able to also study its intentional object through *negation*. Image Where behaviorist science is condemned to accumulate occurrences to infinity in order to generalize them, a phenomenologist can also simply study a psychological/cognitive phenomenon *directly* through its voluntary repression.
Jul 22 8 tweets 2 min read
[ iMachination & Natural Magic ] 🫧

Each time we delegate and externalize a physical gesture or a cognitive act (memory trace or reasoning) to the machine without being aware of it, we weaken our living know-how and increase our machinic know-how: we cognitarianize ourselves, Image thereby becoming more dependent on the social productive logics that in return mechanize us, in an endless, systemic and deadly positive feedback loop.
Jul 21 13 tweets 2 min read
[ Scybernethics: some Key points of Second-Order Rationality² ]

In scybernethics, "second-order rationality" (rationality²) represents an evolved understanding of rationality that goes beyond traditional first-order cognitivist / 3P-only / Cartesianist classical approaches. Image 1. Regulatory and homeostatic:

Second-order rationality is viewed as a regulatory mechanism that helps maintain balance and stability in cognitive processes, similar to homeostasis in biological systems.
Jul 20 22 tweets 3 min read
[ Scybernethics: Downward Causation & Emergence through Attentional Grids ]

In scybernethics, top-down and bottom-up modeling are always coupled through a co-determining hermeneutic and heuristic circulation.

The conception of theories and models as "attentional grids" is key. Here's an explanation of how these concepts are interpretated by using this approach:

1. Theories and models as attentional grids:

In scybernethics, theories and models are viewed as ways of seeing and thinking - essentially "attentional grids"
Jul 20 5 tweets 1 min read
[Forgetting Evidence]

We, human beings and becoming, are objectively so similar that *we strive permanently to express our differences*, starting with our linguistic exchanges which are made possible only thanks to this community *implicit*, thereby forgetting the evidence. Image There is not distinction possible (the most elementary analytical form of knowledge production), formally/spacially, without the implicit of a common background, which disappear in the process of *transduction* (trans-formation of the real process into a seizable cognitive form).
Jul 19 16 tweets 2 min read
[ Scybernethics & Sense of Agency ] 🧵🪡☯️

The concept of "scybernethics" emphasizes the crucial role of the observer-actor in shaping knowledge and understanding, especially in relation to technology.

Here's how "agency", particularly the *sense of agency*, is integrated: 1. the "Ambijective Gesture":

The scybernethics framework already emphasizes a constant cycling between objective, third-person perspectives and subjective, first-person experiences, termed the "ambijective gesture".
Jul 19 8 tweets 1 min read
[ Scybernethics Bridge the HPC by a Change of Perspective ] 🧵🪡

The "hard problem of consciousness" (HPC) asks: how can a physical brain give rise to subjective experience? This question highlights a fundamental challenge for traditional science, which struggles to account for the subjective "view from within."
Jul 18 5 tweets 2 min read
[ Claude-Bernard: the "Milieu intérieur" leading to Homeostasis ] 🧵🪡⏲️

Claude Bernard (1813-1878) originated the concept of "milieu intérieur" (internal environment), which laid the foundation for the later development of Cannon's concept of "homeostasis". Image Ref:

Quote in my "Brain":

"You have to believe in science, that is to say determinism, the absolute and necessary relationship of things, both in the fields specific to living beings as in all the others but…
Jul 17 4 tweets 1 min read
[ Exploring the notion of "Vital Normativity" with a LLM ] 🧵🪡🧭

While playing with my new "friend" 🤖, I'm exploring vital normativity conceptions, from Varela's enaction to institutional and ecologic normativities, through philosophers/thinkers of life and of technics. Featuring:

General paradigm:
- Varela's and al.'s Enaction

Philosophers of Life:
- Canguilhem
- Jonas
- Merleau-Ponty

Philosophers of Technics:
- Simondon
- Stiegler
- Hui

Special Guests:

- Weber
- Werner
Jul 16 9 tweets 2 min read
[ Memoir of a Scybernethician: Evolution & Robotics ] 🧵🪡

In 2001, while I was trying to deepen my hermeneutic and heuristic experience with artificial cognition/subjectivity simulations with connectionist and multi-agent models (CA, ANN, PDP, Swarms, Karl Sims, etc.), I naturally became interested in robotic simulations, and more particularly in "evolutionary" robotics to compensate for the lack of pragmatic concreteness of purely computer simulations.
Jul 15 13 tweets 2 min read
[ CosmoTechnics & ScybernEthics: a quick summary in 5 points ] 🧵🪡 👁️

(@digital_objects) Image 1. Hui's Cosmotechnics: This concept challenges the idea of a universal technology, arguing that different cultures develop unique technological approaches rooted in their cosmologies and ethics.
Jul 11 12 tweets 3 min read
[ Experiential Logic² as an Enactive Embodied Logic - Historical and Cultural Perspectives ] 🧵🪡

My experiential and embodied scybernethics Logic² was initially influenced by two thinkers: Varela and Morin. I have managed to rationalize an historical arc, from Hegel to

second-order logic, explaining how this Dia-Logical Dialectics is an extension of classical conceptions, not surprisingly in resonance with actual Western (Enactive "Linguistic bodies") and Eastern (Kyoto School) views, even if I didn't knew them at that time.

Jul 10 19 tweets 3 min read
[ Epistemology of the Observer: Two Forms of Illusions and their Consequences (Part 1, Eirene) ] 🧵🪡

Buddhist epistemology describes not one, but at least two forms of illusion.
Image The first, classical, consists in perceiving something that is not there. This is our usual way of understanding an “illusion”. A classic example is the mirage in the desert: a thirsty man sees a lake in the distance while there is only an optical illusion generated by
Jul 8 9 tweets 2 min read
[ Knowing by Doing / by Thinking Abstractively: BOTH! ] 🧵

Formalization/declarative knowledge & Engineering/processual knowledge (form/process) have been socio-historically segregated from one another, generating a bifurcation of culture and practices (science vs engineering) Image but with highly productive capitalist consequences. This bifurcation must be understood as in a quasi-bidimensional/quasi-orthogonal relationship relative to that of nature (cf. Whitehead about this last one).
Jul 6 18 tweets 3 min read
[ Scybernethics Methodology: Working with Conceptual Dipoles ] 🧵🪡

In Scybernethics, a significant part of the philosophical and conceptual work of elaboration (cf. Deleuze) has been done with what I have called "conceptual dipoles" Image (dualities, dichotomies, dialectical opposites) such as parts/whole, inside/outside, explanation/understanding, localized/distributed, intentionality/agency, episteme/techne, form/process... leading to my finally enacted prototypical concept of "quasi-bidimensionality".
Jul 5 23 tweets 4 min read
[ Understanding LLMs: Computer techs as Psycho-Technologies of Cognition ] 🧵🪡

I find that most of the critiques of genAI/LLMs, even from high level intellectuals, miss the crucial point: they focus on what is intelligible for them (linear and localized symbolic computation) but this is Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP), which is completely different.

( cf. 👇


Jul 1 10 tweets 2 min read
[ The Mind-Mind Problem ] 🧵

From a scybernethics experiential perspective, the main problem is not at all the mind-body one (HPC), which is the modern reification of the cultural quasi-double Cartesian cut (mind/body//object/subject) at the virtuous foundation of modern science showing how our current normative scientific rationality has reached what I have called the "saturation of ontological/disciplinary domains", leading to this paradoxical self-referential gesture of the scientists: