Dubula Profile picture
Communist educator. I write what I like. he/him. @caarprnow https://t.co/z9MmUwXJtr
Nov 11, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Some brief points on the election results and the subsequent Discourse
1: Don’t fall for the divide & conquer rhetoric from people who never supported their own people's liberation, let alone that of others. The loudest anti Palestinian, anti immigrant voices in the Black community were spreading cointelpro rhetoric online when the same Palestinians who are protesting the genocide were protesting police crimes in 2020. These opportunists didn't even resist Trump the first time.
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
China was one of the poorest countries in the world at the time and had just lost 20 million people fighting Japanese fascism. It's remarkable that they were able to help Korea, another impoverished and war torn country, fight the richest empire in the world to a stalemate. Colonizers have always portrayed a superiority in weapons and technology, which they have due to superexploitation of other people's labor, as a superiority of the soldiers themselves. It's like praising a mass shooter because a bunch of unarmed civilians couldn't kill him.
May 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Socialists shouldn't antagonize religion like some atheists do, but religious thinking and dialectical materialism are different outlooks on the world. If we're trying to build a revolution, we have to deal with the objective reality that exists independent of our thoughts. There are thousands of different and mutually exclusive "metaphysical realities" in the heads of different people, but the accumulation of capital through labor exploitation is objective. Sometimes religion can clarify lines of class & national oppression. Often it muddles them.
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Billionaires don't wake up at 5am. Bus drivers, teachers, nurses, service workers, etc wake up at 5am. Billionaires wake up whenever they want because their wealth doesn't come from their own labor. It comes from the labor of people who will never be billionaires. "But surely billionaires work harder/smarter/better than the rest of us?"
No they don't. The only reason vampires like jeff bezos, howard schultz or apartheid Edison are billionaires is they have masses of people getting up early to work shifts at amazon, tesla, starbucks etc.
Aug 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
White people can be revolutionaries when they practice revolutionary organizing and study revolutionary theory. Moving vast amounts of oppressed and exploited people to overthrow their oppressors requires constantly fighting racism and other chauvinisms, but it's not impossible. In fact it's necessary. The people's movements are very weak right now because of the unending repression that comes from living in the belly of the beast. We need to focus on growing the fight against capitalism, not thinking about who won't join it.
Aug 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Anticommunist leftism has never and will never help anyone but the capitalists. Criticizing the CPC will never make them respect you. Calling Stalin a monster won't make them give you free healthcare. Saying Cuba isn't "really socialist" won't win anyone over to your "socialism" There are genocidal, unjust, oppressive, and exploitative conditions in the world that have to be changed, and you can't change them without a revolution. The bourgeoisie understands this, which is why they teach you in school, pop culture, and news media to hate revolutionaries.
Jul 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
American hegemony is bad but Chinese hegemony will be worse
Source(s): racism There's literally nothing in recent Chinese history that suggests they're trying to be the next America. If anything the left criticism of Chinese foreign policy is that they'll work with anyone regardless of the country's politics.
Jul 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
People living in so called "authoritarian" countries are neither stupid nor docile. Most of them have had revolutions only a few decades ago and maintain high levels of political engagement among workers. They can overthrow regimes they don't like without the help of the US. If there's peace and stability in Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, DPRK, etc it's not because the government has stamped out any dissent, it's because the people are satisfied enough that they don't feel the need to rebel. We can't say the same about the US, which just had a rebellion
Jul 12, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
A few people have pointed out that I use the words "socialists" and "communists" interchangeably. I understand that socialism and communism are not *exactly* the same thing, but it's a distinction without a difference because any good socialist should also be a communist. Communism is a classless system in which property is collectively owned, everyone gets what they need and does what they can for each other, and no one is in a position of power over anyone else. This hasn't been actualized yet since you can't get rid of classes overnight.
Jul 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
My haters keep telling me to go visit Cuba if I like socialism so much, but when I do eventually go to Cuba and come back as an even more committed communist they'll be mad. And I'm not joking. At some point in the next few years (although I have nothing planned yet) I'm gonna go to Cuba, meet people working in the towns and villages, and write some articles, and I know for a fact these same people will move the goalposts to keep talking shit.
Jul 10, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The nice thing about learning history is you become immune to bullshit like this. Capitalist countries miseducate their populations to hate communism so they don't try to overthrow the system that exploits them. Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti is a good primer on the actual history of communism and undoing the bourgeois propaganda we're raised in.
Jul 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Chris Hani swatted bad faith questions from bourgeois white journalists like flies.
I've been sharing Mandela's response to the question of why South Africa was friends with Castro and Gaddafi (which is a very good response) but Hani's (around 38 minutes) is a lot more satisfying.
Apr 30, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The USSR doesn't get enough credit today for snapping the spine of the nazi empire. They lost 26 million people to the largest invading army in history and still managed to march them back to Berlin. Once you get past the anticommunist propaganda you can see how amazing that is. The propaganda is so severe there's people who believe the USSR was actually allied with the nazis despite the majority of nazi casualties coming from the Soviets. There's people who think the nazis only lost because they invaded in the winter when in reality they invaded in June
Mar 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The accusation that a world leader kills "their own people" is mindlessly repeated by liberals who don't understand the history and function of the phrase in portraying fascists as better than communists and imperialists as better than the targets of imperialism. One of the justifications for colonial genocide has always been "they kill each other, so it's cool for us to kill them"
Saddam was evil for killing "his own people" so the US has been justified in killing millions of Iraqis since the 90s.
Dec 30, 2021 33 tweets 6 min read
Theory Thursday: Money
Today we’re reading chapter 3 of Marx’s Capital, which is about the root of all evil.
Full text: marxists.org/archive/marx/w…
Chapter 2: Chapter 3 is broken up into 3 sections, and Section 1 is about money as a tool for measuring value. The value of a commodity expressed in terms of money is its price, which is an ideal expression of the amount of labor put into creating the commodity.
Nov 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
"China is colonizing Africa" - someone who is quiet about AFRICOM and the IMF "You can oppose two things at once"
Cool but why not focus on the one that's objectively worse?
Even if all the exaggerations and fabrications about China in Africa were true, it's not even close to what the US and europe have been doing in broad daylight for centuries.
Nov 26, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Idk how you could look at US politics and think a two party system is democratic. Liberals have this list of things they think constitute a democracy (term limits, two or more ruling parties, etc) and they act like this idea of democracy came down from heaven. In reality it's the system of rule built over time by slave owners, capitalists & imperialists.
Oct 10, 2021 31 tweets 6 min read
Theory ThSaturday: Commodities

First published in 1867, Marx’s Capital (Das Kapital) is still required reading for anyone who wants an in depth understanding of capitalism. This is a primer thread on Chapter 1 to help anyone who’s struggling or nervous about getting started. Here's a link to the text. I encourage everyone to read it if, when, and however you can. Take notes and discuss with some comrades. This thread is to help your understanding, not to be your only source of understanding.
Jun 29, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
"Why do you care what people think of Stalin?"
Because capitalists care what people think of Stalin. That's why they put so much time and money into demonizing him. They don't care about freedom & democracy or historical accuracy. They just wanna make you afraid of revolution. So when we push back and say Stalin wasn't a monster, it's not because we think he was a perfect individual. It's because he gets used as a scapegoat for the fabricated and exaggerated problems of socialism by the same people who have a vested interest in maintaining capitalism.
Jun 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"What did Stalin do for his own people?" Image (I know Stalin wasn't Russian but I couldn't find a graph like that for Georgia)
Jun 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
"wow how could you say something good about STALIN???" is a pavlovian response after growing up in a society saturated with anticommunist propaganda. At a certain point if you wanna grow politically you have to get past the indoctrinated discomfort and actually learn history. Don't let the ruling class choose your enemies for you. They want you misinformed and contemptuous of any successful revolution so you don't become a threat to imperialism.