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Jan 7, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read

ochako who gets all dolled up for a date, matching panties and bra and everything, but gets stood up so she calls best friend izuku to come cheer her up.

he says he’s got booze at his apartment, and his roommate, katsuki’s, out for the night. couple of drinks in, izuku’s cursing her date like it’s personal and she’s braless in just his too big t-shirt and a pair of his rubbing shorts.

katsuki comes home to them getting busy, ochako on a shirtless izuku’s lap on his bed. drunk kid didn’t care which room was his.
Jan 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
thinking about ochako’s plump and round little pussy cupped within katsuki’s large hand, his finger tracing up and down the seam of her lips were he can feel her wetness begin to pool.

she’s soft in his hand. squeezable, even, and he gives her one when her legs get restless. it’s tight and promising, but she keeps squirming under him with soft whines for him to stop teasing. to stop being so mean. she needs it.

but he tsk’s, and he lifts his hand altogether while looking down at her spread open and bare body. her plush cheeks. her round stomach.
Jan 5, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
i think top, scrawny nerd izuku and bottom, brawny punk katsuki is hot everyone thinks katsuki tops. izuku’s a bottom. one look, it’s obvious, right?

but izuku has one small hand around katsuki’s thick wrists, holding them to the beg as heavy legs rest in his dainty shoulders. the intimidating scarlet eyes that has everyone running are misty.
Sep 14, 2021 50 tweets 10 min read
[ dubcon; breeding; degrad; krbk ]


barbarian-princess bakugou and her dragon knight kirishima who has to repeatedly remind himself that wanting the princess is bad.

thinking of her tight little cunt milking his knot is bad. bad dragon. bad knight. bad—

“—boy, dammit!” bakugou smacks him with a rolled towel, dripping with water from her bath in a spring and completely, shamelessly, bare for his preying eyes.

“i asked you to hang my cape, not throw it on top of the highest fucking tree you can find! how am i supposed to get it now, dumbass?”
Apr 30, 2021 1733 tweets >60 min read
[ abuse; possible noncon; ]


“daddy, why does mommy hit you?”

‘for a lot of reasons,’ izuku wanted to say to his daughter. ‘i didn’t tell her that i’d be working with another woman. she seen the passcode on my phone. her car didn’t have any gas left.

because i love you.’ instead, he smiled at the love of his life and cupped her soft, freckled cheek that had only ever known the pain of smiling too hard for too long.

izuku would do anything—take any beating, any verbal battering, and every mental breakdown—to protect the happiness she wore.
Mar 3, 2021 487 tweets >60 min read
katsuki didn’t mean to stumble across her co-worker’s fetish forward lifestyle.

all she wanted was to drop off some folders for their upcoming mission since the man was hospitalized yet again.

she swore that izuku was fucking one of the nurses until she met his pet girlfriend. and no. that wasn’t a mistake.

one of the most respected heroes in japan had a girlfriend as his little pet.

when katsuki opened the front door with the key izuku had given her, she was greeted with a leashed woman who sat on her knees.

papers spilled over the wooden floor.
Jan 9, 2021 50 tweets 9 min read
[ ph!momo/hs!katsuki; objectification ]


momo’s enthusiastic about learning, about teaching, and absolutely doesn’t mind working as a teacher at her old highschool.

it’s exciting to raise the next generation of heroes... until those kids try to act like adults themselves. like one particular, katsuki bakugou, who always feels the need to gloat that he’ll be the next number one hero and that he’s better than even some of the pro’s out there.

he’s a good enough kid with spectacular grades and does his best to live up to his own expectations.
Jan 9, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
“i’m falling for your eyes, but they don’t know me yet.” // bakumomo


momo doesn’t have a favorite color. well, she didn’t.

each is just so unique, so emotion evoking in their own way that it’s difficult to rank.

cobalt is so calming. lavender so precious.

but scarlet... the way scarlet glistens in the sunlight when each golden ray kisses his frame like god’s personal spotlight, shimmers like ruby yet holds a rich darkness like garnet, it’s breathtaking.

scarlet feels like power, like capes of silk draped over a throne and swishing in the wind.
Jan 8, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read

ms!katsuki and his god complex finding meek little izuku and pushing him on to his knees, basking in the rush of power he gets standing over his hunched frame.

he feels larger than life, bigger than anything this world could have ever created; izuku only fuels his ego. the boy looks at him like he’s inevitable, like he’s a storm that ravages and takes but could never be stopped. guns, prayers, nothing could ever deter him from his path of destruction.

it is what it is. as if frail, defenseless little izuku could ever stand up to him. with him.
Dec 19, 2020 398 tweets >60 min read
pro-hero: dynamight being transferred to america to help stop the climbing crime rates, but that also means being alone for the holidays. no friends. no family. just him in a country he knows nothing about.

but just a month before christmas, he saves a little boy. an orphan. the child has big chocolate eyes and shaggy black hair, little freckles stippled across his rosy cheeks.

katsuki’s never been a family man, never thought of himself as someone who would want kids and a spouse, but it’s christmas now; he’s alone with his jack and the television.
Dec 9, 2020 51 tweets 10 min read
prince bakugou puts dragon kirishima in a chastity cage because if he wants him to sit on his cock, there’s absolutely no way he can fit it inside while fully hard.

that and the stupid lizard will get so horny that he will actually hump a tree and cry over splinters in his dick. kirshima’s desperate, begging for it to come off, but bakugou says no. tells him that he causes enough trouble during his rut and that if he’s a good—and smart—lizard, then he’ll get a reward for not trying to melt the fucking thing with his fire breath and burn himself again.
Nov 27, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
awhile ago i wrote a thread about bakugou being hit with a sensitivity quirk, and i was thinking about it in a non-sexual way and...

kirishima pampering him with compliments and kisses, saying that he’s so handsome and strong, and he really, really likes him.

then bakugou dies. HAHAHA I’M KIDDING.

but his heart is racing, palms are sweaty, every inch of his body is light and airy, and he has never known a feeling so strong. kirishima’s making his cheeks ache and his stomach flutter.

it feels so much like what cliche romance manga say it does.
Nov 25, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
dragon king bakugou, a ruthless warrior with a crimson kingdom on his hands, believed to burn alone in solitude for all of eternity, meets a mysterious traveller in his neck of the woods who proves there’s more to the world than bloodshed and loneliness.

he calls himself, deku. when asked—demanded—for his name, the traveller falls silent, still.

“i don’t remember. all i know is i awoke on a raft drifting down your river. on my hand, ‘deku’ was written.”

bakugou keeps a close eye on the boy. he locks him in a tower and keeps him away from his city.