Kirsty Johnston Profile picture
Voyager Reporter of the Year 2022. Most recently reporting on the climate crisis for @radionz. Currently on parental leave 🐣
Apr 4 6 tweets 2 min read
Unsure if everyone knows this but, more and more, the stories reporters write and news sites promote are determined by analytics - what has done well before (house prices!), what gets people to subscribe (private school rankings) and not by traditional news values /1 Reporters are ranked by the page impressions they get, there’s bonuses for subscribers, and stories that are deemed dull or heavy or worthy are either rejected by editors or - as a consequence - not even pitched by reporters to begin with /2
Apr 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I went from being shocked and sad about Kiri Allan’s cervical cancer diagnosis to a white hot fury in about three seconds and haven’t been about to let it go all day.

HOW ABOUT WE PROPERLY FUND AND RESEARCH AND PRIORITISE WOMEN’S HEALTH Like seriously WHY is cervical screening still a painful, invasive procedure when research has found there is a better and easier test??

I’ll tell you why, it’s medical misogyny