Kyle Kukshtel Profile picture
kkukshtel on blue sky 👋
Dec 13, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
CRUNCH MATH/STORY TIME: One person stays late at work 1-2 hours a week. It’s never enough to alert anyone, and the person genuinely enjoys their work so nobody cares. HOWEVER... 1-2 hours a week over the course of 1-2 years of dev adds up to 1-2 extra weeks of work, now fully unaccounted for in a development schedule. The company delivers the game “in time” but they are secretly over schedule! But it gets worse...
Nov 16, 2020 32 tweets 10 min read
OKAY - We're talking about publishers again and people are rightfully annoyed. Pubs are often VERY opaque about what they want and when, so instead of waiting for an answer I present to you The (Working) Guide on When To Pitch A Publisher (THREAD!) #gamedev Image This thing looks crazy at first but I'll walk through it. The main concepts are that there are two major axes, "Cost" and "Systemic Complexity". I'll say up front already that this thing isn't comprehensive and there are edge cases, but if you accept the general conceit let's go!