#KlondikePapers - 6400 emails, txts and docs you weren't meant to see. Dirty right wing politics bent lawyers crime fraud corruption sex $$$
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Feb 28, 2024 • 14 tweets • 2 min read
The scandal surrounding OneSchool/Unispace involves a complex fraudulent scheme wherein at least $80 million was siphoned from donations made to the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church's (PBCC) school charity, OneSchool Global, by Gareth and Charles Hales, (1/13)
sons of the PBCC's spiritual leader. This scheme was exposed by Steve Simmons, a former trustee for a OneSchool campus in Auckland, New Zealand, who had access to a wealth of evidence supporting his claims. (2/13)
Nov 13, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Guess who rapist Peter Nygard hired as his lobbyist?
It didn't take Peter Nygard long to come up with an audacious new line of attack after losing his child support battle.. The fashion guru has hired Calgary lawyer Gerald Chipeur to lobby MPs...🧵theglobeandmail.com/report-on-busi…
...for changes to Canada's divorce law. In a ruling last month an Ontario court ordered Mr. Nygard to pay more than $1-million in legal fees incurred by Kaarina Pakka, mother of their 16-year-old son.
Guess who else hired Gerald Chipeur as a lobbyist? 🧵
Nov 4, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Was Debbie Jodoin working for the Republicans? Debbie sabotaged Patrick Brown’s leadership campaign, thus guaranteeing Poilievre’s success and a lurch to the right for the Cons. New evidence shows Jodoin was a hardcore Republican who organsied a pro-war rally in Ottawa in...🧵
support of Bush’s Iraq invasion, and, more recently, was photographed cheerleading for Donald Trump. Who else in the Cons might be a Republican agent? Look no further than American born lawyer Gerald Chipeur, the former chair of “Republicans Abroad Canada” a close friend of...
Oct 31, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Bruce D. Hales & Gerald Chipeur. The Plymouth Brethren inside Canadian politics. An extract from The Armageddon Factor by Marci Mcdonald.
"Flyers from a group called Concerned Canadian Parents surfaced on the doorsteps of those MPs like Holland who had supported same-sex...🧵
marriage, calling it "a canker" that would destroy the country. No incorporation data existed for Concerned Canadian Parents whose address was a rented post office box in a 7-Eleven store on Toronto's Weston Road, but it turned out to be the unregistered front for a tiny but...
Oct 24, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Extract from: Stephen Harper and the future of Canada
by William Johnson.
In June [2001] Harper was invited to a dinner at the home of Gerry Chipeur, a politically active Calgary lawyer who had supported Day. Chipeur’s firm, Chipeur Advocates, had hired Ezra Levant...🧵
...after his firing asDay's director of communications for denouncing a Montreal judge and suggesting "corruption of the judiciary." Levant, the self-proclaimed "Stockaholic," was at the dinner, as were Sean McKinsley, Day's deputy campaign manager in the leadership contest,..
Jun 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Brethren's lawyer calls for "evil" Canadian Gov't to be killed.
Chipeur, counsel for the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church made the call in 09/20. 3 months later he was working with PBCC leader Brad Mitchell to hunt and kidnap Richard Marsh. tinyurl.com/2p848vs3lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl…
Lobbyist register documents show PBCC Canada leader Brad Mitchell (Westec Distributors became Klondike Lubricants) working with Chipeur over 15 years ago. Chipeur has represented the PBCC in numerous Canadian court cases.