Keletso Makofane, MPH, PhD (he/him/his) Profile picture
Activist, public health practitioner, and social network epidemiologist. Postdoc, @PennCausal. PI, RESPND-MI. This Account is No Longer Active
Kelly_Doug Profile picture #TheBatman 🐭🦊 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 22, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Also, in the year of our lord 2022, we still have a difficult time talking openly about liking objects, including but not limited to penises, inserted in our bodies. But that feeling is not a respectable feeling. If you enjoy that feeling, you are not a respectable person. And appearing to be respectable makes a difference in your ability to have food and shelter every month. But also in your future prospects, which are important, obviously.
Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Gonna level with you gays: there arent enough tests for monkeypox available, despite the fact that we have advocated for specific things to be done to avoid this. It’s also pride season so the need is urgent. If you are in the NYC area and have been denied a test, dm and I’ll try and channel you to decision-makers in government.
Jun 17, 2022 22 tweets 8 min read
I was invited to participate in a panel on Epidemiologic Transitions Theory at SER and my flight was cancelled so I didn't get to. Made a little thread outlining my talk out of *pure FOMO*. 0/ Image The pandemic rages and epidemiologic transitions theory doesn't make sense. I decided to talk about something else: When dead white people say “primitive”, you know some fuckshit is coming. This annoyed me through grad seminars so thought I would take the opportunity to vent. 1/ Image
Jun 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
ok lol. I have been at elite institutions my entire academic career and 'excellence' is definitely a thing that is there - thats why I stayed at my university. But for every one part of excellence there are 3 parts of tedious, nepotistic, tyrannical mediocrity. I can't stress enough how many lectures and talks I attended which low-key and high-key assumed that you can talk or train people out of poverty. Or that showing that black people have worse outcomes than white people is new or interesting.
Dec 28, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
As a non-virologist, here are some things I have learned about covid that I would not have guessed before the pandemic. They are super counter-intuitive: 1/ the virus spreads well in indoor settings without proper ventilation (e.g. restaurants), but not when the indoor space was built on the sidewalk or street in New York between August of 2020 and January of 2021.