Kate Mackenzie Profile picture
Writer/researcher on finance, econ + climate also @kmac@econtwitter.net Haunts include @centrepolicydev @climate @polycrisis @phenomenalworld ex @FT
Jeroen de Jong Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 7, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ The paradox of green protectionism: it's hard for most countries to enact climate measures without protecting domestic industries. Fears (real or feigned) of hurting local "trade-exposed" businesses have held back climate policy for years. 2/ But protectionism (whether real or perceived) can undermine decarbonization by encouraging tit-for-tat, working against collaboration, and ultimately limiting take-up of green technology and greening industries.
Dec 2, 2022 55 tweets 16 min read
1/ This panel was so good it definitely deserves a @70sBachchan style thread, so even though Twitter is getting weird, here goes: (NB will also be writing about it over at Mastodon @kmac@econtwitter.net)
2/ How does the construct of financial architecture intersect with the real world crises of climate, energy, food - and can we actually fix the latter group with the former, without losing our heads or just escorting private finance?
Nov 25, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
In the 1st week of COP27, just a couple of days after "Finance Day", one chapter in one country's debt/climate/fossil fuel story concluded. Chad, an oil producing African nation, became the first country to get a debt restructuring under the Common Framework. The deal was criticised by World Bank president David Malpass because it didn't actually reduce the NPV (roughly, the total amount that creditors would receive). marketscreener.com/quote/stock/GL…
Oct 13, 2022 26 tweets 10 min read
1/ Interested in the political economy of climate+everything? Me, @70sbachchan & @phenomenalworld launched the Polycrisis project last Thursday with an awesome panel. Listen to @triofrancos @IrvingSwisher @TheStalwart discuss the Geopolitics of Stuff here: [You can READ a lightly edited transcript here: phenomenalworld.org/interviews/geo… ]
Oct 11, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
IMF panel on debt w/ great line-up taking place now here imf.org/en/live?_slide… Was beginning to get next level surreal with Moody's and then Axel Weber, until Anna Gelpern spoke some sentences with actual meaning: "Debt is not oxygen; it's a social condition."
Sep 26, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
Time for a thread on sovereign debt burden + climate damage; a grim intersection which is mostly ignored and steadily worsening, but has much potential for change..
ft.com/content/310617… I'll try to start at the beginning as it seems that, among both sovereign debt people (or broader finance people) & climate people, many find it hard to see a connection.
Aug 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
screaming I remember a few years ago a very good economist who won't want to be tagged mentioned to me the fact that "most industries apart from ag & tourism aren't considered exposed to climate change in the models because they're indoors" and I was like hahahaha no way.
Aug 29, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
It's dismaying how few people know that economics has all but failed to understand even the basics of climate change. With a handful of notable exceptions. The example Genevieve gives is so important. How could that assumption be accepted? And Nordhaus received the Nobel economics award in 2018; post IPCC 1.5 report! (I always mention that, to his credit, Nordhaus did express surprise that the Marty Weitzman wasn't co-recipient.)