Kevin Kneupper Profile picture
Consumer protection attorney at Kneupper & Covey PC. Author of They Who Fell series (fallen angels) and Restricted Fantasies (sci-fi short stories).
Jul 24, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
There is now a final settlement in the "cocky" case which resolves the lawsuit and withdraws the cocky trademark - I'm very happy it was resolved without going through the entire process. Alpha males can all be as cocky as they want! I'm very glad to put the dispute behind us, and as I've said before I believe in burying the hatchet and plan to do so. There's lots of other trademark issues and "black hat" stuff to worry about.

But there are also many people to thank for helping to get this one resolved!
Jul 14, 2018 30 tweets 6 min read
Just read "Microworlds" by Stanislaw Lem, a book of literary criticism of the sci-fi genre that I think for any science fiction author (or reviewer) should be a must-read. It's especially interesting as a mirror of recent controversy.

Thread with some summary / thoughts below. Lem was a writer in Soviet-occupied Poland who got into sci-fi because that was the only place his books could get past the censors. They viewed sci-fi as children's adventure fantasy and didn't watch it very closely so it was much easier to publish what you wanted.