Rawlings Kofi Profile picture
Facilitating the requisite migration from subsistence to commercial farming. #agribusinesstalk @agribusinesszw @agribusinesszim
May 10 9 tweets 2 min read
Cattle Pen Fattening Protocol: A Thread
1/ Let’s discuss the essential steps we take when animals arrive for feedloting, ensuring they’re healthy and ready for fattening. Image 2/ Dose and Dip: It’s crucial to protect our cattle from parasites. While some question the need for de-worming, it’s a standard practice here. Better safe than sorry!
Jan 10 8 tweets 3 min read
[1/8] Feedlotting is a way of fattening cattle in a confined space with a balanced feed ration. It can help you achieve consistent quality beef that meets market demand. But before you start, here are some things you need to consider. #feedlotting #cattle #beef Image [2/8] First, you need to do a financial analysis to assess the viability of a feedlot operation. You need to know the feed requirements, the cost of feed, the buying and selling price of cattle, the break-even costs, and the expected profit margin. #feedlotting #cattle #beef Image
May 3, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
1/ 🐄 Cattle fattening business is a lucrative venture, but some bad practices can hinder success. In this thread, we'll discuss common mistakes farmers should avoid to ensure a thriving business. #agribusinesstalk Image 2/ 📏 Not measuring what matters: It's crucial to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and mortality rates. Regular monitoring helps identify issues early and make informed decisions. #cattlefattening Image