Shalini | Kohl Eyed Me 📚 📸 Profile picture
🥘 Food|Lifestyle Blogger 🎬 Aspiring YouTuber at Curator #ReadingWithMuffy 📌Food Blog:
Mar 12, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
It's my 7th #AtoZChallenge and I've participated in all the @blogchatter #BlogchatterA2Z so far. Here's a thread to help clear your doubts, if any. Feel free to ping anytime :) What's #BlogchatterA2Z ?
This challenge is championed by @blogchatter for its community of bloggers who takes part in the yearly #AtoZChallenge
What should I do?
Write 26 posts in the month of April, every day except Sundays - one post for each letter of the alphabet.