Stephen Komarnyckyj #standwithukraine 🇺🇦 #FBPE Profile picture
Steve Komarnyckyj is British Ukrainian PEN award winning poet and translator who is trying to rescue every abandoned dog. #poetry
LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture David O'Brien Profile picture Lexecon Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 27 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1 One interesting exception to the Russians circling to protect Durov- Osechkin, once an odd combination of jingoistic joy at the return of Crimea combined with championing prison reform has become a conduit for security services leaks. 2 The Channel devoted to posting some of these on Telegram, Slyvy (plums but a play on words leaks is an equivalent in English) was opened in mid September last year and closed by the end of that month. I attach his account.

Aug 26 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1 Two hours ago while Russians were targetting the Kyiv dam, putting thousands of lives at risk and aiming to destroy a city they pretend is sacred to them Russian oppositionist Pivovarov was posting about a meet and greet in Prague. Image 2 Yashin posted about meeting a fellow oppositionist and the new democratic Russia they would build- as if the murderous population of Russia would be transformed by changing the names on the plaques of buildings Image
Aug 26 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
1 While we are seeing an entirely bogus storm of outrage about Durov Russia has prepared legislation to allow blocking of the internet… 2 Putin has already signed legislation allowing the blocking of mirror sites, copies of illegal sites, as determined by the regulator…
Aug 25 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
as noted by Shekhovtsov but to draw out further, the supposed Ru opposition outlet Meduza, and politician Yashin, the Navalnist, the Russian government and Tucker Carlson unite to condemn the arrest of… This shows the utterly bogus nature of the liberal Russian opposition and the naïveté of western readings of Russian society that fail to perceive collective imperial interest.
Aug 23 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
I will not circulate the Russian prison videos but note it is another sign that Russia is fragmenting. Ukraine’s destabilisation of its foe may well cause the empire to fracture but there seem to be no plans to deal with the aftermath. The Russophiles who sold you a fake russia Have left senior politicians, planners, whole societies, unable to see the real Russia, a genocidal feudal empire which has crises of succession and state faith: a monarchy without a monarchy and hereditary crown.
Aug 7 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
We will see a whole industry churning out analyses of Russia at present with lofty conceptualisations but Ukrainians must keep it simple. Russians engage in the mass killing, assimilation and cultural erasure of Ukrainians. Their intentions are their actions, So Ukrainians must ensure they dismantle Russia so it cannot destroy them again and above all ensure they are armed to the teeth and have a demographic and economic surge that renders any future Russian onslaught impossible,
Aug 5 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The riots in the UK are connected to a network of influencers linked to Russia and a failure post 2016 to address the radicalisation of the UK by Russian subversion and western oligarchs inc the owners of online platforms. This issue can no longer be left to fester. We know who many of the influencers are but they laugh at prosecution and destabilise the UK from within on the brink of global war, and during the ongoing genocide of Ukraine. The UK and other countries must legislate to tackle them.
Jul 30 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
1 Albert Demchenko, medal winning Russian Olympian, is a captain in the Russian army- sport, the military and oligarchy are closely intertwined in Russia. He is also a member of Putin's "United Russia" party. Image 2 While he will not be competing anymore his posts reveal the widespread support for the genocide war against Ukraine in Russian society and its athletics community.
Jul 30 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1 "Neutral" Russian athlete M. Andreeva is playing in the women's doubles today. Like her partner (see thread) she has also violated the IOC rules on neutrality according to research by Global Rights Compliance. 2 On her Instagram account,39 Andreeva publicly “liked” a 17 March 2023 post by the user @my.volua. 40 It features a video with stitched speeches of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Jul 30 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
1 "Neutral" Russian athlete D Shnaider is playing in the women's doubles today. However, research presented by Global Rights Compliance shows that she broke the rules on neutrality. Image 2 On her Instagram account,24 Schnaider publicly “liked” a 25 February 2022 post by the user @_m_simonyan_. posted the day after Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Jul 29 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Horrible orthodox Fascist Malofeev has just posted details of the Russian World forum in Sevastopol, occupied Crimea. The forum endorsed a draft presidential decree and legislation on the triple unity of the Russian people. Image During the early part of this century when Putin was spun as a "pragmatist" holding nationalists in check this movement would have been presented as extremist.
Jul 12 • 90 tweets • 15 min read
1 The west still remains blind to the true nature of Russian society. How do I know? We have recently seen a thread glorifying Solzhenitsyn published and a book by Mikhail Shishkin reviewed in the Sunday Times and published in English. Both are supposedly opposition figures. 2 So it is time to talk about the role of dissidence in Russian society using the model I suggested earlier combining Weber, Parsons, symbolic interactionism. See
Jul 4 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
1 The Red and Black flag has come in for frequent criticism with many arguing that it represents the fascist ideology of the OUN and is akin to Blood and Soil nationalism of the Nazi variety. Is it true? Image 2 We see an image of an amended version of the flag here as used by one of the Jewish founders of Azov. Note the Star of David. It is clearly not a Nazi symbol. Image
Jul 2 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
1 the SCOTUS judgement on the Trump indictment is an extraordinary text which shows that democracy does not die in darkness but in broad daylight,… 2 The judgement does not dispute the facts regarding Trump’s actions but rather argues that they fall within the scope of his “ Official actions” as President. Image
May 20 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
1) This film is part of the collective Russian soft power targeting a particular group, gay men. They focus on homophobes, for whom Ukraine is gay, Nazis, for whom Ukraine is woke and Russia white. Here the aim is to launder genocidal Russian Nazism 2) Limonov was an ugly man who looked like a Nazi whatevrerr his sexuality. He would have been right at home in the Gewstapo were he not Russian. Here he is portrayed as a louche bohemian.
May 12 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Happy to clarify that Joost Klein merely recorded an awful tape with a Russian band who oppose the war by supporting a charity which is called True Russia e.g. using Ukrainians in distress for positive branding of ru when we need to see Muscovy for what it is, Here they all are in May
Laughing as they enjoy a dish emblematic of Ukraine.
May 7 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
@steven_seegel I am still amazed that people cannot see there is no possibility of the kind of Russian Federation he depicts because if it introduced democracy the oil rich and other exploited regions, despite population engineering would begin to separate de facto, to hold onto revenue @steven_seegel Indeed the imperial behaviours and prejudices sustaining this run deep. A regime is its people, its people are their culture, values, beliefs and interests, and their ability to organise and deploy mass violence to protect them.
May 7 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Greene’s article shows that he does not understand Russia. Its current boundaries require and are rooted in genocidal imperialism. The regions already “empower” the Kremlin via economic exploitation if democracy were allowed disintegration would follow. Indeed the process has in a sense already commenced but the nature of this empire and the structure of its population with ethnic Russians being a majority who also espouse core values that allow for exterminators violence to shore up the empire arrested disintegration
Apr 28 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I share the anger of Ukrainians who understand that Russian cultural hegemony and “dissidence” are actually integral to genocidal Russian imperialism. We have a long fight ahead of us to overthrow the colonisation of western culture by Muscovy. It is tedious to note that the suffering Russian intellectual and their high minded sensitive western readers are moved to the centre of the discourse and our sympathies. So vulnerable! Such refined agonies of conscience!
Apr 27 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
another bunch of Eurasian lunatics linking Russian influencers with gullible buffoons and indicating too how Solzhenitsyn and Russian diaspora organisations are part of the Ru Nazi… here is a Polish Eurasianist site. I would not underestimate the potential subversive threat from these groups which I am…
Apr 25 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Remember this. Going forward our next task is to shift the discussion towards why Ukraine must win and the Russian empire must cease to exist. We have to stress that the fall of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic last century made the Holocaust, Holodomor and WW2 possible Because it allowed the recreation of the Russian empire in its Soviet variant, a key Nazi ally that made the invasion and occupation of East Europe and the Holocaust by the Nazis possible, while previously committing the Holodomor and other genocides itself