Kombiz Lavasany Profile picture
This was a Pizza Hut. Now it's all covered with daisies.
Aug 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In Iowa, we are banning "Ulysses," "The Catcher in the Rye," and "The Color Purple." Honestly, if you are a kid and turning to Ulysses for titillation when the internet is everywhere, we should be giving you a medal and a full-ride scholarship to the Iowa Writers' Workshop Quote from Des Moines Register article: The Des Moines Register further reports that books such as "Ulysses," "The Catcher in the Rye," and "The Color Purple" have been added to the list to be reviewed for sexual depictions. It doesn't look like you should yell at the school district; they are trying to make sure teachers at their schools are protected because of our insane laws here that were passed by the GOP legislature and Kim Reynolds.
May 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jeff Yass is the Betsy DeVos of Pennsylvania. He is also a funder of Trump, stop the steal and the people behind the insurrection. The fact that he's spending so much in a dem primary against Helen Gym tells you everything - inquirer.com/politics/elect… Who is Jeff Yass and what far right candidates and causes does he fund? Did he make his money front running investors and get fined? Glad you asked. hedgeclippers.org/hedgepapers/pe…
May 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
We had a poll on this already that is better than the wording on this poll. The gop spent $50+ million vilifying trans people in a favorable environment and had a historic loss. Their school board candidates, running on anti trans issues locally are losing even in gop areas. Wisconsin, New Hampshire, MIchigan, etc. . They're not losing just in Democratic and liberal areas - the moms4liberty / 1776 project candidates are failing across the states.
May 3, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
So I've been tweeting about this on and off but I want to really focus on what's happening with community notes. As a notes member, I see all tweets with potential notes, so this is a real marked change recently. A lot of disinformation is being peddled through them. Take this tweet by Rep. Zooey Zephyr. There are unpublished notes thus far with right-wingers trying to say that she's making up. Image
Jan 4, 2023 19 tweets 11 min read
@susankhazaeli @ChronicBabak 1/ So let me weigh in on two points from earlier on the inauthentic and the diaspora's activism. Sorry for the super long thread coming up.

So, in my view, the diaspora is more interested in what is going on in Iran and how to support demonstrators today than at any other time. @susankhazaeli @ChronicBabak 2/ I also believe that a number of actors have exploited the recent protests to fuel these tensions.

I've witnessed it throughout the years. I don't follow or think much about Kaveh, but I know he exists and has been pushing this smear for years.
Jan 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The toddler is absolutely goo goo over this song and music video. He drags me to a tv and demands it. Since i'm sharing parenting advice. Here's his second favorite. I think i'm going to be asking @therriaultphd for playlists.
Jan 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
So, to document this for my US politics watchers. Kaveh is a Canadian pundit who works at a right-wing think tank. He's one of the main organizers of this campaign to label anyone as a group of Iranians abroad, lobbyists for the Iranian regime. It's been his thing for years. It's a careless insult, but it's also a pretty ugly smear to receive if you're an Iranian-American. Aside from the legal and criminal consequences of the smear, it's old-fashioned to use a McCarthyist tactic like this in a community.
Jan 3, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
This is a profoundly ignorant thing to say. Maybe it's Canada and he just doesn't know better. The threat of war in 2020 with Iran was a very real threat going into 2020 and 2021. It wasn't a fringe idea but a belief held at the highest levels of the Pentagon. There was contemporary reporting at the time and there has been since, in books about it. You can start with @Swarthy_Bastard essay going into the threat of war from Bush and the neoconservatives through to the Trump administration for some background. lobelog.com/boys-go-to-bag…
Jan 2, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
This is going around and it's bullshit. @AOC has had multiple tweets.She's also done at least a couple of Instagram lives on the protests. @IlhanMN has put out a statement, done 9 tweets and at least one instagram and a spech i've sen covered. Quick search shows 2 from rep tlaib I hate these kinds of bullshit "viral tweets" because these reps (all reps) should be doing more. Iranians are being executed for protesting, and every day brings more horror stories from the regime and heroism from the protestors. But this can be easily checked.
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Hugh Hewitt ran the nixon library when it opened. The Watergate exhibit was a complete whitewash of the hsitory including a display where you listen to 18.5 minutes of silence and decide for yourself whether you believe the media. I was there a bunch at the beginning when it opened. I took a couple first dates there. It was a very nice modern library. Even as i was ideologically more conservative as a teenager - it struck me as super hackish. the display about appealing to wallace voters was also 👀
Sep 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Republicans are playing kabuki on abortion assuming it's one rebrand, message bill, outrageous slur away from turning. It's not though, it a money in the pocket issue. People who understand the ramifications get it and that's a lot of women. Had a family member with a case of serious preeclampsia who is on watch for a stroke or still birth? You get why like a 15 week ban is bullshit. Ever have doctors unable to tell if hear is permanently damaged and you need to come back for another ultrasound in 2 week?
Dec 1, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Spent the last few months listening to the entire @rickperlstein collection from Goldwater to Reagan in 1980. Just finished reaganland. Some quick thoughts. @rickperlstein One - I knew about the right-wing defense of Apartheid South Africa. What I didn't appreciate was how invested the conservative movement and the emerging christian right was to apartheid Rhodesia. Reagan and conservatives defended Rhodesia's apartheid system.
Nov 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
oh man - i love my cell phone but it was so good back then. You had regular plans, you made plans during the week. There were often just the things you did - drive to the beach, drive around the orange groves and listen to music, go to the anti-mall. let's say you didn't make plans, you could go to the a friends hose where friends would gather. From there you could just go do stuff. Hey, let's go to Denny's for 5 hours. I'm a much more mature and smarter person - but god, those were good times.
Jun 22, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
I'm so completely unhappy with Emily Oster and her role in the pandemic. It's partly because I understand her grift extremely well and after a decade in the education debate, I have seen economists wade with policy prognosis into a subject without understanding the complexity This is a good @DanaGoldstein article about Emily Oster - I wish it had some of my own critiques but Dana is really good reporter and does a great job with the space she's given nytimes.com/2021/06/22/us/…
Mar 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a great thread to understand why economists make bad public policy decisions when you put them in other people's field. They have a hard enough time doing economic policy right.

Virology twitter and ID doc twitter exists so you don't have to listen to economists. Imagine being at Harvard and not sitting down with the world class scientists and virologists before you spout off on public health as though you're ANONBITcoinLvr on a Reddit forum about the stock market.
Nov 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
With the news that Mark Meadows has COVID, you should listen to a doctor walk through how Trump's experimental antibody treatment kicked in so early that it precluded him from long protection from another infection - microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-673/ he first 30 minute of the episode is a good overview of what happened to Trump and the protections he has from an ID doctor who helps manage a system in NY. Anyhow, the point being that we don't know about reinfection but Trump's treatment doesn't provide protection
Feb 6, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
This was my introduction to Elizabeth Warren and a real understanding of how powerful the financial industry was in Congress that it could casually push through these wide ranging changes. Warren and her students explained the problems. Since these TPM posts I've seen Elizabeth Warren do this again during the financial crisis. The Bush and Obama administrations's reaction's to the stimulus and housing crisis. The creation of the cpfb. Then more closely how she and the staff she's brought into her senate office have approached other issues.
Dec 6, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
Chait is shilling for the charter industry and he's being completely dishonest in going after Elizabeth Warren on Question 2 which lost 62 to 38. Let me break down a few problems.

nymag.com/intelligencer/… That was despite the pro-charter school coalition outspending the pro-public education coalition by $10 million dollars. It was rejected strongly in black and brown communities in Boston bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/11/…
Oct 17, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
I've been thinking a little about Mayor Pete's strategy in going after Warren last night. I spend a bit of time in Iowa, have spent time with people who work Iowa campaigns. Iowa is Pete's strongest state. There's a real donor payoff in going after EW in the way he did last night But I just don't see it working in moving Iowa caucus-goers. Right now she's probably in the lead, she's built that lead steadily, positively with a real field organization that's touched, people. I know, when I was in Iowa this last month EW field staffers were the only people