Matthew Olney🌻 Profile picture
I'm Director of Threat Intelligence and Interdiction at Cisco. A host of the Beers With Talos podcast My opinions. He/Him #NAFO
Anson Kennedy Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 31, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Everyone is messing up one detail about NotPetya: They keep saying there was collateral damage, and that just isn't true.

Russia knew every victim they were going to hit, they could have modified their code to limit the impact, and they chose not to.

It was intentional.
If you look back at our blog on MEDoc, in the section "ZvitPublishedObjects.dll Backdoor Analysis" you'll see why I say that.…
Jan 24, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
So CISA is warning CI that Russia may act in cyberspace if the West's response threatens Russia's national security. I hear some CI respond "So what, we've always faced attacks from Russia."

At it's core that response shows a misunderstanding of what has and is happening
As the philosopher Ron White once said, "It's not that the wind is blowing, it's what the wind is blowing".

Past foreign adversary activity in critical infrastructure has been to establish long-term access and learn about the environment in preparation for future conflict.
