Sergey Mohov 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Volunteer, video game designer, person. 1/4 of Polubotok Treasury. Personal opinions only. He/him,
Jeremy Wolff Profile picture Josef Böhm Profile picture ✙ Dymtrus WhatSpecialOperationDoing? ✙ Profile picture Esther Angel #Fella #NAFO 🇺🇦 Слава Україні! Profile picture Samson 📯 🥜 🇺🇦🇩🇪🇮🇱 🪣 #Wirsindmehr Profile picture 5 subscribed
Aug 17 12 tweets 3 min read
A soldier of Russia's 155th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade is filmed demonstrating the beheading of a Ukrainian service member as a menace.

I could only find Ukrainian media reporting on it.

Can you find any Western media reports? Please link them in the comments if you can. Kyiv Independent (Ukraine):…
Aug 13 25 tweets 6 min read
I've been checking all major Western media over the past week. Le Monde, Die Welt, El Mundo, NYT (fuck them in particular), and the ongoing brilliant Ukrainian operation inside Russian territory, the capture of 1000 sq. km. of Russia proper, never made it to their front pages. Now, I don't know about warfighting, and I am not qualified to analyze any of that, but I know a thing or two about media and politics.

The pro-Russian bias of Western media (and Western politicians) is transparently obvious. Ukrainian success doesn't fit the narrative.
Apr 9 13 tweets 6 min read
I don’t know how many people are aware of this, but Russia is currently spending an ungodly amount of money on bots posting psyops in Ukrainian, probably as much as I’ve ever seen. They are under every post on this website.

The themes of this psyop campaign:

- Russia has destroyed all infrastructure, it’s time to give up and flee the country.
- The political leadership in Ukraine has abandoned us, we shouldn’t fight for them.
- The army is full of sick and mentally unstable people, don’t join it.
Feb 18 5 tweets 4 min read
Avdiivka didn’t just “fall.”

Russians bombed it to the ground, killed or pushed out all its residents, then put their rag up on its ruins.

Let’s remember this Ukrainian city, yet another Ukrainian city, as it was: with children’s laughter, couples, trams. A normal human life.

Avdiivka used to be a quiet provincial Ukrainian city before Russians destroyed it.

Local Facebook groups were be full of people selling strollers, photos of events, wedding photos, and apartment ads.

Russians liberated Avdiivka from people. From weddings. From everything.

Dec 3, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Eastern EU countries have presently imposed more effective sanctions on Ukraine with their border blockade than the EU imposed on Russia.

The "strikers" and their ring leaders have picked a side in this war, and they are doing everything they can to help Russia. There's an ongoing massive, partially successful Russian offensive in the east, combined with bombing of Ukraine's cities and a very expensive disinformation campaign.

While that is happening, the western border of Ukraine is almost completely blocked, so logistics can't get in.
Oct 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It’s nuts that citizens of countries where the extreme right routinely gets anywhere from 20% to 50% of votes in every election have managed to impose the agenda that Ukraine, where the extreme right is marginalized and has 0 (zero) seats in parliament, has “a nazi problem.” The existence of far right groups in every European country (and America, hi, hello) is absolutely undeniable, but Ukraine is one of the very (!) select few where they never win any national elections.

And then, of course, there is Russia, with its textbook fascist system.
Oct 11, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Bakhmut (population 73,212)
Mariupol (population 446,103)
Nova Kakhovka (population 45,422)
Severodonetsk (population 106,513)

Volnovakha (population 21,678)
Avdiivka (population 32,436)
Lysychansk (population 99,598)
Kramatorsk (population 157,175)

Sep 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Losing it every time someone says “maskirovka” like it’s some profound philosophical concept.

It simply translates as “disguise.” It’s not that deep. Whenever you’re tempted to say “maskirovka,” you can breathe in, breathe out, and simply say “disguise” in plain English without losing any meaning whatsoever.
Aug 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What. The. Fuck. This man literally scalps people. Image What a fucked up, insane fucking story. Extradite this mf to Ukraine.
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So the African leaders didn’t come to Ukraine and Russia to help bring peace; they came to help Putin. Very cool. Very normal tweet about genocide and the bloodiest war in Europe since WW2 from a South African account. What is going on there?
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Ukrainians did no such thing, Aria. There are more than three countries in the world. Pro-Russian Americans realizing that besides Russia, USA (and maybe China), there are at least five more countries in the world challenge level: impossible.
Jun 10, 2023 33 tweets 8 min read
Friends, the next weeks/months of counteroffensive will be critical in this war. We should make a substantial push to help the AFU as much as possible now.

We're fundraising € 14,600 for 4 Ukrainian military units.

Donate here:…

Please retweet and…… Image Mes amis, les prochaines semaines/mois de contre-offensive seront déterminants dans cette guerre. On doit faire un effort considérable pour aider les FAU autant que possible maintenant.

Nous collectons € 14,600 pour 4 unités militaires ukrainiennes.

Contribuez ici :…… Image
Jun 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Я моніторю агломовний сегмент інтернету і працюю здебільшого у ньому. Сьогоднішній висер Арестовича про оце все чєловєчіваніє використовують усі західні російські пропагандони як аргумент, що українці заслуговують на те, щоб бути знищені.

Арестович — ворог. Це ворожий вчинок. Я просто бачу, що до нього є ставлення як до такого собі клоуна, типу він наш локальний дурачок, якого слухають якісь наївні жіночки і таксисти.

У тіпа гігантська платформа, взагалі неспіврозмірна з нашою з Максом, наприклад, і він її використовуює щоб пушити російські наративи.
Jun 9, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Справа у тому, що російські ліберали, особливо системні, ті, що підтримують усілякі там ФБК і Каців — такі самі вороги, як зетівці.

Обирати між денікінцями й більшовиками я відмовляюся. Арестович й решта «хороших українців» шкодять, валідуючи їхні шизоїдні візії майбутньої прекрасної, демократичної імперії.

Тієї, що захоплює й поневолює в першу чергу економічним й культурним шляхом, а вже тільки потім, коли це перестає працювати, вдається до геноциду.
Jun 8, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
The Armed Forces of Ukraine is the only thing standing between us and more Buchas, more Mariupols, and more Kakhovkas.

We're going to start a new fundraiser for the AFU's counteroffensive within the next couple of days. You can give us a headstart here:… The Armed Forces of Ukraine deliver peace, liberty, and justice. They fight for us all, and they do the impossible. They will do what needs to be done.

The least we can do as individuals in peaceful cities is help them survive and make their grim yet necessary jobs bearable.
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
UN is so clueless that they haven’t figured out how to spell “Kakhovka” in three days.

This tweet has been up for 13 hours. ❌ Kakhova
❌ Khakovka

Third time’s the charm?
Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Ah yes, Ukrainians, famously fans of the communists. To answer this MAGA’s question about Tucker Carlson’s role in Russian propaganda, here are a few examples.

Exhibit 1.

Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Aand I’m being censored by @elonmusk, the free speech absolutist. Image You know who didn’t get a search ban? @ krides_, my impersonator, who tries to scam people in my replies for money. Image
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Tucker Carlson sounds so fresh to certain Americans because he literally repeats messaging from state Russian propaganda TV, translated and contextualized for the US.

He is then quoted and shown back on Russian TV and is used to prove their points as “American journalist says.” I don’t know what drives an American national to be so “on message” for Putin, given that Russian state propagandists literally receive their talking points straight from the Kremlin (@TorquemadaStark has access to these).

Is it money? Kompromat? Brain damage? We may never know.
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Просто неможливо читати сьогодні західні новини. Таке враження, що повернувся у 2014-й, але ще гірше. Ополчєнци на Донбасі, незрозуміло, хто збив MH17 (можливо, це був особисто Яценюк з ПЗРК Ігла), іхтамнєт, референдув в Криму, Україна сама з собою воює.
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Fucking disgusted by all the Western “experts” and media who rushed to defend the Russians, randomize, deflect and muddy the waters.

A country and a people are literally being destroyed before your eyes, you cowardly pieced of shit. Russia has been threatening this exact thing for a year. They’ve been threatening “vengeance” for months. They have been destroying our infrastructure since day 1. They don’t have enough troops to defend their whole line. They had the dam mined. I wonder, who would do this???