Bharat Krymo Profile picture
"It's a movement, not a moment." ✊ Builder, Angel investor and JPEG connoisseur. Opinions are my own. GP at @6529capital. Member @WolvesDAO. IG: bharatkrymo
Jul 24, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
1/ "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" -Kelly Clarkson. Ok it wasn't Kelly, but Nietzsche. This is the story of multi-tasking stupidity leading to a hack. Lesson vigilante in all things crypto related. 2/ I was in the middle of some in IRL work stuff when a twitter message from a fren popped up about Oddity nesting. On the surface it made sense, so I followed the message to what I thought was @JustinMezzell's account was very similar with 20K+ followers.
May 24, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ On cc0, the future of web3 and public goods. I've long felt that cc0 was the right web3 aligned licensing model, but as a solution it seemed a few years out due to the shortcomings of an ultra democratic model. The events of the past few weeks have changed my perspective. 🧵 2/ If we go back to the mid 90s Microsoft was the monopolistic leader in the operating system (OS) space...what we could call the infrastructure stack. They did that with a largely proprietary model in cahoots with Intel (Wintel) on a tech stack that forced alignment for anyone
May 17, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
1/ In lieu of the major crypto market correction, I've been getting pings on what to do. I updated a post from last year. Here's what a potential investable crypto pyramid could look like. Not financial advice, but my own 'ruminations'. 2/ Start with a strong base layer that consists of 25% stables (USDC, USDT, DAI etc) with 75% split between BTC and ETH. This is where I would keep a majority of the do not touch portfolio. I $ cost average into BTC and ETH regularly. The stables are for black swan events.
Nov 27, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
1/ Web 3.0's impact on society (current & future):
*traditional monoliths refactored into composable primitives
*global cultural transformation (memetic & metaversial)
*shift from employee to entrepreneurial
*power of several industrial revolutions 2/ When the network becomes as fast as the backplane of a computer, the computer hollows out and spreads across the network (see: Gilder's Law) from a place of lower (trapped value) to higher (centralized cloud) and
Nov 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ "bandwidth grows at least three times faster than computer power." -Gilder's law : this underpinned Web 2.0 where the data trapped in siloed systems 'flowed' to the cloud leading to a data or exaflood often constrained or acted upon by corporation(s) for value extraction. 2/ In decentralized, open Web 3.0 systems the data is everywhere, unconstrained in an openly actionable and transparent ledger. This unlocks unbridled innovation as individuals have a level playing field from which to build, integrate or compose a super set of primitives.
Nov 10, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Welcome to the 6 month 10x effect. NFTs unlike any other asset class have accelerated at a rate and pace faster than anything seen before (including DeFi). If you're doing portfolio construction today it'll cost you 10x what it cost just 6 months ago for a like portfolio. 2/ My expectation is that we will see a similar trend 6-12 months from now. The power law effects and lack of transparent order books will only serve to quicken the rate and pace of growth. Acting on floors will become a relic of the past as the space matures.
Sep 5, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ For new collectors in this space just some perspective from an old dog. Do not get caught up in the FOMO when you see folks flipping for big profit or making big investments. Know if you’re a HODLer or flipper as time preference matters. 2/ Having a plan and sticking to it is vital. Investable money is usually a finite resource, so copy trading is ok if early but will get you destroyed if late. Buy what you love if you’re a HODLer as you never have to worry about price fluctuation and history is a good guide.
Aug 24, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ A brief thread on avatars, aesthetics, rarity and cycles. In the traditional world your degree, title, business card, linkedin profile or resume were considered your swag. It speaks to 'professional' progress achieved. In a decentralized world no one gives two craps. 2/ This is why Avatars such as cryptopunks and the like become powerful swag statements with liquidity to boot. They speak to the fact that you were early to the movement where equal access was afforded to everyone not just the established elite or more fortunate.
Aug 24, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
1/ I bought a series of 8 CryptoCubes last evening, so here's a bit of the back story on why. I first bought a @Krista_Kim (w/@Hanrgb) collab Supercube 400XR about 3 weeks ago during the @vellumla art show.… 2/ It's a fascinating 3D object that is metaverse/crypto native/AR ready. Post purchase @Hanrgb and I were talking about his Cubes minted about a year ago. I did a bit of research and was fascinated by the objects. Think of them as super structures for the metaverse.
Jul 16, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
1/ Multi-part thread incoming. Many have asked, so thought I would share what a potential investable crypto pyramid would look like. None of this is financial advice, but my own 'ruminations' on the subject. 2/ Start with a strong base layer that consists of an even blend of stables (USDC, DAI, USDT, SUSD etc), BTC and ETH. This is where I would keep a majority of the do not touch portfolio.
May 9, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
1/ Going to share some best practices on OpSec in crypto. No guarantees these will keep you 100% protected, but will help reduce attack vectors. 2/ Starting with physical hardware, I would pick a Mac over a PC all day long. The modified Linux kernel is just more secure and less prone to viruses/malware.