How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App to @QiaochuYuan) 100% of people w/ my background (elite-level math BA and PhD degrees) either went to high-tier (R1) research universities or exitted into finance, tech, or startups. I work at a state school and barely pay the bills. I am fulfilled by my job and side projects. (friend + me) currently model the anti-spam anti-bot stuff at Twitter as an interlocking system, which lots of different levers that inform each other. We do not think there's just some monolithic dude that just sits and censors words, since that doesn't scale. 2/, pure mathematicians are not (usually) conspiring to make pyramid schemes -- in fact, most of them are good-hearted people earnestly trying to ask themselves fundamental questions. However, this does not mean they're immune to groupthink and idea-incest. 2/