K. Sabeel Rahman Profile picture
President, @Demos_Org and @DemosAction. Law prof @BrooklynLaw. Co-chair Law and Political Economy Project @lpeblog. Tweets my own, RTs / follows ≠ endorsements.
Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
Excited for @DemJournal symposium on the “New Productivism”.

We delve into how to drive impact and equity from the huge new investments in clean energy / infrastructure, and what this might mean for a new paradigm of policymaking



democracyjournal.org/category/magaz… First @FeliciaWongRI and I suggest that achieving scale, speed, and equity depends on policy design.

Done right, this could also drive a new consensus on the productive and proactive role of government in reshaping our political economy

