Kuddle Pup Profile picture
The ramblings of a puppeteer, character performer, calligrapher, and gardener. 20+ year cast member of the Funday Pawpet Show. Just call me K.P. :)
Aug 20, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Let's actually talk about the furry fandom 20 years ago. Real talk, not some kind of hyperbole. Let's talk about fursuiting first. 20 years ago, there were no professional fursuit builders. You got a mascot costume, or you and friends built a fursuit yourselves. There were no preformed head pieces. No parts to buy at cons. A custom suit was uncommon at best.
Jul 27, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Gather round, I want to tell you story that revolves around furry convention history. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin... cont'd Many years ago, a furry convention decided to try something different. They got a corporate sponsorship. Yes, over a decade ago, a furry convention had an actual, on-site corporate sponsor. ... cont'd