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Mar 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Like many pre-internet kids in India, I grew up with a love for flying kites. I used to fly kites that I caught for 2-3 months every evening and my neighbours teased me by calling me "tester". 1/n I was labelled tester as I used to fly kites, get them to a certain height and then retract back and store the kite back instead of engaging in kite fights like other kids. I would even fly my kites at odd hours when other kids wouldn't fly their kites.
Apr 26, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Update: CRED members can now donate CRED coins towards buying oxygen concentrators for hospitals, healthcare orgs across India. With a goal of 1 billion litres, we’ve partnered with Milaap to ensure contributions reach hospitals in need. We have seen how mobilisation of ordinary people, their time, resources, and energy has created change and action. app.cred.club/k63y/d68f93f4
Apr 6, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Here's how CRED members shaped financial progress in March:
45%: CRED members improved their credit scores
₹185 Cr: hidden charges detected
586,000: extra interest charges avoided
₹19.4 Cr: cash-back for paying bills on time
₹63.7 Cr: late fees avoided with reminders. Our focus on helping CRED members progress financially and have access to a high-trust environment has given us a massive opportunity to shape responsible behaviour, imagine new use cases, and create a rewarding platform for members.
Feb 1, 2021 15 tweets 2 min read
I figured many people couldn’t join @elonmusk clubhouse room. So will share notes here: 1) 5.5 years before we get people to Mars.
Apr 2, 2018 22 tweets 2 min read
My reflections after watching Wild Wild Country:
👇👇👇 1) Business is about providing what consumers want. Most of the consumer needs are driven by hormones. Drug Mafia and Godmen know how to get to the source and unlock wealth.