Kevin Werbach Profile picture
Wharton prof, tech policy maven, crypto wrangler, game thinker, MOOC teacher, panentheist, dad. Author, Blockchain & the New Architecture of Trust.
Jul 8, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Seriously, is anyone in financial regulation grappling with the implications of a $200 billion fiat-backed stablecoin, which is lending out 1/4 of that at 4-7% interest? In 18 months? That's the premise of @circlepay's SPAC prospectus to go public. @circlepay Keep in mind Circle is #2 in the stablecoin market, with *1/3* of the assets of the #1, USDT. And it's the one that is US-regulated. The time for policy-makers in the US to step up on stablecoins is now.
May 3, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
Gartner just released a survey on enterprise blockchain adoption that I find highly reassuring and encouraging for the technology. But not for the reasons you might expect.… The Gartner survey found that only 1% of CIOs were adopting blockchain anywhere, and only 23% had any plans to do so.…

The bad news is that blockchain is massively overhyped.