Pastor at Mosaic Church. Author. Speaker. Host of @knowingfaithpod. Pre-order my new book on union with Christ at the link in bio.
Feb 4 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Union with Christ changes everything.
A 🧵:
Union with Christ changes our identity.
It creates a “new me.”
So many are trying to life hack a new identity, but God invites us to receive as a gift in Christ what we could never earn through our own grit.
Union with Christ changes our incorporation.
It creates a “new we.”
In Christ, I’m not just made into a new person, but I’m welcomed into a new people.
Christians are family in Christ. This is more than metaphor.
Jan 9 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Many are noticing that there seems to be a growing interest from "the mainstream" in:
*The Christian Worldview
*Values largely connected to a Judeo-Christian WV
But, why?
One of the biggest & most recent "signals" of this growing interest is the recent @joerogan interview with @WesleyLHuff:
Biggest podcast in the world includes a clear account of the true gospel.
Jun 14, 2024 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
I’ve talked here before about my reading habits. I have historically read very widely, but last year I decided to start to focus my “personal” reading for the next 15 years.
I’ll still read broadly for work, projects, writing, and education.
But below are my personal lists…
Jul 31, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
On a recent episode of @KnowingFaithPod I was asked about how I read effectively.
For context:
*I’m a father of two under 6.
*I sleep well and don’t dip into sleep to maximize productivity.
*I’m a planter/pastor.
*I produce and host two podcasts.
I don’t have *lots* of time…
I read between 400-600 pages a week. And I work hard to retain insights gleaned from them. Here’s how:
I have reading categories. At any point: I’m reading one book in history, Bible/theology, philosophy, fiction, poetry, and “living.”
The “living” category is my junk drawer.
Oct 9, 2019 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Hey preachers and pastors, I'd love to hear a bit about your process for sermon prep. I'm always tinkering with my system for prayer, meditation, research, and writing.
Anything you have learned, timeline/process you follow, or tools you use?
My current system:
*I start studying for a sermon series, the semester before that series begins.
*I begin reading, researching, meditating on, and praying through the relevant scripture about six months prior to the start of preaching.
Jul 12, 2018 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Every week I get an email from a different seminary student that aspires to vocational ministry.
The question in some form or another: How do I bridge from seminary to vocational work in a church?
Here is what I say...
1.) Are you currently meaningfully involved in a church? If not, do that for a few years and decide whether you still want to work in the church.