Luis Eslava Profile picture
Int'l Law, Int'l Development & the Global Dis/Order | Spanglish 100% | @latrobelaw | @KentLawSchool |
May 11, 2021 48 tweets 21 min read
A 🧵to contextualise what's happening in Cali, the epicenter of Colombia's national strike, based on a long ethnographic engagement with the young people behind the protests, police officers and local officials that @LinaBuchely and I have been conducting since 2016. 1/ Image Some background to the current strike first. The huge mobilisations over the past 12 days are a continuation of the protests that took place in Nov. 2019 (#21N) against the current Duque government, its attacks on the peace accords and the country's economic situation. 2/ Image
Jan 5, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
The digital thirst for blood & absolute lack of respect for civilian life of a statement like this is beyond belief. Paul Virilio was right, modern war is televised, digitised, and now also justified. Minds and hearts embolden by macho heroic Tweets of submission and victory. 1/ Image Here extracts from Paul Virilio's conversation with Louise Wilson for CTHEORY (1994). 2/…