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Feb 16 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Sati was the most forceful issue created by the Evangelical-Utilitarian alliance to validate Brit rule in India.
The missionary-Brit nexus inflated the # of incidents to horrific levels for politics.
Cholas have documented Sati giving a much needed nuance to this topic (1/8)
The colonial term Sati to refer to this practice is incorrect . Sahagamana/anugamana is the right Indic term.
Anugamana was a rare and sporadic practice in ancient Thamizhagam.
Vaanavan Maadhevi (mother of Rajaraja) chose to do it after the passing of Sundara Chola.
Feb 13 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Kadhalikka Neramillai - a lighthearted film on the surface that espouses the Drav question of - "Is marriage really necessary?"
Directed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi, the film has a puratchi pudhumai pen at its helm, and yes she is not a random girl, but a TamBrahm.
An analysis:
This rom-com has Shriya Chandramohan as its central character - she has a BF, registers her marriage months before the engagement (WHY?), drinks, has premarital fun, doesn't know to wear a saree, smokes after a breakup etc.
In summary, a modern day career-centric, jolly good woman. No issues. But is she a "random" modern day woman? Nope.
In egalitarian EVR land where there are no c@ste surnames, the film portrays her family as TamBrahms with no hesitation whatsoever.
Jan 27 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The reaction to this teaser from the TB community on X has been interesting.
Some say Dravidam shouldn't be blamed for such portrayals, rather the TB director/actor & their family should be.
Some say not doing Trikaala Sandhyavandhanam is the reason for this. A reply (1/7)
An asset can be at risk due to both internal vulnerabilities and external threats.
In this analogy, D is the threat - the bad actor who attacks the system.
The comm's flaws (giving up tradition, embracing liberalism/modernity, poor parenting etc.) are the vulnerabilities.
Jan 2 • 13 tweets • 8 min read
Here's Bottom 10 Tamil movies from 2024 that pander to D ideology by either targeting a micro community, or by peddling anti-H, or anti-nationalistic communist dialogues.
These films will have to be named and shamed, for these are the Gems of Dravidawood:
1) Ayalaan - great care is taken for a 5 sec "comedy" clip making a random TB mama fall into the sewage drain.
To pick a junior artist, dress him up in a TB mama attire, do multiple retakes to get it right requires ideological passion.
In D-wood film, villain's company is named "Aaryan" industries.
Jan 1 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Movies are a powerful influential visual medium that Dharmics should never give up on!
The BO failures of Thangalaan, Viduthalai 2 and the success of Amaran must encourage us!
Here are my Top 10 Tamil films from 2024 that are D ideology free and make for excellent OTT watches:
1) Garudan: A rooted, raw and riveting film that explores an untouched area in Tamil cinema - of politicians trying to loot temple property.
The film is unapologetically H, down to its bones and its very soul. Don't fall for the VM credit gimmick. Garudan is D-free (Amzn Prime)
Dec 29, 2024 • 18 tweets • 14 min read
Clean, Green, and (relatively) cheap, our neighboring nation Sri Lanka is a must visit this Dec-Feb season.
6 day SL itinerary peppered with places from Ramayana and Ponniyin Selvan trail.
Bookmark this thread to plan your next trip, with helpful tips and map links (1/8)
Day 1: Reach Colombo airport and go to Kandy, if you have time, you can visit Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage enroute.
Here, based on the timings, you can watch a herd of elephants eating/ bathing. You can also take a walk with, or feed the elephant for extra cost.
Entry fee is less for Indians than other foreigners, thanks to SAARC. Show your passport to get a 6$ discount.
Dec 11, 2024 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
Today is Bharathiyaar's birthday.
142 years have passed & nobody even comes close to his poetic prowess.
A selfless patriot & a peerless poet, his Dharmic poems rouse nationalism, bhakti & courage in everyone.
Here are 5 places you can visit today to pay your respects! (1/6)
Pondicherry folks can pay a visit to this Mahakavi memorial house. Entry free.
He lived here for 10 years from 1908-18 and composed immortal poetry - Kannan Paatu and Kuyil Paatu here.
In 2022, only 500 people per month (~ 16 a day) visited here🥲
You must have heard the word 'பன்னாடை' (Pannaadai) as a common insult.
This word is mentioned in 12th century Tamil grammar work 'Nannool' to illustrate the nature of a bad student.
The set of examples for top, mid & bottom tier of students has a life lesson for us all (1/6)
Bhavanandhi Munivar, writer of Nanool classifies students into 3 tiers.
The top tier students are like swan and cow.
The mid tier students are like mud and parrot.
The bottom tier students are like broken pot, goat, buffalo and Pannaadai.
What do these examples mean?
Nov 1, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Shouldn't an army Major be remembered for his bravery rather than his caste?
Then, why are some RW handles being "casteist" in demanding an accurate portrayal of Major Mukund's roots in his excellently crafted biopic Amaran?
A thread that offers nuance on biopics (1/10)
First off, members of our forces - be it Indian Army, or Navy, or Air Force, these brave warriors cannot be boxed to the confines of caste, creed or religion.
They are unanimously respected for what they do - their selfless service to the nation. Not for who they're born to.
Oct 20, 2024 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
How should Nandhan's plot have been, for Drav media to have celebrated it?
A hypothetical plot:
First of all, the film must've been titled Kamsan instead of Nandhan - notice the 'subtle' elements in the poster
First off, start the film by thanking God Almighty with such an image.
Everybody knows who this ONLY ONE God Almighty is, but still, make things explicit to be double sure.
Oct 20, 2024 • 19 tweets • 10 min read
Media paints a rosy picture of "progressive" TN that doesn't even use comm based surnames.
But what's its use if ppl constantly carry c@ste in their mind?
Nandan film exposes this well, but "activists" don't support it, cuz it doesn't toe the D line at all.
An analysis (1/12)
Koozhpaanai - an innocent hardworking man from the downtrodden comm, is happy to serve Koppulingam's family.
Koppulingam, who has won 2 Panchayat President elections without competition, is shocked to know his village is now reserved.
He wants a "dummy" to fill his chair.
Oct 19, 2024 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
Boat - a 1940s Dravidian propaganda stage play, masquerading as a Tamil feature film.
A thread that reviews this film with a clear agenda (1/9)
On Oct 11, 1943, Japanese warplanes bombed the Madras presidency in a nighttime raid.
Fearing another attack, 9 random people get on a boat to secure themselves in mid ocean, with one univited British guest who joins them later, with a gun.
'Did they all survive?' is the plot
Oct 11, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
"Thalaivar", no longer.
A superstar fan's honest review of Vettaiyan (1/10)
While Jailer was a fan service vehicle, Vettaiyan aspires to be a content-driven entertainer.
Manju Warrier (who was phenomenal in Asuran) exists primarily for the opening song.
Fighters exist solely for lining up before Thalaivar in height order and getting beaten up by his body double.
Superstar has lesser foot movement than Shivam Dube at the crease in all these fight scenes.
Oct 5, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
It is one thing to excel at one chosen field, but entirely another to rule the roost in six different fields - Law, Theatre, Cinema, Journalism, Writing and Political Strategy.
On his birthday, let us take a look at the CV of the multifaceted Cho Ramaswamy (1/10)
Born in Chennai to Srinivasan and Rajammal on Oct 5, 1934, Cho did his SSLC in PS Higher Secondary, Mylapore in Tamil Medium.
He did Intermediate from Loyola, and got a B Sc in Geography in Vivekananda College - as it was the easiest to get admitted to (According to him😁).
Sep 25, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
One of the most misinterpreted story is "Scorpion and the Saint", where a saint keeps saving a scorpion from drowning, despite it stinging him every time.
This is our version of "If someone slaps your cheek, show them the other"
But this story has a better interpretation (1/8)
When the saint saves the scorpion from drowning, despite it stinging him many times, somebody asks him why.
He says:
"It is the nature of the scorpion to sting, it is my nature to save;
When the scorpion isn't giving up on its nature, why should I give up on my Sva-Dharma?"
Sep 22, 2024 • 17 tweets • 9 min read
The best thing about Kumbakonam is its proximity to nearby Kshetrams and Heritage sites.
An itinerary to cover Kumbakonam+Thanjavur+Trichy in a single day, that can be a feast to both the eyes and the soul, with some hidden gems enroute.
A thread to read and Bookmark (1/15)
After covering many DD and PPS temples in Day 1, its time to relish some of the living medieval Chola temples that are also UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Have a heavy breakfast and checkout from Kumbakonam. Just 4km from KMU is Dharasuram's Airavateeshwara Temple built by Rajaraja-2 in 12th century CE.
Both at the outer prakara, and at the entrance, Nandidev welcomes you.
Sep 21, 2024 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
If you have a one day travel plan in Kumbakonam, follow this personal itinerary to cover relatively unknown Divyadesams and Paadal Petra Sthalams on your route.
A temple thread (with Google Map Links) to read and bookmark: (1/10)
If you reach KMU in the morning, freshen up and try to start by 8:30AM-9AM to cover max temples before noon.
We started off with a darshan of our Kuladheivam Swaminathaswami at Swamimalai.
Known as திருவேரகம் in our literary, this Arupadai Sthalam is quite popular. HRCE has recently kept mobile counters at Ground Floor - charging 5Rs per phone.
If you visit on Muhurtha days, wedding crowds will be there, and HRCE milks it by selling special darshan ticket for Rs.100 per person on these busy days.
Sep 7, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Poet Kannadasan recounts an interesting incident on the long hand of Karma that he heard firsthand from a jail inmate due for capital punishment in his Arthamulla Hindu Madham.
A short thread (1/6)
For his participation in the Dalmiapuram protests of 1953, Kannadasan was imprisoned for 18 months in Trichy jail, along with Anbil Dharmalingam.
The duo got special permission from the authorities to speak to 7 prisoners who were due for capital punishment the next day.
Sep 7, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Is the theory of Karma and Rebirth 'gobbledygook'?
Is it an inhumane act of victim blaming?
Is it God's punishment?
Is it a passive fatalistic way of being?
Why is Tamil literature full of this theory?
Is RW really "defending" this guy who nobody knew before a week? (1/9)
Theory of Karma needs no introduction.
Everybody knows this aphorism:
What you sow, so shall you reap.
Its a belief in boomerangs - What goes around comes around.
Every thought, word and deed you send out, comes back to you - a Newtonian 3rd law of sorts.
Sep 6, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
If you don't like religion being taught at schools, then you shouldn't be including Thirukural in syllabus because Kural is a Hindu scripture composed by the Rishi Thiruvalluvar.
A thread with the list of Kurals where Rebirth and Karma are mentioned (1/10):
Kural 38:
"The good things you do without wasting a single day of your life, is the rock that will block your passage on the path to rebirth."
How can Valluvar be secular/irreligious if he believes in rebirth - a concept alien to the Abrahamic worldview?
Aug 24, 2024 • 17 tweets • 11 min read
Kaala is the most brazen passion project of Ranjith where the ideology is both openly shown and hidden in subtext.
While the core plot is that of land rights for the urban poor living in Dharavi, the film is needlessly H-phobic throughout.
The hidden H-misia of Kaala (1/10)
While batting for the land rights of slum dwellers of Dharavi is noble, what Ranjith does is, use this theme to spread his misguided H-ph0bic ideology & politics.
For instance, the film respects that p0rk is haram but normalizes eating beep. See the shop name just opposite to Kaala's house.
Kaala's wife openly states that she'd feed beep to Rajini, but looks down upon his son who is "vigitarian"