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Jul 8 18 tweets 6 min read
In 2022 I wrote about the Main Street Sentinel, a progressive news site that popped up to run generic pro-Biden/Whitmer content and use that content to run paid ads clearly designed to boost Dems in MI. The site was run by Star Spangled Media LLC… Star Spangled Media spent $1.4M+ to run ads on the Main Street Sentinel’s FB/IG pages in 2022 promoting Dem MI statehouse candidates with ads that aligned with Dem midterm messaging. After the election the site stopped running ads, then shut down entirely…
Dec 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
When making shit up, it's best to avoid doing so in Florida, where public records are amazingly accessible.

It took me about 5 minutes to determine that this property is currently owned by an Atlanta banker who purchased it in 2019 for $6.3 million Oh it gets better. Someone went through the trouble of flipping the orientation of each of the property images Witzke tweeted, presumably in a ham-fisted attempt to prevent reverse image searching
