Ladi Adewumi Profile picture
Son of God • God's Light to nations and generations! • Worship Leader. CCM Artist • Worship Blogging • #iloveJesus
Jun 3, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Most people have no idea that almost all the evidences used by the Depp team came from Amber. They simply used her own phone recordings against her.

She tried to entrap Depp and she recorded them herself! Depp didn’t claim to be a perfect husband, but he insisted he never abused Amber!

Jesus said ‘lead us not into temptation’!

Those that want out of a #relationship should be bold enough to do so. They should walk away without ruining that person’s life.

One of my friends here on FB was denied sex by his own wife for 2 years.
The wife even
Apr 28, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Is Polygamy Africa's Culture?

"Polygamy is Africa's culture", that's the lie the devil is deceiving many people with, so they can keep embracing polygamy and making mockery of monogamy (husband and wife). Polygamy is not exclusively Africa's culture/history, polygamy is a... ImageImage marriage system mankind developed for itself after the fall of man from glory and away from God. And God didn't kill anyone for it because man (male/female) chose it. The very first polygamist in Genesis 4 was Lamech, the son of Cain who murdered his brother, Abel, and was cursed