Lameen Souag Profile picture
Linguist at LACITO, @CNRS (views mine, not theirs). Language change+contact in northern Africa: Berber, Songhay, Arabic... Old blog:
Apr 20, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
The year is 1351. Ibn Battuta, the furthest-ranging traveller of the medieval world, has turned his path towards Mali. In Sijilmasa, Morocco's gateway to the inland Sahara, he joins a caravan heading for Taghaza, led by Abu Muhammad Yendekan of the Masufa tribe... Taghaza is "a no-good town", treeless and fly-infested, whose houses are built of salt blocks and roofed with camel-hide. Only slaves live there, belonging to the Masufa. They dig salt, which is sold south for great sums, and live off camel meat, Moroccan dates, and Malian millet
Mar 29, 2020 17 tweets 6 min read
Tabelbala, stretching tenuously between the vast sand seas and the barren basalt hills, the only oasis in the northern Sahara whose language - Korandje - comes from sub-Saharan Africa

tawərbət "Tabelbala"
kʷạṛa n dzyəy "village's language = Korandje" First mentioned by the Catalan polymath Raymond Lull in 1285, Tabelbala used to be a link in the high medieval caravan routes bringing gold from Mali to Morocco and Spain

(Pic from the Catalan Atlas, 1375)