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Jul 23 10 tweets 8 min read
🚨 Investigating "Grassroots" Donations 🚨

ActBlue, the platform championed for facilitating Democratic donations, is under fire for allegedly manipulating donation data to create an illusion of grassroots support.

My investigation uncovered damning evidence of thousands of micro-donations, with ActBlue being the recipient of most of these donations, potentially masking the true origins of these funds.

In just 10 minutes on , I found striking data on four individuals (there are thousands of examples), ALL listed as UNEMPLOYED, who reside in average housing:

2023-2024 Election Cycle:

Amy, OR: $42,256.15 over 7,975 donations
Sandra, CA: $30,051.30 over 6,797 donations
Carolyn, NJ: $53,345.67 over 5,998 donations
Thomas, WI: $69,340.56 over 2,656 donations

These seemingly average unemployed citizens have donated a staggering $197,993.68 across 23,416 separate donations, averaging 10 donations per day, every day, each since 1/1/23.

Between May 1st, 2024 - May 4th, 2024

1,689 individuals made more than 15 separate donations each to ActBlue. Have you ever heard of someone donating 15 times within just 4 days?

This pattern raises serious questions about the transparency and honesty of these fundraising tactics, suggesting a concerted effort to deceive the public and misrepresent the scale of grassroots support. What is being done to investigate these types of donations?

Disclaimer: No fraud or wrongdoing has been proven. I am simply reporting activity that seems suspicious and would appreciate any honest feedback or valid explanations for this.FEC.GOVImage