Larkspur 🪷 Profile picture
she/her | 30s 🖤🩶🤍💜 mostly fluff and shenanigans 🪷 wangxian have taken full possession of my brain, but jiang cheng has my heart. | pfp: @MishkaYustina
Apr 18, 2023 • 34 tweets • 6 min read
#MoXuanyuWeek2023 day 3: modern AU

MXY knew he shouldn’t have let himself get comfortable. Letting himself relax had clearly been a huge mistake.

After years of bouncing between foster homes, he’s gotten pretty good at telling the shitty ones from the good ones. And he’s figured out—well, he /thought/ he figured out, after so many years of trial and error—how to keep from making waves in the good ones.

He’s been here a year, the longest he’s gone without either running away or getting kicked out for being too weird or too difficult.
Feb 14, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
LWJ has always thought Valentine’s Day was consumerist nonsense. For years he’s been very bah humbug about the whole thing. But you see, the thing is, it’s his first Valentine’s Day as WWX’s boyfriend, and who is he to refuse an opportunity to spoil the love of his life? He planned it all perfectly: A massive scavenger hunt all across the city, stopping at all the places with the most significance in their decade-long friendship and the early days of their romantic relationship. At each stop there’s a gift along with the next clue.
Aug 21, 2022 • 46 tweets • 8 min read
For #WwxLqrWeek day 6: river, a little AU of my single parent trans LWJ AU—LQR reflects on what he could have done differently, and how that might have changed things for LWJ and A-Yuan (and even That Horrible Boy WWX) LQR leans back on one arm, watching with a soft smile as A-Yuan splashes in the river. LXC hovers like a nervous mother hen. (The pressure of minding his 4-year-old nephew in the high-risk setting of the shallows of a slow-moving river appears to be getting to him.)
Jul 9, 2022 • 349 tweets • >60 min read
Thinking about trans LWJ, young single parent. He and 5-year-old A-Yuan are doing fine on their own. (Not that they’re entirely on their own. They still live with LQR, and they wouldn’t be able to get rid of LXC if they tried.) But they’re happy, is the point. They have a good life. They don’t need anything more. LWJ has no regrets, no need to dwell on anything he’s missing.

He even manages to believe that most days. Until the day he hears the song on the radio.
Jul 1, 2022 • 98 tweets • 16 min read
A-Yuan is in the market for a new baba, and he has decided on children’s librarian LWJ.

LWJ tells the best stories, and he always knows the answers to all A-Yuan’s questions, and he has 2 bunnies! Those are the most important qualifications for a baba. He’s perfect for the job! The only problem is, A-Yuan only goes to LWJ’s library when he’s visiting WN for the weekend. Whenever he asks his diedie to take him to the library, they go to the one near home, not the one all the way by WN’s apartment.
Apr 17, 2022 • 114 tweets • 19 min read
LWJ hit with a terrible stomach bug, trying to reassure A-Yuan through the bathroom door that everything’s fine, baobei, go back to sleep, I’ll be better in the morning.

But A-Yuan can’t just leave his baba alone and sick! A-Yuan finds his baba’s phone, and first he tries to call his bobo, then Auntie Luo, but neither of them answer. There aren’t a lot of other people saved in the phone, but there’s one with a little heart next to the name. That has to be someone nice who can help, right?
Jan 30, 2022 • 246 tweets • >60 min read
When LWJ is kidnapped by demonic cultivators dressed in robes styled after the YLLZ, LXC gathers a force and leads them to Yiling to rescue his brother. He’s prepared to lay siege to the Burial Mounds, but he fears what consequence that would have for LWJ. So he has his disciples hold formation but keep their distance as he walks the end of the path alone. He hopes is message is clear: he is willing to negotiate, but prepared to fight.

WWX is smiling when he steps out of the shadows, cold and derisive.
Oct 21, 2021 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Stole this from the tl, because it looks fun! 1. Title of a WIP

it comes calling in the evening

(my modern cultivators fic)
Oct 15, 2021 • 163 tweets • 26 min read
LWJ’s friends and family think he’s afraid of heights. He’s not, really. It’s more complicated than that. He’s never gotten nervous driving over bridges or going to the top of tall buildings. He’s hiked up mountains without concern.

His problem isn’t with being up high himself. His problem is with the thought of someone he loves standing on a precipice. He can’t explain why he feels such a visceral fear when he sees LXC lean against a balcony railing, when Mianmian stands too close to a ledge on a hike. But it shakes him to his core every time.
Aug 18, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
WWX as a popular children’s musician. His videos are Lan Yuan’s absolute favorite. And listen, LWJ does NOT have a crush on the beautiful man he’s watched sing Wheels on the Bus nine thousand times. He just has a very specific form of toddler music video brain rot. When WWX does a live show in their city, LWJ surprises A-Yuan by taking him. A-Yuan is overjoyed! Seeing his show in person is even more fun than watching him at home!

After the show, LWJ is buying them both some merch when he turns and discovers that A-Yuan isn’t next to him.
Jul 24, 2021 • 20 tweets • 3 min read
WWX as the groundskeeper at the cemetery where LWJ’s mom is buried There’s a grave at the heart of the cemetery that’s covered in gentians. And there’s a man, steady and serious and more beautiful than anyone WWX has seen before, who visits that grave every weekend without fail.
Jun 21, 2021 • 75 tweets • 12 min read
Wangxian taking A-Yuan to the beach. A-Yuan is scared of the ocean but also kind of fascinated by it, so he keeps asking LWJ or WWX to carry him to the water but then won’t let them put him down. Okay okay I’m back with more Thoughts about this

I blame @sassybluee and also this bottle of rosé

But this has suddenly become a modern cultivators AU oops
Apr 16, 2021 • 91 tweets • 15 min read
I spend a somewhat more than reasonable amount of time thinking about #cql post-canon Wen Qing. (No body no death, amirite?) After Guanyin Temple, everyone thought they were done with revelations about Jin Guangyao’s shady activities. They learn pretty quickly that everyone was wrong.