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Dr Maja Bowen (nom de plume Isidora Sanger), author of 'Born in the Right Body'
25 subscribers
Feb 14 4 tweets 3 min read
The moment I learned, back in 2020, that @GMC
is enabling doctors to lie about their sex on the register, I wrote to Charlie Massey (GMC CE) and Matt Hancock (then a Health Secretary). I also alerted Professional Standards Authority. The email receipts below 🧵 Image
Although any doctor posing as someone he or she is not is unacceptable and unethical, I was particularly concerned about men masquerading as women, in order to abuse them. Abuse in medical contexts is often horrifying - there have been thousands of rapes in the NHS hospitals in recent years, including by men who impersonate women, and this has highlighted the importance of single-sex spaces and same-sex care, the two basic provisions that are attacked most relentlessly by transactivists. Furthermore, the context of doctor-patient relationship, even a simple boundary transgression and deliberate gaslighting of female patients, can have very severe consequences on the patient’s health and well being. Duty of candour is central to doctor-patient relationship, and if the medical regulator is choosing to not just ignore it, but actively facilitate doctors being dishonest with patients, we have a very serious problem indeed.
Aug 11, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
Another BS graphic conflating normal with abnormal.
Corrections in black
Swyer : 46 XY DSD genetic male , infertile with genotype/phenotype mismatch; experimental assisted reproduction techniques possible in a small number of cases;
CBX2- 46 XY DSD male; single case of 4 yo child, no follow up, no evidence of fertility, ?missed mosaicism
47XXY SRY-ve - single case, Kleinfelter’s male with Y chromosome so non-functional that two X resulted in female fertility. “Nature finds a way” not evidence that “chromosomes are irrelevant”Image As always let me repeat that in cases of DSDs where the phenotye doesn’t perfectly match the genotype, and where the opposite sex phenotype is the more likely eventual outcome for the patient, medicine helps them achieve sex-typical appearance of the opposite sex in order to facilitate better MH and social outcomes. Therefore these patients are socially and by convention considered the opposite sex, but their genetic sex remains unchanged and relevant medically.
So, for example, a Swyer woman is genetically male but nobody need to know that except for her doctors.
And as recently as 2015 this was well understood in the mainstream, never mind in scientific circles. See the below VICE article “When teenage girls find out they are genetically male” which is about Swyer.
I would like to appeal to everyone spreading misinformation about DSDs - for whatever reason - to stop, especially in the light of horrendous DSD ignorance and speculation we have seen during the Paris Olympics.…
May 23, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I’ve been coerced into becoming a single issue voter by the sadistic war that‘s being waged against women by every political party and Western institution. It‘s a matter of survival to vote for whoever won’t try to make women easy pray for male rapists in women-only spaces. Any party that plans to allow men to impersonate legally and “for all purposes” and who doesn’t recognise women as a separate sex and women’s rights as *SINGLE SEX RIGTS* will be facilitating MORE rapes of women by men in hospital wards, prisons, toilets, changing rooms
Jun 23, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Our institutions have basically decided to treat every person who claims to be the opposite sex as completely innocent and authentic individual. As if there are no predators among us, as if predators wouldn't exploit the numerous loopholes de facto gender self-ID has provided. This almost religious belief - which mirrors religion in frightening ways, such as belief in transubstantiation, saintliness of men in dresses and importance of exposing children to their ideology - is so strong, that institutions have actually allowed tampering with DBS checks
Jun 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It is not women's duty to give up their rights, their safety and their name just because some men were lied to that "they are women" and now they are "extremely hurt" because others won't play along with this nonsense. Women are put upon all the time, asked by society to sacrifice themselves - and their children - in order to spare men's feelings. There is a reason why feminists say that NO IS A COMPLETE SENTENCE. Women can tell men NO.
Jun 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
If you are wondering why anyone who doesn't believe in magical gender identity feels is labelled "cis" or "cisgender", why "cis" is used as an insult and why so many novel identities are being invented so people can deny they are "cis"...
"Cis" means "heretic". Just look around and see the monsterised rainbow beckoning the young and old to "identify" as anything other than what they actually are, or at least to slap a Newspeak label on their ordinariness. You get called "cis" only if you haven't named yourself "trans" or "queer".
Jun 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
32 week old foetus is viable outside the womb - yes - but only if there’s an incubator available (plus all associated medical care) and even then the survival or survival without damage is not guaranteed. Did this woman have access to this service on demand? 1. Could she have gone to her GP and requested that the state take over gestation of an unwanted foetus? If not, isn’t the state effectively saying that above 21 week gestation, pregnant women in the UK have a legal status of an involuntary incubator? 2.
Jun 12, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
I engaged with learned opinions of @AlessandraAster who has written extensively about laws surrounding gender self-ID and sex falsification, and importantly, dispelled the myth that Goodwin makes repealing the GRA "impossible". There were so many excellent women, like @leakylike @wwwritingclub @isla macy who were pointing out - from a safeguarding perspective - the urgency to repeal the GRA. All their timelines, articles and videos are well worth a read.
Jun 12, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This is a thread about my journey to oppose the initiative to "clarify" the Equality Act 2010 by adding "biological" in front of "sex": When I first heard about this, circa October last year, my first thought was that it seemed like a good idea. I welcomed the initiative, signed the petition, promoted it, both on twitter and during interviews about my book 'Born in the Right Body'.
Jun 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
To propose sacrificing MORE children to a medical scandal of arresting pubertal development is the exact opposite of safeguarding. Who are going to be the sacrificial lambs? Children in care? Children with parents pushing them into this early? Most vulnerable children. With the known harms of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones given to mentally distressed yet physically perfectly healthy children, no ethics committee should be able to give approval for RCTs of this abhorrent practice, going forward.
Jun 8, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Gender is just a current filter laid over adolescent distress. Like eating disorders in the 90s and cutting in early 2000s. There's no need to invent "novel gender-focused psychotherapies"/ It is not true that we "don't know how to treat this unique and novel phenomenon". We're dealing with the same old adolescent distress - difficulty adjusting to highly gendered world, sexualisation of women and girls, bullying, peer pressure and violence, family dysfunction, trauma and early onset mental illnesses such as OCD, depression, anxiety, autism etc.
May 21, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The price of my book 'Born in the Right Body' has increased by 25 pence - paperback went from £11.99 to £12.24 and hardback went from £15.99 to £16.24; Kindle edition remains £4.99.
I wanted to briefly explain why this happened. 🧵 A week ago Amazon KDP (who publishes my book) contacted me that their prices on paperbacks and hardcovers have increased. I had an option to have my royalties reduced or to change the price in line with an increase. Normally, I would have just taken smaller royalties. 2.
May 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Because medical misinformation and myths about biological sex in humans are at the core of so many disputes, here's an article I've written hoping to clarify this situation.… Essentially, both TRAs and some GC people are arguing the same thing - that sex in humans is a spectrum and changeable. Both use DSDs and other species to justify their argument, which ultimately focuses on a person's appearance and feelings or "identity". It's just that some GCs……
May 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The social contract about men not entering women-only spaces, was extremely effective. Just look at how long - and how much egregious media and institutional support - it took for some men to become fully emboldened in breaking this contract. Institutions even removed women's facilities, they wrote and aggressively enforced policies encouraging men to transgress women's boundaries, they even used the police and courts to intimidate and convict women who resisted. And still only a tiny % of men transgress.
Apr 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Female-only spaces are for all females - including trans-identifying ones (otherwise known as transmen, women and girls who identify as the opposite sex) - and refusing them entry would be discrimination the basis of gender reassignment. Due to strength advantage of males over females, which isn't acquired by females even if they masculinise with testosterone, trans-identifying females do not compromise safety of males in male-only spaces, which is why our focus should be on keeping female spaces single-sex.
Mar 24, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
In the spirit of oversharing, I wanted to briefly write about a ptsd relapse I got from just observing unbridled male aggression in Australia toward #LetWomenSpeak attendees, as well as seeing so many women assaulted or manhandled, both by TRAs and by security/police. 🧵 I'm a naturalised Australian citizen and have spent my formative years in Melbourne. I love that city, and more broadly, I love Australia. However, I was also seriously traumatised by several things/people during the time I lived there.
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Excluding "males who have gone through male puberty" from female events is a step in the right direction, but female sport won't be fair until everyone with a Y chromosome is excluded. That's what needs to happen. Karyotyping for all athletes is needed.…… Not to mention boys who were puberty blocked and "gender reassigned". It might sound far-fetched, but even if the practice of gender reassignment was to stop tomorrow, enough children have already been affected that we must anticipate this becoming an issue in the future. Image
Mar 23, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Something odd is happening. I can't sign up as a Community Notes contributor because apparently my phone number, which I had since 2002 and which is provided by Vodafone (one of the oldest UK mobile carriers) is "provided by an untrusted carrier". Also Twitter are uncontactable🤔 ImageImage Also, a censorship label is still afflicting my account, whereby my tweets are hidden from anyuone who doesn't complete age verification, despite the fact I never tweet gore, porn or any other content such filters are designed for. Likewise, Twitter are uncontactable.
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Here we go again, highly respected, compassionate and ethical psychiatrist @lennycornwall and a candidate for a Trustee of @rcpsych is being attacked by TRA colleagues because he listened to many women and LGB people who have been urging RCPsych to leave Stonewall.
@ALLIANCELGB ImageImageImage Stonewall's schemes have become very controversial in recent years, especially because Stonewall campaigns for medical interventions on gender non-conforming youth and against women's sex-based rights such as single-sex spaces.
Mar 21, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
For speaking up for a woman who had lies about her told for years, and recently these lies dangerously escalated, I’m now being lied about. So for avoidance of doubt, let me denounce these lies (that’s what we’re meant to do, right?) 🧵 1. I do not support gay conversion therapy nor have friends who run GCT centres.
2. Having spoken to several gay Christian men in the past I was told they appreciated being able to speak to therapists of their own faith about the distress they felt about their sexual orientation
Mar 21, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Monstering of Kellie-Jay Keen didn't appear out of thin air. Certain socialist feminists - alongside with toxic TRAs - have been promoting and fabricating "alt right" lies about her since 2018. Actions have consequences. What's happening now is their doing. They're the baddies 1 The lies are fabricated via poison pen blogs (which are then shared and repeated ad infinitum by socfems, TRAs and their socks), and by doctoring information on unacountable online sources such as Wikipedia. ImageImageImageImage