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The best papertrail on earth to put Fauci in Prison for life. The best cure for COVID, fasting, and pathways to PROVE it. The STRONGEST science to show RISK
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Jul 3 43 tweets 7 min read
@Classhndicapper What proof do they have that the antibody helped? no mechanism other than a "neutralizing antibody."

So what, if you caught one mouse in a mouse-trap. when something else destroyed 50 billion mice. @Classhndicapper When I got COVID in 2020? I destroyed 50 billion viruses in my body? with NO COVID antibodies?

Let's say I HAD COVID antibodies. Everyone KNOWS that having COVID antibodies (vaccine) does NOT prevent getting COVID.

Let's say the antibodies bind a billion viruses. or not.
Jul 1 35 tweets 7 min read
@TheJusticeDept @USMarshalsHQ To the DOJ. Please forward to the WHITE HOUSE attorney.

This is critical information of the most important nature.

It appears that the POTUS (Biden) has been INJURYING and KILLING Americans with his vaccine mandate (if String is irrefutable). @TheJusticeDept @USMarshalsHQ IF the String mechanism can't be refuted

Then, Biden injured/killed (at a minimum) tens of thousands of Americans with his vaccine mandate.

Thread with 20 references showing who isn't able to refute the String Mechanism.
Jul 1 9 tweets 2 min read
@kalashnikity @davidhadballs @EricAbbenante It's the precipitin ball that acts like a steel scouring pad on the blood vessel walls as opposed to trying to clean the tub with a rubber ducky? that will just slip and slide? but the scouring pad is SUPER abrasive?

That's what the PRECIPITIN ball behaves as. @kalashnikity @davidhadballs @EricAbbenante Because the PRECIPITIN ball is a skeleton of antibodies/antigen in a meshwork but this meshwork? does NOT have a bilipid cell membrane like the smooth surface of a rubber ducky.

So, as the PRECIPITIN balls course through blood vessels? as the blood moves and turns?
Jul 1 10 tweets 2 min read
@AboutPediatrics You loser. Now? Isn't it pretty obvious to you? that you're involved in child abuse?

You INTENTIONALLY damage children. You're a snake. @AboutPediatrics vincent Iannelli. Really, how do you live with yourself?

What allows you to know that vaccines injure and kill children, which is what you've been doing for decades? Whether knowingly or unknowingly injuring children, is that just sheer idiocy? or pure evil?

which V. ian?
Jun 28 5 tweets 2 min read
@POTUS I'm stating that you injured and killed tens of thousands of Americans with your vaccine mandate if no one can refute the String Mechanism which shows that the MAIN EFFECT of your vaccine was to cause precipitins/clots.

@POTUS President Biden. These are serious accusations. If NO ONE can refute the String mechanism?

That means you INJURED and KILLED Americans with the COVID mRNA vaccine mandate.

Don't you need to look for a scientific REBUTTAL of the String Mechanism???
Jun 28 47 tweets 10 min read
@Penn U of Penn? The world NEEDS you-------- to do the RIGHT THING.

Can you set a GOOD example for your graduating class?

I show EXACTLY how the COVID vaccine AND half the childhood vaccines? Are INJURING and KILLING Americans with a mechanism that hasn't been refuted. @Penn Look how SIMPLE and FUNDAMENTAL the issue is.

There isn't a U of Penn grad that can't understand this.

It's beyond ludicrous. It shows EXACTLY how DUMB the vaccinologists have been for 200 years.

Jun 27 15 tweets 4 min read
@NobelPrize To the Nobel Prize Committee. Part 2.

For the greatest benefit to humankind. I like those words. I believe in those words. That's how I live.

You know why I'm posting to you all?

To expose what is currently going on which is the greatest HARM to humankind. @NobelPrize @AmerMedicalAssn @BBCWorld @ScienceMagazine @AmerAcadPeds

If I show you exactly how pediatricians are hurting and killing children with their vaccines that have the MAIN EFFECT of creating PRECIPITINS that block blood flow, would Alfred Nobel be PROUD of you all?
Jun 27 34 tweets 8 min read
@NobelPrize To the Nobel Prize Committee. CRITICAL information.

We have a CATASTROPHIC issue. The COVID mRNA vaccine? Has a MAIN EFFECT of causing DAMAGE to Americans and it hasn't been refuted.

Look at this ONE video.

@NobelPrize @AmerMedicalAssn @nytimes The COVID mRNA vaccine has the MAIN EFFECT of creating PRECIPITINS that block blood flow and causes ischemic damage.

The COVID mRNA vaccine has the MAIN EFFECT of injuring and killing Americans. Isn't this ABSOLUTELY true if no one can REFUTE the String Mechanism?
Jun 27 38 tweets 9 min read
@GovWhitmer Part 2. Gov. Whitmer.

Your masks? oh, you couldn't be more wrong about masks.

since you're so big on being PRO mask? You should read this thread to educate yourself. Because this shuts up EVERY PERSON who is such a stupidly die hard mask fan.

@GovWhitmer you know, I knew much of this information since the very beginning. I watched all of you, thinking, do democrats REALLY believe that censorship in science/medicine works?

You know, when you get to SHUT UP the opposing view? who can't look BRILLIANT? Even YOU CAN.
Jun 27 10 tweets 3 min read
@GovWhitmer Are you sure? Because I'm saying that the VP Harris has been INJURING the female reproductive system and KILLING cells in this reproductive system with her vaccine mandate. No one has yet refuted it. Why don't you give it a try?
@GovWhitmer and so if you ever promote vaccines again on X?

You would be violating X's TOS which says you can't promote violence. That DOES include vaccine violence promotion.

Jun 25 46 tweets 8 min read
@AboutPediatrics You do get it Vincent? that JUST because you can't FIND your keys does NOT mean they don't exist anymore?

JUST because these idiots didn't find the connection between the vaccine and death?

who cares that idiots can't find something? oh, other idiots. like you? @AboutPediatrics are you really this dumb?

just a minute, if I don't find a connection/relation between vaccines and BENEFIT, then it's true that vaccines don't provide benefit?

are you seriously this dumb?
Jun 25 48 tweets 9 min read
@AboutPediatrics It's not possible I didn't set you straight. You REALLY need to stop with your misinformation.

@AboutPediatrics This one question? that you could have asked a MILLION times to yourself?

if ONLY one of you 67,000 pediatricians had asked this ONE question to yourselves? We would ALL be spared this SHIT.
Jun 24 17 tweets 4 min read
@StJude Dear St. Jude,

This is one of the most important threads that you'll ever read. I am SO glad I thought of this. I can't believe I didn't think of your organization until today!

I don't even have to worry that you'll do the right thing. I KNOW you all will. @StJude I found ridiculously startling information for pediatricians. The other pediatric organizations are shocked but they just won't move. It's as if they're all STUNNED into complete IMMOBILITY.
Jun 24 20 tweets 4 min read
@VP You mandated a vaccine that had the direct effect of damaging the reproductive organs of women.

Was that out of DUMBNESS Harris? Or EVILNESS Harris? @VP Here are the IRREFUTABLE facts.

1. The cells of the female reproductive tract express ACE-2 receptors.

2. The spike antigen from your vaccine binds to the cells in the female reproductive tract, via the ACE-2 receptor.

3. Your COVID antibody binds to the spike antigen above
Jun 24 39 tweets 8 min read
@JoeBiden I am STILL waiting Biden. You DID mandate the COVID vaccine. American were severely injured and MANY were KILLED by the vaccine.

Whether you KNEW that the vaccine had the DIRECT EFFECT of DAMAGING people or not? YOU MANDATED IT.

If you KNEW??? Isn't that MURDER??? @JoeBiden And if you did NOT KNOW? That the vaccine has the PRINCIPAL EFFECT of DESTROYING and KILLING CELLS which sometimes KILLS the patient?

DIDN'T your CENSORSHIP PREVENT you from ever knowing???

Weren't YOU the one that ran the CAMPAIGN AGAINST MISINFORMATION and used that excuse?
Jun 24 19 tweets 3 min read
@janesherrard1 because the doctors/scientists who are in this business? are SHOCKED that they're such DUMB idiots.

and scientists OUTSIDE this shitty IMMUNOLOGY/vaccine lane? are too wary of commenting on this "antivax" issue and being called out as DUMB. @janesherrard1 What the dumb immunologists/vaccinologists/and pediatricians idiotically created?

a veritable CITY OF CARDS.

Not just a house of cards. a CITY. with a foundation based on ONE stupid assumption.

They DID find an antibody against a virus in the blood of the patient. I
Jun 23 33 tweets 7 min read
@ghostwolfman @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @cnnbrk @FoxNews @AmerMedicalAssn @SenateGOP @CRNC @NBCNews @TexasChildrens @AmerAcadPeds @elonmusk Why resort to calling names? Just refute the string mechanism. Can’t ?

It exposes you for being this foolish. @ghostwolfman @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @cnnbrk @FoxNews @AmerMedicalAssn @SenateGOP @CRNC @NBCNews @TexasChildrens @AmerAcadPeds @elonmusk This post of yours. I’ll keep. As an example of all stupid immunologists who didn’t figure any of this out and the world will see how utterly retarded you all were this whole time. Loving it
Jun 23 121 tweets 27 min read
@JoeBiden Biden. I can't bring myself to call you "President." and @KamalaHarris and @cnnbrk and @FoxNews

Does the buck really stop with the President. Or is this one a lame-duck.

@CRNC @cnnbrk
@nbcnews @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @cnnbrk @FoxNews @AmerMedicalAssn @SenateGOP @CRNC @NBCNews Biden. I can't disrespect myself and call you "joe."

So, you're just a biden to me for this thread.

And you'll want the White House attorneys to review everything I inform you of tonight.
Jun 23 16 tweets 3 min read
@newstart_2024 Camus, did you ask because you want to know? Or because you want more social media followers and less spiritual riches?

This is the best explanation for why young people are suddenly dying.

@newstart_2024 and I have filled out the theory perfectly and I'm going to report it to the cardiology journals soon.

To AAPEDS and Stephen King, month 8 precipitin ball aortic stenosis theory
Jun 23 14 tweets 3 min read
@newstart_2024 What's incredible is how simple the fatal flaw with vaccines is.

Dr. Pete Hotez runs like the wind every time he hears I'm near. He's had me censored many times.

@newstart_2024 Dr. Hotez,

"Now, why am I giving this DTaP booster to this child which will introduce DTaP antigen into his blood, when I DID give him this DTaP vaccine 2 months ago & he HAS plenty of DTaP antibodies in his blood right now?

Why am I ADDING DTaP antigen? "
Jun 22 46 tweets 8 min read
@elonmusk Elon. You make light. but the real situation.

You show the robot with a "baby robot."

For that AI robot to create a baby AI robot? about 10,000+ factories, each making a component.

For the brain on the right? to create a baby?

Two lovebirds with some picnic basket food. @elonmusk and being able to create iteration after iteration that easily? and be very enjoyable while creating the next generation? humans can do.

AI can't do.