Laughing Lefty 🌹#Bernie2020 was the compromise Profile picture
RN. Background: Oncology & Hospice Studied journalism 1970's. #DemExit2016. #Bernie2020 was the compromise. Widowed. DMs not checked
Aug 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What I don't get is how a bunch of states that waged war against our country (high treason) are still among us enjoying the full benefits of statehood. There is no constitutional protection for treason or sedition. We need to prosecute those who break those laws. I'm open to... ...revisiting the treason of the Southern states with appropriate not being able to participate in our democracy (what little we have). They still want what they always wanted-slavery to be legal and democracy only for the wealthy. We were on the road to a...
Aug 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Blue MAGA is the best friend of Red MAGA. Here's how it works. Rick Scott proposes putting Social Security & Medicare on the chopping block every 5 years. Outrageous! So, I get scads of DNC spam about how awful that is & asking for money to defeat the GOP. So far, so good, right? Wrong! The Democratic president has been far closer to what Scott wants than he's ever been to expanding the benefits as progressives want. He's stacked his council of advisers with haters of government benefits. Best I can tell, he's looking at a plan similar to what Pinochet...
Jul 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Before Joe and his astroturf buddies move in next year to steal the SS trust fund for their Wall Street masters, take a minute to investigate what happened when Augusto Pinochet 'reformed' Chile's Social Security system, largely at gunpoint. People within our government ... ...actually called it the "Chilean miracle." Members of both parties have taken advise from Pinochet's finance guy. We are going to be offered something very similar, phased in slowly enough to hide the extent of the damage for as long as possible. By the time Pinochet's plan ...
Jul 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the start of a thread I wrote trying to expose the scam of the 'opioid epidemic...the cooked and false information about opioids, pain, and addiction and how it's being weaponized against chronic pain patients in an effort to eliminate a group of mostly old, sick people. It's complicated but the propaganda is leading in the direction of banning the use of opioids for chronic pain, the condition most in need of opioid therapy and the condition that most benefits from opioid use. It is in direct conflict with decades of research and practice that
Jul 13, 2022 92 tweets 16 min read
#CPP Doesn't look promising for chronic pain patients. SCOTUS basically shined a spotlight on the government scam known as the overdose 'epidemic.' SCOTUS ruled 9-0 to vacate the conviction of 2 doctors prosecuted in one of the DEA's typical scam prosecutions. In great news... ...for 30-50 million Americans living with chronic pain, they sent it back to the lower court and instructed the government that the burden of proof is on the prosecution (even for DEA scams) and that they must prove the doctors knowingly prescribed a dose, too high for that...
Jul 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I will always remember the Democratic politicians who sold the party and their voters over to a fascist oligarchy but, more than that, I will remember the Democratic voters who helped them kill off progressive challengers. Aren't the class traitors always integral to this shit? "They" can't do it without them. I suspect they believed they've insured themselves a spot in the coming fascist, capitalist hell they've helped create. I, also, suspect they'll be shocked to find themselves down here with the rest of forgotten nameless, faceless victims of. .
Jul 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Most of the people in generations born after mine don't know how the middle class came to be or how short a time it actually existed. They kind of presumed the country they saw where working people could have a better life with a little luck. They saw that as a baseline. They ... idea the decades of work it took just to get to that point...where about 50% of the population actually did fall into the middle class. I'm not really blaming them. It was smart on the part of the Oligarchy to target those age groups who had not seen the reign of the...
Jul 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Our future is bleak. I foresee a nation much like the nation we were prior to the Great Depression when most people worked their whole lives for barely subsistence wages and starved if they couldn't work til they died. They've been working towards this since the New Deal... ...spurred the creation of a middle class, the likes of which had never been seen in all of human history and is not likely to be seen again. It's the world the Republicans have always wanted. It couldn't have happened with the Democratic Party we had up until about 1980, ...
Jul 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So, my debit card got shut down for suspicious activity. There was a breach & they caught it. I had not used it anywhere except online. Yesterday Pay Pal notified me to log in due to suspicious activity. My PayPal account has only been used to send money to people requesting ... aid, a couple of new ones last week. I try to send help when I can to other victims of capitalism. I'm not too concerned that maybe people getting the help aren't really people who need it. That's an acceptable risk for me to potentially relive a bit of human misery...
Jul 13, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Let's review. The Democrats, under Joe Biden produced the standard fare for the first two years of a Democratic administration. Make sure nothing happens to help most of the people in the country. Darn! They really tried. NOT. They roll out the designated villains, one after... ...another, as many as it takes. That was quite a parade they put on to kill the public option under Obama. The people are enraged at Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Joe Manchin, whoever. Coming up to the midterms, they MAKE SURE to avoid passing anything that might save Congress. ...
Jun 26, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
How did the GOP go bat shit crazy and betray Amreica? They had help. In the 80s, the GOP agenda was all about destroying the social contract and government regulations to protect Americans from the worst consequences of corporate corruption. Clinton, elected in 1992 and part... ...of a newly minted crop of 'business friendly' Democrats, members of the new DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) largely bankrolled with a $100,000 check from the Koch Brothers, took office with a majority in Congress. While faithful Democrats looked to him to dismantle the
Jun 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This theater production we're treated to each time a new Democratic president is installed has grown old. Failing to fight for anything thus demoralizing the base, losing Congress in 2 years, then saying we "have to work across the aisle," to get things done." Then they help pass ...right wing policy. Most of what they've 'gotten done,' should have been undone. Joe spent so much time reaching across the aisle, he stayed there. The legislation he got passed, the ones that helped bring us to this neo-fascist hell, should never have been done. Three ...
Jun 25, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
This court is bent on so called 'Christian' theocracy. In addition to the ruling subjugating women to rule by a collection of cells to satisfy six people's religious proclivities, the court also has ruled states must spend tax dollars paid by everyone to fund religious schools. If they don't contribute to the pot I don't see how they justify taking money out of it. The right wing in this country gets hysterical over feeding hungry children most of whom have parents who do contribute to the tax base in one form or another, even if only the regressive...
Jun 25, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Femicide is defined as the intentional killing of women because they are women. The US has the shameful honor of the highest maternal death rate in the developed world. Under those circumstances a law codifying forced birth is a direct threat to women anywhere but, especially... the country who has the poorest record of keeping pregnant women alive is femicide. The result of outlawing the bodily autonomy of women overturns women's right to life. A country that allows mass gun ownership based (allegedly) on an irrefutable right to self defense is...
Jun 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Trying to discern the intent of wealthy, many slave owners, themselves, who lived a few centuries ago is something of a roll of the dice. One thing I think we can know is they never intended a theocracy. The First Amendment is first for a reason. They had moved from a theocracy While some involved with our founding did identify as Christian, they were not, as a group, not at all of the puritan persuasion. Laws based on the religious beliefs of some imposed on everyone was antithetical to their intent. The puritans and their ideological heirs have always
Jun 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
We're very close to seeing the true purpose of the monstrous surveillance & security state built on a wholly bipartisan basis a bit at a time since the 1970's. It was never about high crime rates or terrorism. It was always about controlling the people when the oligarchy comes... ...for everything we might have left. Pretty sure we're seeing the American version of a final solution and most of us are the targets. They have laws & loopholes in our so called rights sufficient to burn anyone not subservient enough to the Oligarchy. The Americans who have...
Jun 24, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Since I was around 12 I've known "freedom" to the right wing means something different than it does to sane people. As a child raised by civil rights activists in the 1960s, I had a front row seat from which to witness their warped sense of their rights & freedom as we became targets for the nation's reactionary rights. Our family car was firebombed in our driveway, there were a couple of...
Jun 11, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
"The Chilean Miracle:"
phrase heard frequently from right wingers during the brutal, murderous regime of our puppet & military dictator, Augusto Pinochet, who ruled Chile from 1973-1990. They praised him for the destruction, through privatization, of their Social Security... While open praise for him was/is heard mostly from Republicans, Democratic Party leadership is right there with them pushing us towards privatization & cuts cause...donors. Once Pinochet's plan was, over some years, fully implemented it was an unmitigated disaster for the people
Jun 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read… There were 90 thousand overdose deaths in 2020. 87% were illegal street drugs. Suicides among chronic pain patients (about the only people being punished for the crisis) were up 420% in 2020. I'm sure it's more now. I've seen estimates it's increased as much as 800%
Jun 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The consensus on 'supply side' economics among US educated economists is 100% manufactured. There are some still around from before the Koch brothers took over the economics departments of most of our universities. They, for decades, have donated massive amounts of money to... ...our universities and, in return, they have a huge say in who is hired to teach in these schools, most especially, those who will teach economics. We're living under the same economic conditions that led to the Great Depression. Today's US economists will tell us the economy...
Feb 23, 2020 16 tweets 11 min read
Here's where almost everyone on @CNN and @MSNBC has the Trump/Sanders dynamic dead wrong. Trump has, it's true, not 'gone after' Bernie. From that you take that he believes he will easily beat Bernie. Wrong takeaway. Trump read the mood of the electorate with scary perception... @CNN @MSNBC ...He saw the anger, the despair, the loneliness out there with no where to turn. Both parties abandoned poor and working class people, NOT the white working class you all talked about endlessly but the whole working class has been suffering without a raise for 45 years as...