Laura Hull Profile picture
@EBIBristol Early Career Fellow, researching autism, mental health, camouflaging/masking, and diagnosis. She/her.
Joanna Williams Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 19, 2019 19 tweets 5 min read
Gender differences in camouflaging: new paper out with @WillClinPsy, @mengchuanlai and others. The paper is here -… - contact me for questions about access. Summary below: My first attempt at summarising a paper in tweet form, with bonus gifs! Apologies in advance for typos, misnumbering, etc…
May 13, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
Joining in on the #INSAR2018 reflections thread (also my first thread, so bear with me!)... 1/n 1. International conferences are such a good way to catch up with collaborators. Being in the same room as someone is so much better than video conferencing! 2/n