Spiritual psychology for awakening souls. Psychospiritual Coach, Evolutionary Astrologer, Writer, Co-Host of @cosmicmatrixpod w/ @veilofreality
Jan 10, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
“The matrix” is not what you’ve been told.
Many influencers talk about how to “escape the matrix” lately.
I’ve seen ppl say that in order to “escape the matrix” you have to:
-lift weights
-stop eating seed oils
-be an entrepreneur
This has nothing to do w/ escaping the Matrix.
The matrix is a control system that has manifestations not only on physical levels, but on occult (hidden) levels as well. Most people are familiar with the 3d manifestations of the matrix: mainstream media, banks, military, academia, religious institutions, mainstream medicine…
Jan 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Carl Jung once said: If you don’t know who you are, the world will tell you. For those who not on the path of finding their true self, they will look to the world to tell them who they are. They will get involved in trendy subcultures, changing themselves as culture changes.
If you want to find out who you truly are, you have to stop looking for a place to belong in this world. You have to turn inwards in order to find your unique soul expression. Finding your true self begins with deconditioning yourself from what you picked up from the world.
Dec 10, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
The increase of evil in the world is overwhelming. Many are being “black pilled” because of the psy-ops over the years & mass trauma. The essence of being “blackpilled” imo is to believe that evil will win - because you can’t see the light. You are taken over by a type of evil.
Instead of fighting evil externally, it is important to look at how the potential for evil might play out in you. This means understanding evil, looking at how your own shadow may contribute to the evil in the world, & be willing to do inner work to become conscious of it.
Dec 9, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The Manifestation Matrix trap:
Many ppl out there are “manifesting” Matrix desires that have been programmed into them by culture. “Manifesting” from your false self is manifesting your way into delusion. Inner work to know thyself should be a prerequisite before doing magic.
Like Terrence Mckenna said “culture is not your friend”. Finding your true self is a pre-requisite for any true awakening. Culture does the opposite in helping you find yourself - instead it tells you who to be, how to dress, what to think, what you want… the list goes on.