Lauren Shippen Profile picture
fiction writer who is no longer on this website - follow me on tumblr at the link below or check out for my work!
Jun 17, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
pls.........I'm begging you........pls stop asking the people who make the thing what they think about that non-canon thing the audience is into. and if your answer is not "whatever floats your boat dude", pls don't answer......pls....... sometimes (always) art and entertainment is made to be consumed, enjoyed, and discussed amongst its audience! the internet has made it seem like we need to have a constant back-and-forth between creator and consumer! but! we! don't!
Apr 9, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
"Despite the popularity and success of The Bright Sessions, the production was always living hand to mouth." I talked to @c_crampton about the financial realties of making @brightpodcast and gave raw #'s for the first time. I hope it demystifies some stuff… 2k for an episode is the absolute bare minimum - that doesn't include designer or composer being paid full rate and that doesn't involve me getting paid for writing, directing, producing, or editing.