🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres Profile picture
#rstats @Bioconductor/🧠 genomics @LieberInstitute + Asst. Prof. @jhubiostat/@lcgunam @jtleek @andrewejaffe alumni/@LIBDrstats @CDSBMexico cofounder/My opinions
Dec 12, 2020 5 tweets 8 min read
Congrats Nick github.com/Nick-Eagles for your @biorxivpreprint first pre-print! 🙌🏽

SPEAQeasy is our @nextflowio implementation of the #RNAseq processing pipeline that produces @Bioconductor-friendly #rstats objects that we use at @LieberInstitute

📜 biorxiv.org/content/10.110… This project started a few years ago with Emily Burke linkedin.com/in/emilyeburke/ @BadoiPhan @andrewejaffe with whom we wrote a version specific to our HPC 🖥️ (JHPCE)


Then @Jake_Aaron96 Israel Aguilar et al from @wintergenomics rewrote using it @nextflowio
Feb 29, 2020 7 tweets 13 min read
🔥off the press! 👀 our @biorxivpreprint on human 🧠brain @LieberInstitute spatial 🌌🔬transcriptomics data 🧬using Visium @10xGenomics🎉#spatialLIBD


biorxiv.org/content/10.110… Our study shows 12 samples from 3 human brain DLPFC neuronal layers + white matter with @10xGenomics's Visium platform. Features📜:

* Largest so far
* Harder to cluster than the example mouse data
* Data is all public
* @Bioconductor #rstats📦
* #shiny web app

2/7 #spatialLIBD