Leah Boustan Profile picture
Author STREETS OF GOLD. Economic history @Princeton. Mom of 3. Jew. Talmud @leah_dafyomi 🍷 Kosi revaya
Oct 28, 2019 6 tweets 6 min read
What is the American Dream?

One aspect: Immigrants who arrive with little can improve their children’s prospects

Has this ever been true? Is it less true today?

A thread on my new paper with Ran Abramitzky, @elisajacome and @seperez84

nber.org/papers/w26408 @elisajacome @seperez84 We look at millions of father-son pairs in 3 cohorts (immigrants in 1880, 1910 and 1980*)

Kids of immigrants earn more than kids of US-born who grew up *at same income rank.* Mobility advantage true today & past, and for nearly every sending country

*thanks to @OppInsights
May 6, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
I had a viral tweet a few weeks about following the sons of slaveholders into adulthood. Did you ever wonder how we could link 350k slaveholders across Censuses?

[A thread] I have a new methods paper comparing linking samples created by automated algorithms and by hand.

Co-authors: Ran Abramitzky, @K_A_Eriksson, @jamesfeigenbaum, @seperez84

Apr 1, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
Excited to share research with you that I have been working on since grad school 😳

Question: what happened to the sons of slaveholders who lost wealth (sometimes tremendous fortunes) after the Civil War? Did sons rebound & join elite, or did wealth loss transmit to next gen? Here’s a link to the paper and abstract.

It’s joint work with @K_A_Eriksson and Philipp Ager.

Nov 19, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
Some thoughts on my new essay (w/ Andrew Langan) for the "women in economics" symposium coming soon in JEP


Thread below 👇 It's well known that few (~32%) of PhD students in economics are women

We investigate variation around this mean:
High of 50% 😃
Low of 10% 😡

(These are decadal averages!)