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Sharing my vision of urban planning + housing rights • Words ✏️@time @usatoday @teenvogue @theappeal • My views
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Mar 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Let me explain why they’re targeting trees:

Studies have shown trees were cut down in historically Black neighborhoods, making the area hotter. This is happening in Harlem. One East Harlem block is 31 degrees hotter than neighboring Central Park West due to tree cutting. nytimes.com/2021/08/20/nyr…Why and E. Harlem St. is 31° hotter than Central Park West. If you want to map, any quality in New York York, you can just count trees. August 20, 2021.
Dec 8, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Get a load of this…

There’s a luxury apartment building that opens in Brooklyn next month.

It’s for working couples with *no* children. Wait til you see the pics… Brooklyn is getting its first luxury building for couples with two incomes and no kids The developer:

“We’ve tried to design the amenities and services for this more mature renter. They are going to appreciate the things we’re offering, a big focus on health + wellness, which we believe speaks more to a mature kind of resident—not necessarily partying all night.” Exterior of new apartment building in a rendering
Interior of new apartment building in a rendering
Rooftop pool in new apartment building
Nov 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
"You don't want children? Who's going to take care of you?"

Stop normalizing this.

Everytime I post about the adult children who are the human retirement plan--financial, physical caretaking, parent living w/ them--I get throngs of msgs from the children and it's heartbreaking And NO I'm not talking about ppl who are financially comfortable--can hire help, have a house and then some.

I'm talking about ppl who are barely scraping by, the parent has no savings or plan and was always banking on the child literally being their retirement plan
Nov 8, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
So…Ben Carson wrote the housing plan under Project 2025 (yes, that Dr. Ben Carson).

I won’t pull any punches…if you were saving to buy a house or move to an apt, get that done now. Image
It allows public housing to be sold to developers.

It wants to minimize 30 yr mortgages for 1st time homebuyers by increasing PMI.

It wants to get rid of govt assistance—vouchers, funding for affordable housing. Literally brings back “worthy poor” language. Image
Oct 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
It's a blurry pic but the only one I could find.

This is Sarbjit Saran.

She was a NY govt employee for 33 yrs.

She was in an abusive marriage. Used her work phone to store evidence of the abuse. Her husband found out and told her job. Her job then disciplined her. Picture of Sarbjit Saran That was the first time her job disciplined her in 33 years.

Even as she pleaded with them that she's a domestic violence victim.

She asked to keep the photos of the abuse because she wanted to file a court case. They refused, claiming the request needs to come from a lawyer.
Jul 30, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
Y’all following what’s happening in NYC?

Bensonhurst, Brooklyn is comprised of 43.9% Asian residents.

Residents there are protesting a new homeless shelter. It would likely house single Black men.

It’s become so contentious that at a protest, the local councilwoman bit a cop. Mayor slams protests over New York City homeless shelters. This is not the deep south. So a bit of background—

Most NYC neighborhoods don’t welcome homeless shelters with open arms.

For various reasons:

Some want permanent affordable housing.

Some feel the shelters bring more crime.

Some just flat out don’t want shelters or low income housing at all.
Jul 25, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
My fellow Black women:

Let’s talk self care.

We have a tough 3 months ahead of us where we’ll be attacked everyday. We know this.

Here are some tips to get ready: Self care routines for Black women 1. Set boundaries now.

Start telling people no.

I know we are groomed to believe helping everyone but ourselves is the way we show our worth. This is the time to disrupt that.

“I’m at capacity.”

“I’m under water right now, can’t help.”

“I do not work for free.”
Jun 13, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
One thing I wish people knew was how much ableism is a factor in housing instability.

I learned today that an unhoused man was formerly a professional athlete from a well off family. Got injured, couldn’t play anymore. Mental health severely worsened. He’s been homeless for yrs. I spent years listening to tenants in my office. “So what happened?” And if I had to identify a pattern in all of the stories, one that sticks out is:

“I got injured on the job and couldn’t work anymore…”

“My parent died. I have depression. Everything seems weighty.”
Apr 6, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
I know that's right!

If I snagged a rent-stabilized apt 30 yrs ago for $250 and was then able to live my dream as a writer and photographer because I'm paying affordable rent, I'd be standing tall in front page news too.

I don't know her but I'm cheering her on. Image Someone after my interior decor heart....the apartment is cute too🥺

Feb 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m seeing + hearing how the housing crisis is being used to stir up resentment about migrants.

The right wing anti-immigrant talking point used to be “stealing jobs.”

Now it has shifted to “NYC is spending millions on migrants while New Yorkers can’t afford rent.” And what’s more is it’s no longer just right wingers saying it, it’s blue voters, working class, also immigrants.

I’ve been doing this work 12 yrs and this is the first time I’m hearing these statements edge their way into housing circle.
Jan 12, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Black women if you’re reading this, here’s what I learned that I wish someone told me when I started the workforce: Put that damn cape down!

If there’s a problem, ask yourself “is this my actual job or is it someone else’s job to do?“

People LOVE to come to us to help solve their problems. But ask yourself: am I getting credit for this? A pay bump? (The answer is almost always no).
Dec 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Well well well…

In a rare move, the city of Binghamton (NY) has BANNED a landlord from owning or managing property there for the next 15 years. And then SEIZED 26 of his properties.


Code violations (aka being a slumlord). This needs to be universal. Brooklyn landlord banned from owning property in Binghamton in court settlement Let’s talk about what the city did right:

When the landlord didn’t show up to housing court, the city ARRESTED him.

Then said you can’t own private property here AND be a slumlord. 15 yrs banned.

Finally, the mayor released a statement: “landlords: f*ck around + find out.” Image
Nov 20, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
“I am my parent’s retirement plan.”

I want to put words to a part of the housing crisis I see playing out:

Many of our parents + grandparents weren’t able to get jobs w/ traditional retirement plans (due to discrimination) and as such, rely on their children for housing/care. For example, many women in my family worked as maids for years.

There was no 401k retirement plan.

And even if there was, they barely made enough to make ends meet. So many have this story—and when their children secure jobs with much higher salaries, buy their first house…
Nov 12, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
There’s been a massive apartment building fire in Atlanta.

Two tenants are now going viral because authorities + media are blaming them—

and as someone who has litigated many apt fire cases, I want you to know why that narrative is dangerous and premature…. Whenever there’s a massive fire that spreads quickly and damages a large building, the first question should always be:

How was the fire able to spread so quickly?

And in many cases, it’s because the building was not up to code.
Nov 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
I’m going to start this thread to post every time a tenant is killed or harmed by a marshal, police or landlord in relation to their tenancy.

And every time a homeless person is killed.

This happens so often I have a feeling I’ll be updating it every few days.

For today: Landlord arrested for setting Brooklyn home on fire with tenants inside over unpaid rent: FDNY. A Brooklyn Landlord was arrested after allegedly setting a fire with his tenants inside according to FDNY. Posted November 5, 2023 at 7:42 PM EST and updated November 6, 2023 at 7:23 AM EST. Jonathan Rizk A tenant, Marco Polo Hernandez Meija, was found shot to death in Lewisville, Texas.

Meija’s landlord was planning on evicting him over rent. Then Meija’s body was found. Now police are looking for the landlord.

nbcdfw.com/news/local/man…Manhunt underway after tenant found shot to death behind landlord’s home in Lewisville. November 7, 2023.
Oct 6, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read

If you’re from Brooklyn and still live here, you can SEE the gentrification.

But to have it laid out in graphs + charts in the Bklyn Borough President’s report is striking.

NYC is the 7th most segregated U.S. city. And it’s gotten worse in Brooklyn. Map of Brooklyn by race and ethnicity This map could be a rainbow sprinkle.

Instead it shows that New York is very segregated by race.

Those blue dots are white residents. The blue dots are prominent in the most gentrified areas of Brooklyn in the last 3 decades—Williamsburg, Bushwick, Greenpoint, Brooklyn Heights
Aug 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Did y’all hear?

NYC landlords aren’t renting out their rent stabilized apartments.

They’re against rent stabilization + claim regulated rent stifles their profits—so they’re “protesting” by letting apts sit empty than rent them out.

13,000 of them. In a housing crisis. More than 13,000 rent stabilized units in New York City are sitting empty for years report finds gothamist.com/news/more-than…
Jul 18, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Do your parents own a home?

My advice to you, if they do, is to make sure that’s a consistent conversation topic with them.

I cannot emphasize enough how well-trained these scammers are with elderly homeowners: from deed theft to aggressive buying tactics. How one woman narrowly avoided a bad deal with a we buy ugly houses franchise. RoyAnne McNair believed she had canceled her contract with a “we buy ugly houses” franchise, so she pursued another offer on her house – this one for $100,000 more. Then an anonymous envelope froze the deal. Propublica. In a lot of families, parents may not discuss their financial business w/ their children.

This secrecy is honestly just prevalent in all types of housing matters.

I see this in my daily work. Mom’s getting evicted + doesn’t want to provide lawyer children as emergency contact
May 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
So I’m watching this City Council hearing on a bill to limit facial recognition technology in NYC…

(ofc the support for the bill is b/c the tech can lead to racial profiling).

Y’all…the president of the bodega association came to testify they want FCT in their stores 😩 No seriously this hearing went on for FIVE hours and he testified around hour 3.

Y’all I couldn’t believe it. When I get my beccineggncheese I’m gonna have to worry abt store having my face scan??

When he said “this all started in 2020 when they disrespected the police…”, me:
May 3, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Oh shit.

Council members and tenants just burnished the stage to demand a rent decrease! Bumrushed **
Apr 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Hi 👋🏾

I’m getting a ton of DMs from tenants facing eviction.

There are so many that I can’t keep up or respond to all. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this—I know it’s scary.

Here are some resources and insight for NYC tenants 🧵 Legal services for tenants ... The first tip is if you have a court case, try to get a free lawyer.

Here’s the link with info.

There are many legal service orgs. But we’re all stretched at capacity so it’s hard to get one. For a better chance, I would suggest emailing OCJ (in link)
