The Lectern Guy🇺🇸 Profile picture
Formly known as Via Getty, The Podium Guy. The Immortal Ginger, The Jolly Warrior. Can fold a fitted sheet, gentleman in the streets, silly goose in the tweets.
Aug 11, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
I'm preparing one of my favorite meals for dinner.

When I met my wife, she had a sincere disdain for salmon and fish in general. The core of me was shaken. I grew up on the water and looked forward to fishing with my dad on the weekends even though it typically ended in him cursing the stingrays that ate our bait and hooks.

*side not*
We also learned how to cook stingray

All good salmon starts with a dry brine and cedar planks soaking.Image Dry brine salmon with kosher salt and rest for one hour in the fridge.

Thoroughly rinse the salmon and coat with olive oil and pepper. There's no need to salt. The brine leaves enough behind.

Set smokers to 225 and put the cedar planked salmon on the smoker for 1 hour. Image
Jun 11, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
It's true. I've been doing it for centuries. I'll take some time to address this conspiracy theory and tell you the truth about the lectern.

So here is a thread of some of my lesser known exploits and explorations throughout my journey as The Lectern Guy: The Immortal Ginger
Image After the taking the lectern at fall of Rome, I realized I had stopped aging. It became dangerous to stay in one spot so I set out for the new world.

I got seasick on the ride over, but the locals were kind, and we bartered some old blankets for information about some fountain. Image
Apr 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I get this response a lot.
All the time, actually.
It's meant to make me feel depressed and defeated.

It does neither.

I'm writing this thread to address each of these claims so that when I get these replies, I can "tap the glass" and "point to the sign." Image Community service.

I spent my 200 hours of community service training Jiu-jitsu with local law enforcement and feeding them at their local departments. They welcomed me with open arms and were the people who showed up to protect my family when liberals threatened to kill them.