Lee Bryant Profile picture
Digital leadership and new organisational operating systems. We need better institutions for the C21st. (Lisbon / London)
Stephanie Smith Profile picture William Hite Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 18, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
You know ur radicalisation of the angry & ignorant has gone 2 far when they no longer believe ur own ‘reasonable scenario’ analysis of how horrific a no-deal Brexit would be. Good luck putting that weaponised victimhood back in the box when reality bites: theguardian.com/politics/2019/… We need a kind of hippocratic oath for political comms, or at least some governance mechanisms. Literally everyone rep’ing the UK gov right now is lying. They know it, the interviewers know it, anyone with a brain knows it. But not their target audience, for whom it is working.
Nov 16, 2018 20 tweets 5 min read
Sometimes I unplug my brainstem from the non-stop crisis liveblog that has become our life in the UK and become briefly conscious of how the media, especially the BBC, has failed us on Brexit in a way that reminds me just a little bit of the collapse of Yugoslavia. (1/20) To destroy a successful, stable multi-ethnic state takes years of preparation, before the fuse is lit and events accelerate out of control. The people who set the fire then shrug, act like it was all casus fortuitus, and we all have to react to the new facts on the ground.