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Nov 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Here it is: 18 minutes of me calling out the bullshit of Britain's biggest shit-weasel - Owen Jones... Here’s a three part reaction to the Hamas atrocity footage I recorded after watching the film Owen Jones has tried to minimise. The gravity of what happened is worse than what you imagine…
Nov 22, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Fans of the Islamic fundamentalist rape gang, Hamas, are faking tweets purporting to be from Jews in order to try and take them out of the game. This is what they have to do to try and prevent about the truth of Hamas being told. Watch video and see thread… Fans of the Islamic fundamentalist pedophile gang, Hamas, forge screenshots of Jews writing things they didn’t write in order to try & discredit them. We shouldn’t be surprised. They are Islamic fundamentalist fans of rape. Not the most decent kind. They’re trying it with me
Nov 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

I recorded a reaction video after watching the 47 minute compilation of Hamas atrocities. It’s in 3 segments as it’s 25 mins long & I had to take a couple of breathers. No one must be allowed to intellectualise these crimes into legitimacy. Pure evil. Part 2 of my reaction to the 47 minute film of Hamas crimes against humanity. It was pure Islamic fundamentalist evil moving from idea to action. This is the end result of the words of anyone supporting Hamas in the West. They are a danger to Europe & America
Nov 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends (and Jewish celebrities who cared more about their shitty careers than their own people who experienced a massacre and a global explosion of antisemitism) Don’t forget - when it mattered - they weren’t there

All these shitty, rich narcissists who pretend they’re brave artists

All these timid, self-interested cowards who follow the crowd with every other hashtag under the sun

These gormless celebs with their performative jewishness when its advantageous to their careers
Oct 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is muslim antisemitism

It’s the sole cause of the conflict

All other excuses are the emotionally immature lies, tantrums & performative victimhood of a Muslim world unable to get its own way & who have failed to exterminate Jews Muslims in the West tearing down posters of kidnapped Jewish children illustrates this

They are as racist as neo-Nazis

They don’t want Jewish children to live

They’re driven not by any noble value, but solely by sectarian hatred and Muslim bigotry towards Jews
Oct 24, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I’m an Oscar nominated writer who got there without an agent (yes that’s a flex) so I don’t give a fuck about deferring to agents. No one will stop me making a living. I’ll drive a cab if needed. So let me tell you about the disgrace of @kittylaing Head of Comedy at @UnitedAgents Kitty, who represents acts like Katherine Ryan, Nick Mohammed &Jamie Demetriou at @UnitedAgents has been on a wicked spree sharing hateful crap promoting mockery of Jews murdered in terror attacks & conspiracies that currently Islamists & neo-Nazis are spreading online. See below
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t think some non-Jews understand the Holocaust is within living memory & real for Jews. We can still hug family who survived. Others we can’t cos they were murdered. So when you say “x is like Nazi Germany” there’s gonna be a visceral response of “Is it though? Really?” 1/4 “Is it in the ballpark of my family being murdered by the state’s war apparatus being turned on its own citizens?” If you have a black hole in your family tree because of genocide I think you can see into that darkness more clearly 2/4
Feb 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I’ve not watched “You People” but here are some guesses. If a notable number are correct then there’s a problem with American Jewish celebrities - our “ambassadors” - who are woefully detached from the Jewish experience outside a tiny bubble of affluent Hollywood celebrity: Jews will be white, ashkenazi & yiddish-centric

Jews will be rich

Jews will be nebbishes

There’ll be jokes about ailments & neuroses

Jews will have nerdy names like Eugene or Seymour

There will be jokes about Jews being dentists or other safe suburban occupations
Dec 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
If communal Jewish orgs are serious about fighting antisemitism in Britain, USA or elsewhere, they need to support grassroots activists - including financially - and give them the trust and autonomy to do what they do with immediacy, personality and boots on the ground
The antisemitic Corbyn movement was defeated in no small part cos of people like @GnasherJew who broke stories that became national news. They also responded immediately to events that became online trends, thus ensuring a narrative pushing back against AS guided the debate
Dec 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I know it’s crazy but I’ve only just read The Tempest. Here are my thoughts. Some of it’s pretty good. The supernatural stuff wasn’t at all wanky. It was all emotionally fraught and plausible, aided by brilliantly earthy language of landscape and nature

As ever there are lines of poetry and aphorisms so robustly rendered. There’s nothing fragile or poncy in the communication. They land like a killer riff - which is way they become part of our common every day use

Oct 7, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
Comparing Jews to the Nazis in relation to the Israel-Palestine conflict is a way for stupid people to feel like they’ve come up with a really clever idea and that they have profound psychological smarts. They think the symmetry in the idea equals truth. Here’s why they’re thick (Including Dave Chapelle)
Aug 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I need to explain AGAIN what has been done to Jews for years via Corbyn and Loach. The Jewish community have been slandered & abused & depicted as liars for speaking out against the AS they’ve received. The most vile part of the bullying as been to defraud you the public… the hard left held aloft fringe extremist Jews who share similar fundamentalist politics. They say “look we’re not antisemites. We love Jews.” Lots have been completely mugged off by this. You never embraced Blacks 4 Trump as proof he’s not a bigot but you did with us & Corbyn
Jan 3, 2021 9 tweets 1 min read
As the @guardian continues their antisemitic game of contorting everything in existence to attack Israel, (in this instance perpetuating a libel of Jews as disease spreaders withholding vaccines), here are some other headlines I’ve written for them to keep up their sleeves: Israel’s national anthem sung in Hebrew - not Japanese - another low for this racist state
Nov 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
There are hard left extremists who may be Jewish or have some kind of Jewish ancestry they assert as a shield against their support of antisemitic movements. Adored as tokens it’s cheque-mate if you engage with their “as a Jew” claims. Engage with them as the antisemites they are And we don’t need to have any shyness or make any apology for putting up firewalls to protect our community from antisemites and Jews who’ve internalised antisemitism and gone over to assist of antisemites. They’re not fragile lost sheep. They’re antisemites.
Jul 29, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Hi @Sethrogen your work on Borat & Ali G helped influence my comedy. I went on to write Who Is America with SBC. I hope this thread might positively influence you to speak more to your Jewish cousins on other continents. Get in touch. Be nice to say hello
PS I know ur Canadian
👇 This is how it can seem: not only have some American Jews seen their connection to Israel erode, they’ve also forgotten their connection to other diaspora Jews. They can sometimes appear like our worst perception of Americans, ignorant of the rest of the world & uninterested
Jun 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Doing the right thing shouldn’t be transactional. We should oppose anti-black racism. Jews who say “if we don’t stand up for black lives we can’t expect solidarity in return” make me cringe. We should oppose racism even if the “favour” isn’t returned. But on a deeper level... ...it speaks of a soul degraded by antisemitism. It speaks of a hurt soul, ostracised by an antisemitic world, & which wrongly believes that the right set of Jewish actions made visible to the world will finally lead to that mythical cuddle of acceptance...
May 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the real barrier to ME peace. This culture of Jew hate. It’s far easier to redraw a line on a map or to relocate a town than it is to shift an inner world of hate so ideologically entrenched. But challenging hateful intent is the real necessary work that can’t be avoided In 2005 Israel disengaged entirely from Gaza. There isn’t a single Jew there. Thousands of Jews were relocated yet Israel was still met with rockets & death tunnels. The barrier to peace is not Israeli action - it’s murderous intent from Israel’s neighbours.
Feb 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Not seen the @Baddiel Holocaust denial documentary yet but will say this:

The Holocaust is the most meticulously documented crime in history - not least by the actual perpetrators of the genocide - the Nazis

There is no crime that has been studied & researched in more detail 1/ To deny the Holocaust is not only an assault on the memory of six million Jews and others who were murdered - but it comes down to the question of whether we are going to live in a world where facts and anything approaching truth can be reached with any kind of consensus 2/
Dec 14, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read

(Thread) When we made the Channel Four show Celebrity Bedlam I discovered that the most gullible people weren’t the most “stupid” - it was those who were more intellectual. They were by far and away the most easy to manipulate and lead a merry path towards utterly stupid propositions.
Nov 26, 2019 15 tweets 2 min read

Hello - I’ve rewritten the Beatles album Sgt. Peppers in order to tell the story of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.

Hope you enjoy... 🎶It was four years ago today
Comrade Corbyn taught his cult to say
That every single thing you hear
Is a dirty Blairite zionist smear
So let me introduce to you
The biggest bastards in the land
Comrade Corbyn’s Racist **** Club Band…🎶
Jul 27, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
One aspect of modern antisemitism is the spiteful venom with which individuals like Chardine seek to excommunicate Jews - and only Jews - from the community of solidarity when it comes to racism. This anti-Jewish impulse is steeped in profound ignorance of Jews & antisemitism... European Jews (including Tracy’s family) were murdered by the Nazis (forbears of the NF) specifically because they were NOT regarded as white European

White skin/blonde hair didn’t help the few Jews with those traits

And they don’t help today...