Joseph Lee, MD Profile picture
The ANTI VAXXER DECLARATION. 1. I AM an anti vaxxer 2. I despise ALL vaccines with bad science behind it (MOST of them, maybe ALL of them)
Bagwon Pro American Profile picture David Wilson Profile picture Kim Profile picture M.A.G.A.WeCaughtThemCOLD #SpaceForce🛰📡 Profile picture razrbakrok Profile picture 46 subscribed
Mar 29, 2023 14 tweets 10 min read
@VigilantFox @RobertKennedyJr I'm sorry vigilant. but if there is NO benefit to the COVID vaccine because the COVID antibody can't enter the lung air space, and RKjr KNOWS this, but doesn't tell anyone, i just don't know. what, he wants to KEEP talking about the SIDE EFFECTS? but if everyone knows. NO…… @VigilantFox @RobertKennedyJr what, I come with TOOO much baggage for RKjr? I dislike MALONE. I'm MAD at McCullough for not telling Senator Johnson to work with me. I'm against almost ALL vaccines. too much baggage? why would RKjr NOT take my info? and put it up there? in his nice posters? he……
Mar 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
when you're on the right side of science, teasing the other side mercilessly is good for the moral of the soldiers on THIS side (anti vaxxer, good, correct, moral, right side)

AND it's GOOD to DEMORALIZE the IDIOT side (pro vaccine, stupid, dumb, bad at math, stupid, ah, I said…… no need to JUST stay scientific. why? they never did that to US either. why? because teasing mercilessly WORKS. so, we will DO IT BACK TO THEM. it's not like we're TAKING AWAY THEIR FUCKING JOBS -----
Mar 21, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
1.1 The thread I promised. another way to attack ALL vaccines. another way to show the SHEER stupidity of ALL vaccines. 1.2 There has NEVER been a successful HIV vaccine. Isn't that interesting? but that's a HUGE clue to what it means to have an ANTIBODY in the body.
Mar 18, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
@DrTedros The COVID response has been scatter brained because the leaders are scatter brained. think slowly and carefully. do you think a COVID antibody existed in a single American in the year 2020? @DrTedros then isn't that absolutely clear that the COVID antibody had NOTHING TO DO with how we healed from COVID in the year 2020??? what do you think healed us?? I have a $1 million bet for you.
Mar 16, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
@elonmusk aw Elon. you don't understand medical science. how can you say that the science is unequivocal? the covid vaccine is the biggest mistake in the history of medicine. it supposedly works via a neutralizing antibody in the lung. but the antibody is 8000 times heavier than a…… @elonmusk and to get into the lung to do it's neutralizing work, the antibody MUST pass through the lung barrier which can stop water molecules (18 daltons). the covid antibody is a gargantuan 145,000 daltons. NO PATH for the COVID antibody to enter the alveolus.
Mar 14, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
@Rayk237 @elonmusk @TheChiefNerd there's an interesting clue. he wants the FDA on his side for neuralink? and wants to hand the FDA a bone? because lots of people in the FDA probably have investments in mRNA technology? and the FDA determines if he gets FDA approval? weird and dark at the same time. @Rayk237 @elonmusk @TheChiefNerd so, since this IS a free space for science elon? let me discuss what I think is the future of Neuralink.

I'll do it with a simple analogy.

the human eye will never be transplanted in a million years. how can I back up a statement like that? follow along.
Mar 13, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
@elonmusk @TheChiefNerd Elon, I hope your aren't saying this because BIG PHARMA got to you. because, if it's purely about the science, that means they have extremely unanswerable questions to deal with from me, about synthetic mRNA technology for ANYTHING medical, before the "great potential" that you…… @elonmusk @TheChiefNerd Elon, before you worry about AI, let's worry about the greedy humans that want to torture millions of generations of humans with vaccines that have incredibly poor science behind them.
Mar 10, 2023 30 tweets 8 min read
1.1 Pediatricians may be baby killers. This is PURE SCIENCE. Don't censor me when I'm trying to PROTECT BABIES. @twittersupport @elonmusk

I'm outright challenging any pediatrician to explain scientifically the utility of a HEP B vaccine in an infant less than a day old. @TwitterSupport @elonmusk 1.2 If a pregnant mom does NOT have HEP B and delivers a healthy infant, why are the pediatricians PUSHING HEP B vaccines so hard??? In medicine, please NOTE. FIRST DO NO HARM. Darn pediatricians. any one of you? don't you want to defend the HONOR of your specialty?
Feb 28, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
1.1 Will we ever know? if the virus was made in a lab in wuhan? and if it was released on purpose or by accident? 1.2 How do we determine if a virus is "made"? if a virus is collected in nature and then modified by one nucleotide, is that a "made" virus?
Feb 27, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
1.1 You couldn't have made a single immunologist on the face of the planet into a physicist.

And I'll explain why. 1.2 Being a physicist means you have to understand basic math. nothing really more complex than calculus although the physicists will pretend.
Feb 24, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
@Twitter @TwitterSupport @elonmusk
I don't appreciate being suspended for communicating the truth about the fatal flaw with the COVID vaccine, info that I informed Fauci about in Oct 2020 and again in Feb 2021 in 73 pages, with replies, with US copyrights.

Twitter, I am putting…… @Twitter @TwitterSupport @elonmusk I understand the censors at twitter were very used to suspending based on negative information about the COVID vaccine. You have to know, in science? progress does NOT occur without vigorous debate and pointed difficult questions. currently, the COVID vaccine has been……
Feb 21, 2023 20 tweets 97 min read
@Navarp @_louise__ @QnoWho @Coldfell1 @HeyNurseKat @ButHisEmails @badhatter353 @hockeyzixel @MeanTweeter69g @Bio_inspiration @SoothSpider @Sharky_vs_Evil @NicoleTenev @turquoiselau @NarfGb @InfiniteCyclus @chris_komatsu @SizerTanya @ENirenberg @sjs856 @SeattleiteLeo @thereal_truther @R_H_Ebright @chriskomatsu science? do you understand science? isolation did that. you can't prove anything with your papers. @_louise__ @QnoWho @Coldfell1 @HeyNurseKat @ButHisEmails @badhatter353 @hockeyzixel @MeanTweeter69g @Bio_inspiration @SoothSpider @Sharky_vs_Evil @NicoleTenev @turquoiselau @NarfGb @InfiniteCyclus @chris_komatsu @SizerTanya @ENirenberg @sjs856 @SeattleiteLeo @thereal_truther @R_H_Ebright @chriskomatsu vaccine aren't magic forcefields. vaccine science is based on pure correlation. and interestingly enough, it is shitty correlation. i eat a bad apple. i feel sick. that is a temporal correlation. i'm sick with COVID in 2020. i form antibodies after i recover. that is……
Feb 18, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read
1.1 @elonmusk This is a historic time in medical history. We have a chance to end vaccines for all children FOREVER. If humanity makes it a million years, that is 50,000 generations of human children that will be spared vaccines. 1.2 The COVID pandemic exposed the soft underbelly of the rotten VACCINE industry. In a big way. In everyone's face. The pandemic disrupted the lives of every person on earth. and almost every person on earth paid attention to what was happening.
Feb 17, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
@Doctor_I_am_The Dr. Fleming. you can't seem to see the simplest logic. you're the misinformation. you will cause more death. NO scientist in their right mind will argue that a COVID-19 antibody existed in a patient who had COVID for the first time in 2020. Even YOU stated it would take at…… @Doctor_I_am_The The COVID antibody is the biggest red herring in the history of medicine. AND if the COVID-19 antibody actually HELPED anyone in the year 2020, it would have needed a TIME MACHINE since it was LATE TO THE PARTY. You are invoking SCIENCE FICTION to explain how the COVID……
Feb 8, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
@euella_sk @akhusono Do you think that video will hold Dr. Fauci accountable? I wrote 73 pages and sent to Fauci. First a letter in Oct 2020. Which he responded to via Dr. Erbelding. Then a 73 page letter in response to that, extreme detail, with US copyright to prove date. @euella_sk @akhusono Science is about detail. a LOT of people did NOT like the vaccine. A LOT of people said the vaccine would not work. But, did ANYONE provide correspondence to Dr. Fauci with the EXACT scientific reason why the vaccine would not work? and a hypothesis as to why it --
Feb 6, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I Had to block Drew Comments. His dad probably told him to go learn from that Dr. Lee who's just destroying your duxxxxx axxxxx. i'll unblock him for the spaces, but he's just trying to make me cuss so twitter reins me in. If he IS Jonathan Bing's son, I'll take a lot of stuff back. because just can't ever be mean to a child in front of their dad. it's just wrong. if he is, I'll say this about Drew. He's a young guy. quick wit. impressed with his debating speed. he'll learn a lot from this
Feb 6, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
1.1 It is THIS simple. BENEFIT. WHERE IS THE BENEFIT? where is the BENEFIT of the COVID vaccine? No. don't show me DATA. SHOW ME THE HYPOTHESIS. SHOW ME HOW? SHOW ME THE biochemical PATHWAY. 1.2 You can ask a 100 physicians how penicillin works. THE ACTUAL pathway. They will be EMBARRASSED to say "it just works". they won't EVEN think it's acceptable to say that.
Feb 4, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
1.1 Hypothesis for how the COVID mRNA vaccines have caused increased fetal malformations and miscarriages. 1.2 A growing embryo is an extremely delicate situation. In an adult, an infection in a finger results in ONLY damage to the finger. In a growing embryo, an infection or damage to ONE cell has repercussions to ALL future cells emanating from THAT cell, it could be a WHOLE arm
Feb 4, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
@iXeno @Coldfell1 @badhatter353 @horseivermectin FDA pranks? lol. the prank is on the AMERICAN PEOPLE by the FDA. NOT ME. geez. If I explain in infinite detail that the antibody can't cross the lung barrier and they STILL SELL IT, since you're SO focussed on selling, WHO MADE ALL THE MONEY???? ME????????? -- @iXeno @Coldfell1 @badhatter353 @horseivermectin PUT YOUR suspicion on the FDA who is PRANKING the AMERICAN public AND making ALL the money.

I've been trying to be NICE to you. You say I AM PRANKING??? and I didn't make a DIME. BIG PHARMA made BILLIONS. why do YOU KEEP thinking I"m selling something??? --
Feb 1, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I'm sorry, but I can't wait to be rude and talk over Malone in a space. of course, he'll NEVER let me be in a space with him. he won't be able to debate me. he knows it. so he is MUCH more afraid of debating me than he is of COVID. I'm sure he'll let me debate him on one condition. we only talk about green eggs and ham. which he seems fixated on. and i'm also certain that if we DID really debate, he would use that excuse, "i can't discuss that because it's a national security issue". yeah, right.
Jan 29, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
@Macj007C ah, great question.
1. convalescent serum first. my mentor from hopkins asked me this and I had a theory of the red blood cell being the ultimate virus trap and defense. so, fragments of other people's rbc's would have different antigens and different ability to trap virus @Macj007C he asked me about a year into the pandemic and was shocked. said it made more sense than what the other directors of medicine were saying.

2. monoclonal antibodies. well, most of them aren't on the market and they were mostly for mild cases. if a case is mild on day 4, -