lenapatsa Profile picture
Engineer. Foul-mouth advocate. ND. Maker of things. Not that kind of Dr. 🇬🇷🇨🇦😷 #gigavaxxed @lenapatsa@toot.community @lenapatsa.bsky.social
Mar 21, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Για να δούμε τι έχει να πει το Chat-GPT για τα χθεσινοβραδυνα:

Re: Κυρώσεις σε γιατρούς για παραβίαση του νόμου υποχρεωτικής χρήσης μασκών, και τι συνίσταται «σοβαρή παραβίαση του νόμου»; Re: Ποια αρχή είναι υπεύθυνη για τον έλεγχο τήρησης του νόμου για υποχρεωτική χρήση μάσκας σε ιατρεία; Πως/που μπορεί να κάνει καταγγελία ένας πολίτης σε γιατρό για παραβίαση του παραπάνω νόμου;
Mar 4, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
[UPDATE][LONG 🧵] With swift efficiency, the Tribunal has made *a decision* re: my 2nd complaint.
It has *REFUSED* to hear it.
1/n Image "On the whole, the allegations in your complaint are unwieldly and cannot be fully, fairly, or efficiently addressed in this Tribunal’s process."

Good to know.

Jun 8, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
This is how these fucking sociopathic morons hold on to power: By threatening to take "everything" from people who speak up. Take this from someone who has been bullied all her life: This is classic bullying tactics. /1 And so long as people do not speak up, esp. those of privilege with actually something to lose, those fucking sociopathic morons will continue to hold power. KEEPING QUIET ENABLES ABUSE. I see it all the time. I see it everywhere. /2
May 14, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
[UPDATE] @LizaYuzda, legislative reporter for @CityNewsVAN, *blocked* me after I asked her to ask Bonnie Henry + @adriandix how they feel about the fact they’ve been named responders in a Human Rights Class complaint. /1 ImageImageImage I’d presumed that such news would be noteworthy. Yet, @LizaYuzda did not ask them about it or asked me for further info. Instead she censored/blocked me.
Help me understand this. @billamos @richardzussman @PennyDaflos @kul_akshay_ @SrushtiGangdev @charliesmithvcr @elanashepert
Apr 1, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
FYI: I just submitted my 2nd Class Complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal. Respondents named include: Office of the PHO, @PHSAofBC, @CDCofBC, @VCHhealthcare, @Fraserhealth, @Providence_Hlth, @BCChildrensHosp + the BC Ministry of Health. /1 Grounds: Physical disability.
Areas: Services + Employment
This is a Class Complaint + this is me letting you Class Members know about it.
Please retweet to spread the word. /2
Feb 20, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Coming to the realization it's actually impossible to safely socialize in a Province that lifts all restrictions, does not test the public at large, make RATs available, or regularly monitor spread. /1 Being high-risk + living alone, I have found it impossible to do so in a way that would allow me to manage my risk of infection or dying.

I don't know how many people out there are infected as proper testing is so limited it renders any numbers released meaningless. /2
Jan 23, 2022 26 tweets 10 min read
[LONG THREAD] I am filing a Class Complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal against @Fraserhealth, as a response to their ban of N95 respirators by hospital patients & visitors. Keep reading to learn how u can contribute and/or help end this egregious tactic. 1/21 The process of filing a Class Complaint is not v. complex + it is free to all British Columbians. I identify as a member of the class of individuals who I am representing in this claim, being a Vancouver resident who is high-risk of severe COVID-19 if infected with SARS_CoV-2. /2