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Highly analytical, infuriatingly logical, seeking truth. Honest open debate, freedom, equal justice, fairness, right and wrong. Wake up, Stand up and Scream!™
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Jan 9, 2023 10 tweets 10 min read
@RWMaloneMD It was said yesterday in your spaces meeting that this is much bigger than just COVID19. In fact it is. The paranoid launch of an overt surveillance state started with the fear of 9/11. It was advanced by the CIA, NSA, FBI and new DHS.
@LynnFynn3 @KLVeritas @BrendanEich @RWMaloneMD @LynnFynn3 @KLVeritas @BrendanEich Pattern is simple, fear lowers defenses, then political, military, energy, investment banking, big tech and Pharma industrial complexes kick into high gear to steal from the people. Craven politicians orchestrate economic feedback loops to get their share. It is getting worse.
Nov 7, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
The bad actors slowly chip away at freedom, in our case one dramatic event after another. The guaranteed privacy of IRS filings was used to justify forcing you to fill them out. Now they are often exposed for purposes other than tax collection and used politically.
9/11 ended anonymous travel and the fight against terrorism has slowly eroded almost any right to financial privacy. As the enemies of freedom do their work they get their nose under the tent in one area and suddenly you have a camel standing next to you.
May 28, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
We are living in increasingly chaotic lawless times, but we are often insular and unidimensional in our thinking, this limits our awareness of what is really happening. Piqued?

Please follow.
@EthicalSkeptic @elonmusk @gummibear737 @kellyesorelle @BrendanEich @TuckerCarlson Lawless behavior, when celebrated or allowed, encourages corruption and undermines freedom. As the process accelerates things face us daily that create anxiety. But the truth is, many events that distress us are symptomatic of much deeper rot.
@MarkChangizi @EduEngineer
Mar 29, 2022 4 tweets 8 min read
@EthicalSkeptic @MaryLee27290754 @Parsifaler @IUTruthtellers @DowdEdward There are many signals like this in different death attribution sub-groups. Many of them are very troublesome, they talk to the hidden consequences of COVID19 and the jabs that we ignore at great peril.
@fynn_fan @NickHudsonCT @BrendanEich @USMortality @EthicalSkeptic @MaryLee27290754 @Parsifaler @IUTruthtellers @DowdEdward @fynn_fan @NickHudsonCT @BrendanEich @USMortality Signals are indicators that something is happening. Causation analysis has to be performed to tell you what they mean. But our bureaucrats focus on the narrative instead of asking and studying the fundamental questions to which they point. Are they afraid of the answers?
Feb 5, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
@SolomonYue @niubi @BillGertz @SecBlinken @KiraOlbert @BoycottHegemony @gadyepstein @mrbcyber @RealSamFaddis @BryanDeanWright @fynn_fan @Byron_Wan @DutchUyghurHR @hrw @MichaelPSenger @SariArhoHavren @SheenaGreitens
How do I start this? Upset tonight?Does it feel like 1936?
Let’s celebrate the pageantry of the Winter Olympics in Beijing and on a fake ski slope in the dusty mountains nearby. Again we look away from the stark reality of China. Do the people not understand the depravity, do they not care, or have they sold their soul for profits?
Feb 2, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
@NickHudsonCT An interesting dilemma; emergencies require action without complete data. At first, caution is warranted and mistakes are almost always made, the aim is to save lives, but then an arrogant authoritarian approach set in. Inductive and deductive logic both disappeared.
@NickHudsonCT One of the ways you contain risk is to have detailed plans of how to react to the emergency. In this case, we threw all the plans away, this was the first signal we were off the rails. Then, medicine and treatment itself became politicized. Vaccines were the favorite son.
Jan 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
As with all sensational releases use caution, but this Project Veritas story verifies what was already known from other sources:
1) Fauci and allies circumvented American law to run dangerous virus experiments.
2) They laundered the funding through a Global NGO to the PLA.
1/ 3) The PLA is the People’s Liberation Army of China, run by the CCP, Chinese Communist Party.
4) It is against the law to transfer weapons technology to China.
5) It is against the to do Gain of Function tests.
Dec 27, 2021 9 tweets 14 min read
@gerdosi Few countries are producing reasonably good data but they show the same things:
1) transient benefit if you survive 2 weeks,
2) signs of broad immune system damage, and
3) significantly higher risk than acknowledged.
@BrendanEich @Kevin_McKernan @USMortality @fynn_fan @gerdosi @BrendanEich @Kevin_McKernan @USMortality @fynn_fan I wonder why the data goes downhill? Not saying there is not benefit for anyone but it is clear there is much more risk and much less benefit than promised. Do think they might be lying to us?
Dec 5, 2021 13 tweets 7 min read
@EthicalSkeptic As in all matters regarding COVID19 it is a statistical issue. We have been routinely phenotyping samples of positive cases worldwide for as long as we have had the capability w/ capacity increasing steadily.
@EthicalSkeptic If Omicron was as well adapted as Alpha when it emerged it would have been circulating and spreading this whole time. You have only two choices:
1) It was not as well adapted keeping its impact below the sampling threshold and likely leading to extinction.
Dec 3, 2021 7 tweets 12 min read
@EthicalSkeptic There are only a few explanations for this, the most worrisome is that it was released on purpose. To explain it naturally you have to make baseline assumptions about virus mutation rates and circulating pools.
@Daoyu15 @Bobby_Network @BrendanEich @gummibear737 @fynn_fan @EthicalSkeptic @Daoyu15 @Bobby_Network @BrendanEich @gummibear737 @fynn_fan The incidence of SARS type viruses emerging prior to COVID19 that were well adapted for human infection was negligible. Here we have two in a short time that are not closely related. MERS and SARS1 emerged 8 years apart. These variants are separated by 50 mutations.
Nov 27, 2021 20 tweets 9 min read
@TuckerCarlson @FatEmperor @gummibear737 @BrendanEich @EduEngineer @Covid19Crusher @Covid19Critical @fynn_fan @MichaelPSenger @laralogan @sylwie_sch @Kevin_McKernan @USMortality @Daoyu15 @theotherphilipp

My head is exploding, I am not sure if COVID19 is a tragedy or farce!
2 weeks to slow the spread!
Vaccines to stop the virus!
The vaccinated must be protected from the unvaccinated!
The vaccine is safe!
The VAERs are all mostly minor!
Natural immunity is not durable!
School kids need to be vaccinated!
The virus came from a wet market!
Oct 13, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
@JordanSchachtel @bergerbell @MarkChangizi @EduEngineer @MichaelPSenger @RandPaul @RanIsraeli @lalasugarloaf @federicolois @Covid19Crusher @GoliathShell @DrJBhattacharya

1) Opened up in the midst of Delta.
2) Vaccines not working.
3) A new Delta child? The questions being answered:
1) The virus(Delta variant lineage) has largely escaped the vaccine blocking transmission.
2) If you start to open, after being strictly closed, like Singapore, there is a dry tinder problem.
@gummibear737 @EthicalSkeptic @bergerbell @BrendanEich
Oct 12, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
@EthicalSkeptic @BrendanEich @NickHudsonCT @lalasugarloaf

One hypothesis is that much of Asia/Oceania had been exposed to a previous SARS variant. This being the actual reason that rates of infection were so low, not lockdowns and masks.
Now we may be seeing turnover where Western countries have had a much more aggressive recent pandemic and have residual resistance to a more recent SARS strain, closer in lineage to Delta.
Sep 22, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
@NickHudsonCT @gummibear747 @EthicalSkeptic @justin_hart @BallouxFrancois @RWMaloneMD @RandPaul @TuckerCarlson Are we insane? In January/February of 2020 the first retrospective studies of COVID19 mortality were released.
They clearly showed low Vitamin D, obesity, age, and a few other factors strongly correlated with the majority of fatalities. At that moment simple safe and cheap recommendations should have been made.
Feb 23, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
@gummibear737 @EthicalSkeptic @MichaelPSenger @Covid19Crusher @EduEngineer @AbdenurFlavio I think, as humans we have difficulty with many issues of logic, probably primed by primitive instincts. We cannot distinguish between stories of grief and tragedy, and the actual risks.
This pandemic, the propaganda and repression of honest discussion have created a huge distortion in the dialog and perceptions. Add the authoritarian attitude of suddenly relevant officials and we have had a perfect storm. I had COVID19 and am older.
Feb 3, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
@gummibear737 @LukeMor19529310 @Covid19Crusher @MichaelPSenger

Continuing failure of the Fauci and the NIH to investigate COVID19 treatments. Evidence is clear that secondary bacterial infections, out of control inflammation and micro-coagulation are all primary concerns.
Cytokine inflammation response has many potential treatments identified from other diseases. But where is the well funded research on this. Dexamethasone, aspirin and a few other drugs used but there are many possibilities. Great news is coming in on one, Fluvoxamine.
Feb 2, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
@nay_sue1 @ScottAdamsSays I am an expert on masks and air flow, we get all exercised about masks and certain governmental mandates to wear them.
1) Like many aspects of this disease the definitive science on particle size distribution has not done,
@nay_sue1 @ScottAdamsSays 2) Duration of naked aerosolized particle viability is unknown,
3) Total lack of control on mask design makes it impossible to study what really works and what doesn’t,
4) We have no idea how much virus is required to catch the disease,
Feb 2, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
China has been fomenting conflict in the area attempting to further consolidate influence across the sub-region on India’s Eastern flank. Their direct strategic aim is to lessen India’s influence and surround them with Chinese aligned countries.
1/ Immediate goal is to secure access to warm water ports and natural gas resources. They may eventually try to aggravate separatist sentiments in India’s NorthEastern states and take control of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands through Myanmar as their proxy.
Feb 1, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
@gummibear737 @Covid19Crusher @LukeMor19529310 @MichaelPSenger @EduEngineer @EthicalSkeptic We have been in the grips of some sort of mass self delusion, up is called down and the minions scream, “yes!” A few deeply examined the good and the bad science, me included.
1/ We presented statistics, graphs, logic, and the moral principles involved. An incredible furor was directed our way. We were doxxed, our social media accounts turned down or cancelled, some of us were even assigned personal trolls from big Pharma to heckle us.
Jan 31, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
I have gotten a number of questions about why we should be angry at Dr. Fauci, the NIH and CDC. The answer is simple, early in the pandemic a decision was made to do a full court press against the disease which looked like it had a mortality rate around 4% instead 0.1-0.3%.
This included massive industrial efforts to acquire PPE for first line workers, educate the public, initial lockdowns, study repurposing drugs and developing vaccines. Many of the efforts proved tremendously successful. But exploration of drug repurposing always seemed to lag.
Jan 29, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
@robert_spalding The CCP factions are real. I spent 10+ years living their. The mess we unleashed on the world is of the West’s own making. We did not spend the time to understand the Chinese people, their culture or their government. Most still do not, bother. But now they are transformed.
@robert_spalding Our own greed unleashed by naked capitalism devoid of National loyalty or sovereignty. Refusal to enforce the Law of the Sea, human rights conventions, or WTO. Refusal to intervene when they stole our IP or bought strategic technologies.