lhsingapura Profile picture
Interested in 📟, war studies, geo-political consequences of decisions & learning more about Covid-19 related issues — with a ton of typos (at times)
Sep 27, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
1. War is not a soccer match to cheer for one side or the other, & this situation exists in part due to the failure of UNSC resolutions 1701 & 1559 — Hezbollah was one of the militias to be dissolved but it never happened.

2. UNIFIL forces deployed are not peacekeepers but a…

..force with military observers. UNIFIL troops are killed by Hezbollah, to prevent them from observing the weapons being transported, stored & used in Southern Lebanon. Sadly for the Lebanese people, they are in a failed state at war against Israel — a war Hezbollah started.
Jul 18, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
@Mazri73 1️⃣Taiwan has defendable terrain & this renders an unseen advantage. Having previously participated in multi-domain war-games, both Australia & Singapore understand how difficult an opposed landing will be for the PLA (on the 14 possible invasion sites).

2️⃣The PLA is not… @Mazri73 ..10 feet tall, & they will not ready for war by 2027. But it is possible for the Chinese military to be ready by the 2032-2036 time period.

3️⃣In the Indo-Pacific, the US DoD will never fight alone — US allies & partners also operate VLO & STOVL aircraft, making runway denial…
Mar 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
@eddytzani97 1. As Dr Ng said, Singapore does not “…depend on another country to come to our rescue. If Singaporeans will not or cannot defend Singapore, there is no backstop. A strong SAF acts a deterrence against aggression towards us & keeps adventurism at bay.” @eddytzani97 2. A few years ago, my son told me that based on his initial medical screening, he was ineligible to serve in a combat unit. I went with him for more medical tests to provide evidence he could serve — later, he completed 38 weeks of OCS in 2018 & is now a LTA in the reserves.
Jan 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
@ChasAHKnight 1️⃣Some counter terrorism efforts that exceed a country’s borders & territorial waters are in a legal grey zone.

Q: If Pakistan had managed to capture any of the operators in Operation Neptune Spear, would they be seen prosecuted under the laws of Pakistan? @ChasAHKnight 2️⃣Other egs include a raid that would not be legal under local laws include the killing of Abd-al-Hadi Mahmud al-Haji Ali during an “unilateral helicopter raid” in Apr 2023 (in al-Suwaydah, Syria). If Assad could have captured US troops in this raid, he would conduct a trial.
Jan 23, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1. The requirements for a ‘credible defense posture’ for an US ally like the Philippines (with the EEZ disputes), is very different from that of a non-aligned nation.

2. Singapore as a non-aligned nation has no allies, in the even of an armed conflict (or an invasion), &… ..needs a defence budget of SGD17.98 billion (USD13.4 billion). Each year, Singapore invests more on defence than the defence budget of any other ASEAN country but that does not mean our posture is credible.

3. The struggle for credibility is real, as there are scenarios…
Oct 15, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
1. Hamas aided by the pro-Palestinian Malaysian cyber army are doing great work to push their narrative.

2. These terrorist supporters are using a picture of an Israeli kid killed by Hamas & claiming it was a Palestinian killed in an air strike. 3. Hamas is facing an unmitigated public relations disaster. Hamas is trying to deny (or distract) from the following:

(a) 400,000 Israelis cannot go home, until the ground war is fought;

(b) Hamas is prepared & wants to fight this war, with Gaza & hostages, as human shields; &
Sep 4, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1. Important to keep in mind that the RSAF with 5 squadrons (with 100 fighters) is a small air force.

2. IIRC, a single USAF fighter wing has 7 squadrons.
Image 3. Grateful for @DrTimHuxley’s comment, but let me clarify my point.

4. Singapore’s fighter fleet size (~100) is comparable to that of Thailand or Vietnam.

5. But if you measure the RSAF against Taiwan (379), Korea (482), or Japan (313), the RSAF is small or ~1/3 their size.
May 23, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1. Singaporeans need to learn fm this incident to understand that there are state or party sponsored groups, who are proficient in impersonation.

2. The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), as an eg. has hacked into multiple news a/c like 60 mins, Al Jazeera & Reuters… .. In Aug 2012, the Twitter a/c of the Reuters news agency sent 22 tweets with false information on the conflict in Syria.

3. Thanks to the chaos created from Elon’s acquisition of Twitter & his Twitter blue policies, impersonation of a/cs is much easier.
May 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1️⃣ Deliberate fragmentation of Malaysian Govt programs into multiple agencies enable corruption.

2️⃣This diffuses the blame for the ruling party, when 17 agencies fail to deliver — don’t know who to blame.

3️⃣Mahathirism is about looking outward to blame others like Singapore. 4️⃣For a country of 33.57 m, M’sia is hard to understand b’cos there are multiple, opposing & concurrent trends.

5️⃣War is often a 2 way shooting range. Civil conflict, if it occurs in M’sia, is a 3 way shooting range of frenemies — with neo-Malay enthonationalism as a constant.
Apr 1, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
1. Learning abt a Malaysian viewpoint fm a 🧵, where is trying to get his readership to respond to a poll that cleverly distinguishes fm 3 types of submarines:

(a) a SSN (eg. AUKUS SSN, Astute or Virginia);

(b) a SSBN (eg. Triomphant, Vanguard or Columbia); & (c) a 3rd class of submarines — tt he claims is operated by rogue states — that he lists as North Korea & Israel.

2. But he excuses Iran* fm this list as the former M’sian Defence Minister wants to upgrade relations with them.

*so for this M’sian, Iran is not a rogue state.
Apr 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. El mo agst advice:

(a) made a decision in Nov 2022, tt resulted in Eli Lilly falling victim to the uptick of fake Twitter handles — wh. alienated advertisers; &

(b) in Apr 2023, he declared war on blue handles — he basically said, I own Twitter & I can dictate terms. 2. If he as owner treats the press & White House as the enemy — he needs to remember the enemy gets a vote.

3. This will go down as well as the war in Iraq.
Mar 31, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1. It is the sum of these illogical acts mentioned in the 🧵below by @DzirhanDefence, & the Apr 2019 visit by Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu to Tehran that is particularly harmful to its military-to-military ties with America, France & the other 4 FPDA members. 2. On 4 Dec 2018, after SG-M’sia bilateral relations were beginning to get heated, Bilahari wrote, “it is not an accident that so many old bilateral issues — water, bridge, FIR & maritime boundaries — have resurfaced after the change of Govt [under Dr M].”
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
There is context to the phrase, “be prepared to fight & win wars,” than what is being quoted by American Hawks. Image Below, a fairly typical fear mongering 🧵. They fail to recognise that Xi needs options to deter politicians in Taiwan from declaring its independence.
Mar 22, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1. American Neocons under Bush (43) took an ideological stance towards Iraq — seeing Iraq as part of the ‘axis-of-evil.’

2. On 7 Oct 2001, when the air campaign agst the Taliban began — the US Ambassador to the UN sent Saddam’s delegation at the UN a 2 word msg: ‘You’re next’ 3. It shouldn’t be disputed that the American led invasion of Iraq in 2003 is more than a simple mistake (or an intelligence failure). This war led to the deaths of thousands of Iraqis & left behind a legacy of sectarian violence from the ashes of which ISIS could arise.
Mar 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
1. Below, another instance of scope mounted wrongly.

2. As previously reported by @PaulHuangReport, on a MND PR 📷gone wrong. @Enoch_TW had the optic of his rifle installed wrongly & w/o slings — the poster boy of Taiwan defence did’nt know how to fix his weapon system. 3. I mentioned abt enforcing training stds — the SAF evaluates unit performance at ATEC ().

4. I wish Taiwan would just stop with fake 📷 & be like other armies. Just focus on realistic training, shoot a video — like the Australians below. An army w stds.
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Simon Ateba ends his press career on a low note, as even the White House Correspondents Assoc refuses to renew his accreditation. It’s a great day for press freedom — for others to learn from Simon Ateba’s mistakes.
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1. In May 2021, Abu Dhabi Ship Building (ADSB) was awarded an AED 3.5 billion (~US$950 million) contract to build 4 Falaj 3-class OPVs.

2. ASDB contracted ST Engineering for the production design of the 4 vessels & technical support will be provided for the 1st ship. Image 3. The Falaj 3 OPVs will be powered by 4 high-performance engines to reach speeds of 26 knots. These 60 metre long OPVs will have 4 generators capable of producing 1.2 megawatts of power.

4. The Falaj 3’s design reduces its radar cross-section, IR & acoustic signatures. Image
Mar 20, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
British security for India’s British High Commission in London failed, when a protestor intruded on the premises. As a result, the senior most diplomat at the British High Commission in India was summoned by MEA. Image Haters seem to out in force over Sadiq Khan’s support for law & order comment.
Mar 17, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
1. In 2018, the Kuwait Air Force:

(a) signed a US$8.7-billion Eurofighter Typhoon contract that included the purchase of 22 single-seaters & 6 double-seaters.

(b) awarded Boeing, a US$1.5-billion contract to build 22 F/A-18Es & 8 F/A-18Fs, in block 3 config. 2. As the Typhoons & Super Hornets are delivered, Kuwait has 27 F-18Cs, plus 6 F-18D trainers that will be retired.

3. Kuwait has denied reports of a deal to sell its entire Hornet fleet to Malaysia. There are reports that the US Marines are interested in the Kuwait fleet.
Mar 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. I respect @ELuttwak, but I cannot agree with this level of fear mongering.

2. But I agree that China is a threat to Taiwan — any PLA attempt to attack Taiwan would be seen as a warning world leaders should heed. 3. Even with the extension of conscription to 12 months, his statement may hold true — Taiwan does not seem to want to defend itself.

4. Turing a conscript battalion operational takes more 120 days. I would not count BMT part as intensive training
Mar 15, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1. Thanks for calling out the Malaysian MFA.

2. ZOPFHAN, as a diplomat’s tool is long dead & buried. Malaysia using it as reasoning, is like the resurrection of a Zombie. 3. I struggle to understand SSG CONOPS, so I am not going to pretend that I understand the AUKUS SSN.

4. I don’t know what is right for the RAN (in terms of SSGs vs SSNs trade-offs) but I do know that Malaysia’s response to AUKUS is not well received by 2 of the 5 in FPDA. Image