libby watson Profile picture
Jan 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
sort of insane how this company—whose product does not work reliably—has embedded itself in government functions across the country here are just a few examples: colorado…
Jan 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have said recently that Americans seeking free rapid tests should Google it. Where they live, the results are pretty good! But what about in poor cities across America? I Googled it, and I wasn't impressed with what I found:… if you enjoy this post, please sign up (for free!) by popping your email address into this box. I won't email you more than a couple times a week; neither of us wants that Image
Mar 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
it's very funny that this concierge doctor can just speak openly about how rich people use their wealth to get better treatment and not realize (or care?) that it's an indictment of him too… Image you're not some hero for saying no on vaccines but also using your medical training to allow wealthy people access to concierge care. you might as well give them the vaccine, you give them every other advantage due to their wealth anyway
Dec 1, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
personal news: I left the New Republic to start a Substack. It’s called Sick Note, it’s about how awful American healthcare is, and it’s launching in January (but you can sign up now if you like!). read about it here:… it's a pretty simple premise: interviews with normal people, not policy wonks or healthcare executives, about what our healthcare system does to their lives. it'll start regularly in january, with a couple posts before then to get you going