Lila Krishna Profile picture
Writing novels set in the Indian revolutionary movement | Rooted&Written Fellow 2022 @sfgrotto | Co-founded @tldrpress and @StoryOfTheW | AI programmer
Feb 19 8 tweets 2 min read
Sigh. This has been my experience as well. Therapists of every stripe, Indian, indian-american, Chinese, white.... all were pushing me towards cutting my family off.
I didn't want to, because I loved them and they loved me. That love was never in question. This is what had me seeking and seeking more to figure out how to fix my very broken life.
I got an ADHD diagnosis, which was as if to say, "no one is at fault, it's just your broken brain".
But I knew my parents' brains weren't broken. Was my own child born with a broken brain?
Jan 31 10 tweets 4 min read
"Most", dude, most of us have seen our parents make huge sacrifices for each other, figure out how to work the shoestring budget to provide. And still go out to get panipuri all together somehow. I will not have Indian family slander, we got it more figured out than other cultures. Okay, this is blowing up, let's talk about what we Indians do we do that actually matters, vs what doesn't.

My bonafides: large family, kinda dysfunctional in a standard desi way, married into a different culture who also has a large family that is above-average functional.
Dec 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Anti-indian reached a peak in 1923 actually when the Supreme Court ruled that Indians don't fit the "common man's definition of white" and hence shouldn't be allowed to naturalize as American citizens. All the Indians who had naturalized in the preceding years had their citizenship canceled. This meant they suddenly couldn't own land or businesses. One family in San Jose committed suicide due to this. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" didn't apply to Indian immigrants. Image
Nov 30, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
It was an arranged marriage but my mom did everything she could to get out of it. But my dad was quite persistent as were her parents and they ended up married and moved to Delhi where dad worked 1/ But mom just couldn't reconcile with marrying dad and she asked for a divorce. Dad demanded to know why.

Mom revealed that she had been in a relationship earlier with an activist and planned to elope with him.

But tragedy had struck. 2/
Nov 17, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Ok I'll try. My kid is half-white half-indian and I make every effort to have her be connected to all of her heritage. My husband's heritage is people from the revolutionary War to refugees in ww2 so there should be a lot to draw from 1/ But there isn't any way any of that heritage has been passed down in tangible ways to my husband.
Folks left their church, ones in a church aren't in the same tradition as their ancestors were. The Thanksgiving recipes are from 70s cookbooks. Holiday traditions are whatever 2/
Sep 22, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
I'm this guy. I was told for years that I HAD to be on meds if I wanted to lead a normal life after an ADHD diagnosis (and debilitating consequences for years).

I found another way. I'm very surprised few others have hit on it 🧵 I had a nervous breakdown with pandemic, global remote work, new baby and a new home. Therapist was stumped, psychiatrist wanted me to be on a cocktail of meds. I didn't want to as I'd previously become s*ic*dal on meds.
Then my whole family got Covid.
Feb 7, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Good thread, i came to similar conclusions, especially after reading Brain Energy by @ChrisPalmerMD.

Thing is though, food and other lifestyle changes are only the beginning. A very important beginning, though. Nearly a decade ago, I got an ADHD diagnosis. That capped a decade and a half of never feeling happy, never being able to relate to anyone else's experience of mental health, and generally struggling through basic life stuff.

Didn't want to go on meds though.
Nov 20, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
I'm reading "Drink - The Intimate Relationship Between Women And Alcohol".

I read a lot about addiction, though I don't have any susbtance issues, because it feels like it's key to understanding my own mental health and figuring out how to protect kids from this. 🧵 One big takeaway for me is: Alcoholism prevalence increases when alcohol is normalized, even considered what makes someone wealthy and classy, or a vital part of celebrations and the celebratory aesthetic.
May 30, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Mm okay let's go into some detail here. Hemachandra Kanungo Das was an Anushilan Samiti member from Midnapore. He designed the Calcutta flag while protesting against the Carlyle circular which said colleges getting govt funding would be liable for protests by their students. Image He was undertaking revolutionary activities under the leadership of Aurobindo and Barin Ghosh. While trying to assassinate the governor of Bengal unsuccessfully, he realized guns could only take you so far. They needed bombs. So he sold his house and went to Paris.
May 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
You don't need to dress up anything about Savarkar to imply he was great. Just present facts. Unless you add flying elephants, the facts of the revolutionaries' acts are often more unbelievable than anything your imagination can come up with. Like he wrote a book that was banned (proscribed) even before it was released.

People in the British Parliament were debating his newspaper columns.

His escape and rearrest became international issues that impacted British-French relations.

He met Lenin and Mustafa Kemal
Nov 17, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
These folks will do literally everything to make the best kids except give employees parental leave, or take time off during pregnancy, or work less and spend time with their children. So much of this is so stupid. Musk is on the spectrum and is 50+, wouldn't his kids all have a very high chance of being on the spectrum? How then is any of this going to be "genetically superior".
Aug 23, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Oh fucking hell. The stuff you come across while reading history closely.

Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki went to Muzaffarpur to assassinate Magistrate Kingsford, who was known for cruel and unjust sentences, especially on the Jugantar revolutionaries. 1/n Khudiram was caught alive. Prafulla shot himself to avoid capture.

Instead of having Khudiram identify his body in Muzaffarpur, they decapitated Prafulla and sent his head to Calcutta to be identified.

I cannot even deal with reading about British inhumanity and cruelty.
Aug 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Reading @jennettemccurdy's memoir and I'm feeling terrible at the part where she is known as a child star for crying on cue. She uses every tragic possibility to cry, until she feels disconnected and dead inside to all then sadness.

Everyone failed this poor child. Her agent says "I got another studio saying "so tell me about the girl who cries".

Imagine the coldness of the business.

I need to take so many breaks while reading this book.
May 31, 2022 29 tweets 5 min read
Okay! I got thinking about what a Desi Forrest Gump movie should be like, and I suddenly wrote a whole movie synopsys. Let's goooooo Forrest is born in what's now Bangladesh in the 60s. Family's been reduced to just him and his mom. Jenny is the girl next door with a large family.

Forrest's school has the ballot boxes for the 1970 Pakistan elections. Some goofy thing he does leads to Mujibur Rahman winning
Nov 8, 2021 169 tweets 33 min read
I'm reading Jugalbandi by @vinay_sitapati and right from the prologue, I'm finding it hard to read. The author is so extremely deracinated, it's like reading a book about India written by a Westerner.

The sensibility is tiresomely late 90s NDTV. I thought we were over that. You know recently when @SreenivasanJain "discovered" that in restaurants on highways, drivers eat for free, and was so amazed and self-congratulatory at knowing this fact about the chota-mota folk? This is that attitude, but for 550 pages.

Here's hoping the research is worth it
Apr 21, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Okay I really wanted to like SpaceMOMs. Bought the movie on Amazon. But dude, you had a good story and interesting characters, why let them all down with such a shoddy screenplay and dialogues! The scenes and dialogues seem straight out of a stage play. At high school level. People don't talk like that.
Apr 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Fun fact: in India, we pay premium to learn at schools that tell us our culture and heritage is worthless and we are imbeciles who need to be educated out of it.

And we even call ourselves proud alumni of such institutions. I'm not kidding. The number of times my teachers had me erase my bindi can easily amount to a few thousand. My mom would send me back to school with a bigger bindi. I thought she was being difficult. Now I realize the magnitude of her rebellion and am proud of her.
Apr 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I watched Serpent, and I can't shake the feeling it's this weird "Christianity triumphs" kinda subtle propaganda.

When they show Charles Sobhraj's house in Mumbai, it's filled with lots of Hindu iconography and prints of gods and goddesses. Which seems forced in. Because you see, the Juliette character could scarcely be Hindu. And Sobhraj was baptized as a catholic and took up the name Charles.

Juliette/Chantal was from a conservative Christian household. Doubt she'd decorate her houses with murtis.
Dec 28, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
Okay I'm extremely sleep deprived, so why not start some Twitter drama on this fine Monday morning.

Hot take: Vinay Sitapati is a deracinated, colonized fella who shouldn't be writing about the topics he writes about.

I will elaborate. So mind, I haven't read his books. I want to read Jugalbandi but it isn't yet available on the Kindle store in the US. It seems like he's researched the crap out of his topics. I'm not going to dispute his research chops. BUT
Sep 16, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
There's another angle too. Americanism is aspirational for most Indians, but those with engineering backgrounds manage to get to America much easier than those with humanities degrees even from top colleges. And what's more, 1/ Those of us who work a few years at Infy and then go to the US don't even act like our stint in a major US city such a big deal, and horrors, even choose to come back home after a few years because we prefer our life in India.
And we go to burning man like a tourist 2/
Aug 24, 2020 27 tweets 9 min read
We now see how a book is banned even before release. A certain British gentleman seems responsible for this.

This is not new.

It happened before in 1907.

An Indian wrote a history book.
Brits banned it even before it released.

That Indian? Veer Savarkar.

#bloomsburyindia It's funny to me because I'm writing the chapters about how Savarkar tried to get his book published but found it impossible as the British empire threatened and scared every publisher.

The modus operandi hasn't changed in 113 years. #bloomsburyindia