How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is what had me seeking and seeking more to figure out how to fix my very broken life. mom just couldn't reconcile with marrying dad and she asked for a divorce. Dad demanded to know why. there isn't any way any of that heritage has been passed down in tangible ways to my husband. had a nervous breakdown with pandemic, global remote work, new baby and a new home. Therapist was stumped, psychiatrist wanted me to be on a cocktail of meds. I didn't want to as I'd previously become s*ic*dal on meds. a decade ago, I got an ADHD diagnosis. That capped a decade and a half of never feeling happy, never being able to relate to anyone else's experience of mental health, and generally struggling through basic life stuff. he wrote a book that was banned (proscribed) even before it was released.'m not kidding. The number of times my teachers had me erase my bindi can easily amount to a few thousand. My mom would send me back to school with a bigger bindi. I thought she was being difficult. Now I realize the magnitude of her rebellion and am proud of her. of us who work a few years at Infy and then go to the US don't even act like our stint in a major US city such a big deal, and horrors, even choose to come back home after a few years because we prefer our life in India.