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she/her | early 20s | FUB free
Jul 30, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
#sakuatsu umeboshi only became kiyoomi’s favorite food after he saw atsumu eat it non-stop during training camp, a habit picked up after kita’s package. kiyoomi said that’s not his kind of food. atsumu just said “it’s just cause ya don’t have taste.”

so he ate it out of spite.+ of course, to his dismay, he began liking it.

years later, as he and atsumu fight over the last package of umeboshi on the konbini beside the training facilitiy he thinks about it—how eerily familiar it felt.+
Jan 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Even before dating, Atsumu always knew whenever Kiyoomi was smiling even with a mask on which baffled and endeared him earnestly.

So he asks about it when they finally get together. Atsumu only reaches up to touch Omi’s ears and says, “Your ears. They always rise just a bit.”+ Said ears don’t rise this time, only redden at the attention and affection.

“I also knew that maybe it wasn’t as unrequited as I thought because they always did that.”

Kiyoomi then covers his ears in a desperate attempt to hide from him. “Why are you looking at my ears?!”
Jan 19, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Atsumu's the type of person who holds back any form of reward whenever he thinks doesn't deserve them.

That is, when the success rate of his serves dropped, he refused to buy the weekly shonen jump until he got them back up.

Omi refused to let it stand & bought it all for him.+ When Omi first found out about it, he only frowned. "Why are you depriving yourself of these things?"

"It works for me, Omi," Atsumu admits shyly. "It keeps me in line."

"Even if you're frustrated and struggling?"

Atsumu wasn't able to answer then.+
Dec 26, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
#SakuAtsu who makes a competition out of everything so they compete on who can hide their gifts better.. until one year they can’t find them anymore. They can’t even dwell on the fact that they’ve hidden it so well because that just means they can’t see what the other gave them.+ No one wants to be the first to give in, though.

“Omi, just tell me where it is,” he wheedles with a soft kick to Kiyoomi’s abs. They’re in the sofa binge watching stupid Hallmark Christmas movies that are so bad they’re so fun to watch, with Atsumu’s legs on Kiyoomi’s lap.+
Nov 7, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
#SakuAtsu (light angst i think? it’s not that sad i swear lol)

“C’mon Omi! Let’s dance!”

Atsumu’s fingers briefly brush over Kiyoomi’s and Kiyoomi immediately recoils. Atsumu’s face falls as a Spanish song soars on the background, and Atsumu walks away with a tiny smile.+ Kiyoomi’s heart sinks.

They’ve been dating for months now but they decided to keep it quiet. Or at least, Kiyoomi did.

He can still remember Atsumu’s bright smile when they began dating, the same smile that faltered when he asked to keep their relationship a secret.+
Oct 23, 2021 30 tweets 6 min read

“It’d be so much easier if we owned a house and didn’t have to pay rent—”

“NO. OMI, NO!”

They’ve been at it for three weeks already, so Atsumu knows what an impending proposal sounds by now.

And he’s NOT letting Kiyoomi propose first.+ Kiyoomi groans as he sends in the money for their apartment rent.

“Please tell me ya didn’t buy a house yet or somethin’.”

He only murmurs something about thinking he finally had it this time before turning to Atsumu with a scowl. “No, of course not. I’ll never do something+
Oct 10, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
“Omi-saaan! It’s time to go!” Hinata screams, but when they reach the apartment lounge already clad in party-ready fits, Sakusa is sprawled on the couch, decidedly NOT party-ready in his sweatpants and tank top, mouth hanging open in sleep.

Atsumu stifles a snort and fails.+ He catches the moment Hinata’s grin falls at the sight of Sakusa’s sleeping form.

“Aw. Is he still tired from practice today?” Bokuto muses, pouting in disappointment.

“We already did go out twice this week, Bokkun, and training’s really rough today.” Bokuto only pouts more.+
Oct 5, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
There are many unfavorable things that come with having a twin. Sharing a birthday is one of them.

It’s never a special day the way it is for most people. What he gets, Osamu gets too. The songs, the gifts are always for them both. Atsumu’s not the star & he doesn’t like that. Which means he has been looking forward to his first birthday away from Hyogo since /forever/. As a kid, he and Samu would spend HOURS bragging about how they’d have the better “alone” birthday.
Sep 18, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read

“What d’ya mean, you’re retiring?”

As if on cue, Natsumi cries and trashes against Kiyoomi’s hold, a quiet yet chaotic answer of its own.

“The Olympics is a year away, Omi—”

“And I’m 32, and Tsumi’s two and very fussy, Atsu.” He ends the sentence with a soft smile,+ and Atsumu knows he has long decided on it. He’s not backing down, though.

“If we’re goin’ by age, /I’m/ 33. Maybe /I/ should retire—”

Kiyoomi’s laugh is a gentle breeze, softened by time. “Yeah, like you’d give up on setting for all these new monster generation kids—” +
Sep 11, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
#SakuAtsu Sakusa is huffy over his long hair. He hasn’t found a fix for it yet without going to a barber in the middle of a pandemic.

He doesn’t like how his hair swishes in a ponytail, but he hates how it feels like there’s a heavy ball bobbing on his head when it’s in a bun.+ He snarls again when his hair whips against his face and the ball he spikes bounces off the court. Then the whistle blows.

Atsumu had called for a time out, his eyebrows scrunched, and God he’s going to call Sakusa a “fuckin’ scrub” isn’t he?

Except it’s worse.+
Aug 22, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
#SakuAtsu It happens again. Sakusa reaches cmapus and the cats are already eating, the bowls already filled.

He should be happy someone else is voluntarily feeding the campus cats. He’s taking money off his own allowance for it anyway. Instead this made him weirdly competitive.+ He moves to the Department of Fine Arts and sees the same thing: the bowls filled (bowls HE bought for fuck’s sake), the cats already eating. Department of Social Sciences? Same thing.

And it’s making him mad. Because now he’s competing for the cats’ attention with someone else.
Aug 15, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Omi’s parents always ask about Atsumu—not because they’re that rich, snotty couple but because Omi’s their youngest and Omi only deserves the best.

“I’m just checking if he’ll treat you right, Kiyo—”
“It’s just a crush! He doesn’t even like me! Mom, no, don’t talk to h—”+ He’s actually VERY loved because he’s the family’s baby and he was never embarrassed by them at all—not until he told them that he has a crush on his new setter.

Because now his mother just came from Paris and is asking him to give Atsumu a souvenir she bought him. From Paris.+
Jul 17, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
#SakuAtsu / Sakusa had gotten used to going to bookstores alone because no one can last his 30-minute-long roaming (at the minimum). Komori tried, but 5 minutes in and he's already bored. His parents don't even bother and just hand him a wad of cash, going off on somewhere else.+ So when Sakusa sees a bookstore on their way to the restaurant, he has to fight the urge to reroute and dash for the entrance. He is NOT going to bore Atsumu on their first date. Dates should be something they both enjoy, and he knows Atsumu's not a reader, so that's a hard no.+
Jul 11, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
#SakuAtsu (w/ a side of gen all-japan kids)

Everyone in All-Japan Youth went straight to the pros after high school… except Sakusa.

It often makes him doubt his choices, the feeling of being left behind—of being alone—sitting heavy in his chest.

So they visit him in Tokyo.+ He’s sure that it’s Komori’s idea, since he’s the one who revived the long-forgotten and lovingly named ‘Ajinomoto’ GC.

Of course he has noticed Komori staring at him with concern as he tags along their post-game izakaya night-outs, quietly resigning himself with a sip of beer,
Jul 6, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
#SakuAtsu Atsumu exclusively uses the most neon yellow and green highlighters in high school because it reminds him of Sakusa.

He draws tiny angry Sakusa chibis and doodles tiny Itachiyama jerseys using the two highlighters, experimenting on different ways to blend the colors.+ Osamu once tried looking at his notes but he can’t bear it because of course Atsumu is a “highlight all the important parts = highlight all the text” kind of person.

Suna tried to introduce him to pastel highlighters for the aesthetic but he only said “No ❤️ It’s not the same.”+
Jun 27, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
#SakuAtsu Atsumu has definitely tried poking a plug on Omi’s moles whenever he flops down after matches.

“Omi, it’s time for ya to recharge!”

Gloomy? Poke Omi with a lamp. Tired? Poke Omi with a powerbank.

Joke’s on Atsumu when, one day, Omi asks for a kiss instead.+ “Omi! Here’s yer energy source!” Atsumu teases, waving the cable of a powerbank over Omi’s face.

Omi flicks the plug away. “Don’t be a wimp. Kiss me instead. That’d be more effective.”


Omi raises an eyebrow, his face the perfect image of indifference. “Kiss me.”+
May 27, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
#SakuAtsu Kiyoomi always sleeps while travelling. He has always had bad motion sickness, so long trips were the worst. Atsumu has just accepted this as a fact about him even before they started dating.

So why is Kiyoomi still awake and staring at him on their car ride to Tokyo?+ This is what Atsumu knows: 10 minutes into the trip, Kiyoomi would have already pulled out his neck pillow (and his jacket if the AC is broken). His headphones would already be on, blasting his so-called “soothing playlist” filled with classical pieces and soft, acoustic songs. +
May 24, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
#sakuatsu spring flings for kiss day!

The next time they meet after their last Spring High is at a Tokyo cafe, right in the middle of the paradigm shift of their lives, in the lull between Sakusa moving into his dorm and Atsumu trying out for various Division 1 teams.+ It's a stressful time, with the lack of security from high school sweeping them off their feet, so the sight of any familiar face becomes an instant source of comfort.

And so it wasn't surprising when they settle on the same table, barely acquaintances finding solace in the +
May 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
#SakuAtsu When Shoyo tells him about how Tadashi uses certain objects as a reset point, Atsumu realizes this:

Sakusa Kiyoomi is his reset point. It’s his two moles, steadfast & constant in the blur of the game.

His lighthouse. His anchor on a raging sea, rooting him in place.+ Whenever he feels like the game is sweeping him off his feet, he only looks back to those moles.

They never go away, constantly within sight even with Kiyoomi’s curly hair, and so they always ground him. Always remind him to slow down and breathe.

But it’s not just the moles.+
May 14, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
#sakuatsu Atsumu never knew what Omi’s game face looks like. That is until the middle of the 5th set with MSBY dangerously close to losing the championship.

And then, in between rotations, Sakusa procures a hairtie and ties his hair.

The internet breaks down. So does Atsumu. + Atsumu keeps looking back at Sakusa’s spot, curly hair all bundled up on the crown of his head. He’s surprised he can even set right, given that he’s moving on muscle memory alone because he keeps on turning his head.

There’s a reason Sakusa has kept it a secret, he thinks.
May 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#sakuatsu As a kid Sakusa only smiled by flexing half his face to purposefully make his (1) dimple show up. Which means he had tons of photos with the most exaggerated half smile.

Then Atsumu sees his childhood photos for the first time. Except he never knew Omi has dimples. + He begins poking Omi’s cheeks, frantic. “OMI??? WHERE IS IT. WHERE DID IT GO. WHY IS IT GONE.”

“It only shows up when I smile like that.”

“Then do it.”

“I’m not going to smile like that, Atsumu. That’s ridiculous. I look like I’m in pain.” +