Lim Wei Jiet Profile picture
Dispute Resolution Lawyer / Tweets are my own / Follow me on my other socials in the website linked.
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Jul 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Dr M says "mempromosi negara berbilang bangsa" is "bertentangan Perlembagaan".

As a lawyer, it is my duty to point out that Dr M has got it absolutely wrong, and has given a shockingly twisted interpretation of our Constitution. 1. At the outset, if one follows the Reid Commission report & the events leading to drafting of Consti (spearheaded by the multiracial Alliance Party), one would know the Consti was DESIGNED to cater to a multiracial country.
Oct 5, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
If Zahid becomes PM, dismantling our institutions like the Judiciary, AG, MACC, media & rule of law is a given.

But the 1 thing tat keeps me up at night is not the above.

It is the re-drawing of boundaries, which can be done in 2026.

Let me tell you why. In 2018, UMNO-controlled EC re-drew boundaries to maximise UMNO's advantage.


1) Pack all Opposition voters into super-constituencies to dilute their vote (Malapportionment)

2) Draw boundaries in the most absurd way to make sure UMNO voters get majority (Gerrymandering)
Aug 17, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Saya dah baca kesemua 106 mukasurat Laporan JKSTUPKK berkenaan Skandal LCS.

Ada banyak keputusan oleh MOF (diketuai Najib) & MINDEF (diketuai Zahid Hamidi) ketika itu yang meragukan & perlu dijawab segera.

Ini beberapa rumusan penting laporan tersebut: Image 1. MINDEF langgar kehendak TLDM byk kali:

(a) TLDM mahu design kapal Sigma (Belanda), MINDEF luluskan Gowind (DCNS)

(b) TLDM mahu sistem peluru NSM (KDA), MINDEF luluskan MBDA (DCNS)

(c) 4 peralatan diangkat MINDEF ke MOF tanpa dirujuk TLDM, MOF luluskan keesokan hari! ImageImageImageImage
Aug 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
A summary of the Federal Court's decision in rejecting Najib's application to adduce new evidence/witnesses on Nazlan's role in Maybank.

1. "New" minutes of meetings & letters had alrdy been served to Najib in 1MDB trial on 4.11.2019, 1 month before Defence's case in SRC trial 2. No relevance

Nazlan's role in Maybank in establishment of SRC (even if true) has no relevance to charges against Najib i.e. abuse of power.
Aug 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Something is off.

Charges vs Ramli Nor relate to:

1) RM13 mil to Setaria Holding Ltd
2) RM1.3 mil to JSD Corporation Pte Ltd
3) RM6 mil to Sousmarin Armada Ltd

NONE of these companies mentioned in PAC Report.

Total sum is RM20+ million, peanuts compared to RM6bil scandal. Main wrongdoings highlighted by PAC not unearthed in these charges:

1. Why was SIGMA design changed to GOWIND, leading to ex-Navy Chief saying "something is gravely wrong"? Who benefitted from this?

2. Why did BNS appoint CAD & CED, leading to balooning purchasing costs?
Jul 14, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Isu Tuntutan USD15 Bilion Kesultanan Sulu & Aset Petronas

Banyak hujahan tak berasas, tak adil (disingenuous) & disulami emosi semata2 dilempar Najib.

Dilihat dari konteks undang2 timbangtara (arbitration) & antarabangsa, serta strategi perundangan, ini pandangan saya: Persoalan utama adalah ini: Adakah surat Tommy Thomas menjadi sebab aset Petronas kononnya disita di Luxemborg?

Jawapan: Tidak.

Biar saya jelaskan.
Jan 28, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
Finally finished reading the Court of Appeal judgment on Taman Rimba Kiara.

Very progressive & commendable judgment. Will be of great interest to all of us who care for the environment & healthy urbanisation.

A summary: 1. The Facts

Taman Rimba Kiara was envisioned by d KL local authority as a public open space, green & recreational area.

It is d only public park in KL where wild hornbills are sighted. Also d habitat & migration point of various flora & fauna (many who r protected species).
Jan 8, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Today, the Federal Court, in a 4-3 split, has pushed back consti law development in Msia by 2-3 decades.

In Maria Chin v DG of Immigration, Abd Rahman Sebli (majority) held that:

1. The basic structure doctrine doesn't exist in Msia (contrary to Semenyih Jaya & Indira Gandhi) The basic structure doctrine = legal doctrine that the constitution has certain fundamental features (like separation of powers & judicial independence) that cannot be erased by its legislature.

This doctrine, so assiduously developed in 3 recent FC decisions, has been gutted.
Oct 10, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
In conjunction with World Mental Health Day, I urge the Government to repeal Section 309 of the Penal Code which criminalises attempted suicide.

Malaysia is one of the only few countries which still retain this archaic law in our statute books. There is serious lack of compassion & humanity in a criminal justice system if ppl who have reached such a desperate position in life is punished even further with a jail term.

The law should not only be concerned with penalties, but must be tempered with mercy and kindness.
Oct 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
MUDA's "Pause Malaysia".

I don't think MUDA ever meant to put a "pause" on:

1) Holding the Gov accountable
2) Criticizing Ministerial policies
3) Calling out (loudly) abuse of power & oppression

I promise u, I'll be the 1st one out any movement who expects me to "pause" these. What MUDA is calling for:

1) No more political hopping/backdealings = instability amidst worsening pandemic. Eg: Sabah & KlusterPolitik

2) No GE in near future, which will further spread C-19

3) Bipartisan Gov & Opp working to solve immediate concerns. Not a novel thing.
Sep 16, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Consti Trivia for 🇲🇾 Day:

Did u know that, in 1963, Kelantan challenged the formation of the Federation of Malaysia (i.e. Malaya's decision to federate with Spore, Sabah & Sarawak)?

The "Kelantan challenge" resulted in a Federal Court decision [1963] MLJ 333.

Why did it do so? The legal reason: the Malaysia Agreement abolishes the Federation of Malaya (which Kelantan is a part of) & thus violate the Fed of Msia Agreement 1957.

Therefore, the Executive had had to obtain the consent of each of Fed of Malaya states beforehand, including Kelantan Ruler.
Jun 3, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Ampun Tuanku.

Dengan hormat, Sultan Johor tiada kuasa utk bubarkan DUN secara diri-sendiri.

Tuanku hanya ada budibicara tersebut jika dinasihati oleh MB utk berbuat demikian.

Malaysia mengamalkan sistem raja berperlembagaan, bukan monarki kuasa mutlak. Perlembagaan & Undang2 Tubuh Negeri telah patik teliti dengan cermat.

Patik telah pun menukil suatu artikel mengenai isu ini semasa pertukaran MB Johor pada 2019.…
May 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
From 1st June, Sec 17A of the MACC Act comes into force.

Why must businesses, management & directors pay attention?

1) If a person associated w company (which includes staff, 3rd party agents, etc.) commits bribery, d company also commits the offence… 2) If d company commits offence, a director, controller, partner or whoever manages affairs of company (at time of commission of offence) is deemed to have committed d offence of bribery.

Simply put, management can be charged for corruption if his/her staff engages in corruption
Apr 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Will be joining @anwaribrahim & Prof Rosmawati together with anchors @melisa_idris & @SharaadKuttan at @501Awani later at 10pm.

We will discuss about Parliament's 1-day sitting amidst the Covid-19 outbreak. I'll summarise what I said:

Based on facts we know so far (1 day sitting with no debates, no other early date for next sitting, concerns of lack of legitimacy), it is arguable that the 1-day sitting is unconstitutional/unlawful.
Mar 21, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Have spent d last few days on "Dialog: Thoughts on Tunku's Timeless Thinking".

What a remarkable & visually stunning memoir of Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Here are 10 insightful nuggets of wisdom from d book.

Hopefully it will spread some positivity in this trying times for 🇲🇾. 1. When Tunku was a law student in Cambridge, he was notorious for his motor misadventures. He frequently sped through campus in his Riley sports car.

The University had to appoint a "Motor Proctor". That office, created specifically due to Tunku, still exists until today.
Feb 25, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I welcome everyone to read the Constitution (easily googled online).

However, in our rush & enthusiasm, sometimes it's common to arrive at a wrong/inaccurate interpretation.

Here's a crash course on d basic principles of consti interpretation for d layperson: 1. The Consti must be considered as a whole.

Don't be selective. As far as possible, ALL provisions must be considered to efectuate actual purpose of Consti.

Best eg: YDPA - on surface, he has so many powers in Consti

But read Art 40(1A): YDPA must always act on advice of PM
Apr 5, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
The Federal Court earlier today struck down the applicability of double presumption under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.

This is a landmark decision.

But what exactly is the double presumption?

This is a thread.… 2. Let's say at the airport, you were stopped by immigration. They discovered a bag of white substance in the outer pocket of your luggage bag.  You were shocked. You didn't know who put it there.

Drug tests later show the white substance is a few hundred grams of heroine.
Mar 25, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
Adakah Statut Rome bercanggah dengan konsep kekebalan institusi diraja & Perlembagaan Persekutuan?

Saya dengan rendah berpendapat bahawa tiada percanggahan, dan ketiga-tiga boleh wujud dengan harmoni.

Ini bebenang. 1. Perlembagaan Msia x menyentuh isu kekebalan dalam konteks undang2 antrbangsa. Ia hanya merangkumi kekebalan dlm jenayah domestik.

Bidangkuasa Statut Rome & International Criminal Court (ICC) adalah trdhp jenayah antrbangsa. Oleh tu, tiada percanggahan antara satu sama lain
Mar 6, 2019 18 tweets 5 min read
1. Adakah kerajaan Perak & Kedah bakal tumbang, selepas "perkahwinan" UMNO & PAS?

Saya bincang dari aspek perlembagaan, politik & matematik.

Ini bebenang. 2. Perak: Goyah Tapi Stabil

Di PRU14, UMNO menang 27 krusi & PAS 3 krusi. PH menang 29 krusi. Tiada parti memegang majoriti mudah. Namun 2 ADUN UMNO menyokong PH, dan Krjaan Ngri PH yg diketuai Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu ditubuhkan dgn majoriti 31 krusi.