Lina from Crimea 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Crimean Tatar in Kyiv. - help 🇺🇦 deoccupy my homeland;
Sep 10, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵 An important thread about the only independent Crimean Tatar newspaper "Къырым" ("Qırım") in occupied Crimea, its struggle for survival and truthful reporting, and what you can do to support it. Image "Къырым" ("Qırım") is the first newspaper in Crimean Tatar language published in Crimea after the return of Crimean Tatars from Soviet deportation in 1944. Founded in 1989, it has been a voice for the Crimean Tatar community ever since. Image
Jun 30, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
When I was 10, I decided to switch to the Ukrainian language in daily life. This decision was bold for a child in mostly russian-speaking Crimea, but I really enjoyed speaking Ukrainian in school lessons. I thought that since we are citizens of Ukraine, it was the right decision. Image Inspired by this decision, I went to the shop near the school after classes and asked for an ice cream in Ukrainian. The shopkeeper reacted negatively to the sound of the Ukrainian language, she rudely asked me "Is something wrong with your head?"
Feb 4, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I saw a comment that many foreigners don't understand what occupation is. To avoid explaining, I'll give an example.

Today I remembered how 8 years ago, still a high school student, on an ordinary January Saturday, I decided to take a walk in Simferopol with a friend.
1/8 Image It was gloomy, windy, snowy - not the most pleasant weather for a walk. Until someone suggested going to Alushta. The ticket was cheap, and the trolleybus ride took about an hour. In Alushta, it was sunny and significantly warmer, with no snow.
Nov 17, 2021 57 tweets 10 min read
1/ Тред про українську мову в моєму житті до 2014 року

Чому українська в Криму була непопулярною, ви знаєте і без мене.

У дитячому садочку в Сімферополі я українську не чула взагалі. Нуль слів. Виключно російська. Писати, читати, рахувати, розповідати вірші нас вчили тільки нею Перше слово українською я почула майже в 7 років - в першому класі

На той момент майже у всіх школах міста було так: всі предмети, окрім укр.мови, викладали російською

Те саме було і в музичній школі, і різних гуртках. Почути українську дитина могла лише в новинах на тб